Magmi Not Importing When CSV Files Contains Commas - magento

I have installed and made some successful product imports in to Magento using Magmi, but as soon as I try to import any data where the spreedsheet columns have commas [,] Magmi will not perform the import.
For example when I save the data in this speadsheet as a CSV file Magmi successfully imports the data;
However, Magmi refuses to import the data in the table below, where you can see in column F I have added data that include 'commas'.
Can anyone advise. I am using an Apple Mac with OpenOffice to prepare and save my data.

Is the data not importing entirely, or is just the visibility column not being set?
Visibility is a Magento core attribute which Magmi can set by using exact numerical option id value.
Generally, the option values you want to use for the visibility field are as follows:
Not Visible Individually = 1
Catalog = 2
Search = 3
Catalog, Search = 4
So in your case, if you want to set these products to Catalog, Search, you can set the visibility column value to 4.
To double-check that the above mapping is correct for your instance of Magento, the easiest way is as follows:
Go edit any product
Look for the Visibility drop down field, and right click > inspect element
In the developer tools, take note the values associated to each label.
Below an example of the process and what to look for.

Axel is correct, you should set the data to the numerical value 4.
But I do also recommend you explore a better way to export CSV content from Open Office. You may have to start a new document because I find I only see the dialogue below once and then I never see it again. Create a new document, paste your data into it. Choose save-as, select CSV, and save it. Eventually you should see the dialogue below. Change the encoding to UTF 8, the text delimiter to " and tick the 'Quote all text cells' box.
Then you should be able to have any cells with commas or other things in them. Always ensure you CSV files are quoted. "like","this","so you, can","have commas, in them". It is worth inspecting your CSV file in a text editor to see the format is as expected before uploading it to MAGMI.


Uipath - How to extract A table from a pdf

Hi i have found some video and text on how to do this but they dont help with this task.
I know how to get one values but not extract a table.
I want this to get exported into a database if possible or a Excel. But i cant figure it out.
I have even tryed change the "Change reading opption"
I tryed to "data scraping" but the program just say
"This controler does not support data extraction"
And it can't be more of a table then this.
I have heard that it cant be because the structure of the PDF is bad.
Still isn't there more ways of doing this.
Unfortunately, there is no activity in UiPath to read tables directly from PDFs. (As of today.) That was the bad news. The good news is that you can get to the contents of the PDF. Either you get the data (as flat text) directly with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText or you have to use OCR.
#kwoxer provided a wonderful link for explanations on this topic.
I have already been able to extract data from tables contained in a PDF document. At that time, I was lucky: ReadPDFText extracted everything. The table elements were separated by tabs ("\t"). And the table header contained a word that did not appear elsewhere in the document.
Just as an idea, I proceeded like this:
Extract text from the PDF document with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText.
Create an array, where the elements are the lines in the document. (Split using Environment.NewLine and option StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Go through lines in a loop (ForEach) until the table header is found. (StartsWith or Contains etc.)
The next row belongs to the table as long as it contains a tab. (Otherwise the table is over.)
Split current row by tab and store it in an array: The elements of the array are the individual cells of the row.
I hope, this idea help.

Oracle OBIEE (BI): export result of analysis without hidden columns to CSV

I have an analysis which contains hidden one column. While I'm trying to export result to .xlsx file, it works right, and hidden column doesn't print and calculation works fine. But when I'm trying to export it to .csv - either with ';' delimeter or tab-delimeter - hidden column appears.
There is no opportunity to exclude this column from analysis defenition because of field that I need to calculate, that has strong dependence on hidden column. Also I can't keep it in that form and remove column and add calculation by myself because this file after export automatically will be imported to database which has not enough space to make such operation every month till forever. Is there any way not to print hidden column and save prepared calculation while exporting to CSV?
No. CSV exports exactly what's in the analysis. That's its point and task. You can always clone your analysis, prepare the columns as you need and then just expose it as a download link.
CSV = exact, pure raw data as it's in the analysis construction
Excel = formatted based on what's rendered visually

Extra blank records in CRM import

I am trying to import a dataset into a custom entity in Dynamics CRM 2015 on-prem, using the import template for the entity, saved as CSV.
My dataset is quite small - only 10 rows. (Yes, I know it would probably take less time to just enter them manually).
When I import the data, CRM reads it as 3,001 records. The extra records show up totally blank. I am sure I don't have any extraneous data in other rows and columns.
Has anyone seen this, or have any idea what could be going on?
I have faced the same issue once. Sometimes the csv file containing some empty rows.
I have copied only the rows which containing data to a new csv file and imported it again. This approach solved my issue.
You can try once.
Another option is to open your CSV in Notepad or some other text editor. If there are additional rows, you will see them (rows that look like ",,,,,,,". You can delete them in the text editor and save, thereby being sure that Excel won't add the blank values back.

Skip attribute if filled in Magmi

I'm working on a client site where the description is only sometimes provided in the data feed, other times the data feed has an empty value for the description and it's entered manually. Currently the issue I'm seeing is that, when importing, Magmi will replace any manually entered descriptions with the blank field provided with the data field
Is there a way to tell Magmi not to overwrite an attribute if the value in the CSV is blank so that it doesn't delete manually entered data?
In a lot of field types, Magmi will treat a blank value as a 'do not update'.
Text fields will update verbatum though, so Magmi has an answer for this - replace your blank description fields with;
And Magmi will treat that field as though it werent in the data for that particular line item.
Example here on the Magmi Wiki

Magento - Importing Products in csv file - empty columns

I am currently adding all my products into a csv file ready to import into my store. To get the template i exported my existing products and am using that csv as the template which contains every single column.
I have a lot of empty columns such as...
custom_design_from manufacturer minimal_price msrp special_price
Do i need to include these empty columns? If i remove them will that mess up my import?
no it will not effect , you can remove them from csv and import
No it will not mess up your import, however be careful when making edits to the csv file as some programs save the file in the wrong csv format I'd recommend open office and when you hit save make sure you push in current format
