How to specify Visual Studio Team Explorer collection on start-up? - visual-studio

This is with VS and TFS 2010. I have multiple TFS servers and multiple collections. When I launch VS, it connects to the "last used" collection. If I had multiple instances of VS open, connected to different collections, whichever exits last appears to "win" as the last used collection. This is annoying.
Really what I want is multiple desktop shortcuts, each set up to force Team Explorer to connect to a specific collection at start-up.
Is this possible?

I don't have the precise solution you asked for, but I feel your pain and this is what I use.
Download and install the Team Foundation Power Tools.
From a Visual Studio Command Prompt run the following command:
tfpt connections
Uncheck the 'Automatically reconnect to last server on startup' checkbox, and close the tool.
Then create a shortcut on your desktop as follows:
devenv /Command Team.ConnecttoTeamFoundationServer
This will open the 'Connect to Team Foundation Server' dialog on startup, where you can then select a server/collection/project from the dialog. It saves the 'wait for connect', 'disconnect', 'choose server' dance.

In newer versions of Visual Studio there is this option which will automatically hide or show Team Explorer on Startup:
Help -> Manage Visual Studio Performance -> Tool Windows -> Start Up


VisualStudio not saving Startup Window

Since a few weeks I have had this infuriating problem.
Whenever I start VS it opens an empty environment.
I tried to change that in Options > Environment > Startup from "Empty environment" to "Start window". After pressing "OK" I restarted VS completely and reopened it. Again: a new empty environment opens.
After reinstalling VS several times now I gave up and want to know, if someone had a similar problem and knows a fix for this problem.
Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (16.8.3)
Installed Workloads from VS-Installer:
ASP.NET and web development
Azure development
Python development
.NET desktop development
Desktop development with C++
Data storage and processing
.NET Core cross-platform development
Additional Extensions:
JetBrains ReSharper 2020.2.4
Visual Studio Tools for Tizen
*all the extensions are up-to-date
After MONTHS I finally found a solution. I basically tried to uninstall all extensions and discovered that this issue only occurs while ReSharper is installed. I didn't find anything regarding this on the internet, therefore I searched all of the options and I finally found the issue!
If you have the same issue and have ReSharper installed (currently 2020.3.3) open Visual Studio and go to Extensions/ReSharper/Options. A new window will pop up. Then navigate to Environment/Performance Guide and under the group Visual Studio preferences affecting performance you'll find the item Show empty environment at startup. Set it from Fix Silently to Ignore. Click Save and close this window.
Additionally, you have reset the specific Visual Studio option. Therefore open Tools/Options and navigate to Environment/Startup and set the On startup, open: to Start window. Click OK and restart Visual Studio to check if the Start Window now gets displayed correctly.

another instance of an application is already in process - visual studio 2013

I am attempting to log into Microsoft Visual Studio, so I can connect to TFS, and I am unable to login.
After I enter my credentials, it acts like everything is good to go but I do not login in the top right. When I hover over Sign in I get an error stating "Another instance of the application is already in the process of signing in."
I did just remove my user settings because of another issue not allowing me to actually connect to anything because I just branched a product.
I have attempted to shutdown the computer, restart visual Studio, reinstall visual studio and I also reinstalled microsoft office; as well as. added the two sites mentioned from another forum to my trusted sites (* if anyone has any information on this that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
Just try below things to narrow down the VS sign in issue:
Disable any Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware software on your
computer, navigate to <Visual Studio Installation Path>\Common7\IDE
and run the following commands: devenv.exe /resetuserdata, it will
take a couple of minutes to run as Visual Studio cleans up and sets
itself back to its original state.
Close visual studio --> delete the following registry key
--> restart visual studio --> Try and sign in
Remove credenticals from Credential Manager (Control Panel\All
Control Panel Items\Credential Manager)
Clean VS caches:
Close Visual Studio (ensure devenv.exe is not present in the Task
Delete the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ComponentModelCache directory
Restart Visual Studio.
Open the following file in notepad:
Add and then re-open vs and try the sign in again.
However it's not necessary to sing in Visual Studio if you just want to connect to TFS. You can only manage the connections in Team Explorer. When you add a new TFS server and try to connect, it will prompt to enter the credetical. Just enter the appropriate TFS credentical to connect the TFS server.

How to handle Visual Studio 2010 Not Responding?

First of all, I am not asking the same question here. ( This may be a duplicate post on Stack Overflow.) I have searched other solutions on MSDN, ASP .NET Forum, Stack Overflow, Code Project and everywhere on internet. But none of them solved my problem. These are the links that I found:
And a lot more...
My CPU is 4th Generation Intel Core i7 and memory capacity is 8 GB. I think it is more than recommended hardware requirements.
My visual studio hangs on these situations.
Opening a solution (Hangs for a minute when I open a file from solution explorer)
Running the debugging (Freezes consistently when I click on debug button) and
Stopping the debugging (Freezes immediately after the UI returns to the Developer layout after debugging)
I have tried the following steps:
I ensured that I deleted all the breakpoints in the solution.
I ensured that I am not using any resources from network drive.
I ensured Step over properties is enabled.
I ensured Enable .NET Framework source stepping is NOT enabled.
I start visual studio with SafeMode to suppress extensions
I cleared watch window.
I cleaned and rebuilt the solution.
Before I encounter this problem, I installed "Install Web Components" Visual Studio Add-In a few weeks ago. May be because of extensions and add-ins?
How can I do it to solve my problem?
If you suspect that Visual Studio settings get corrupted after installing "Install Web Component" bundle, why don't you try to reset the settings?
You can perform the steps below to reset Visual Studio settings:
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools (Run it with Administrator privilege: Right-click the program > Run as administrator)
Run devenv /Resetsettings to restore the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to the specified VSSettings file.
Run devenv /ResetSkipPkgs to clear all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
Run devenv /Safemode to see if you can apply it correctly. This can eliminate the possibility that third party Add-ins or packages are causing problems.
Open your solution in Safemode and see whether it works.
Found this to happen also when the solution is connected to a Team Foundation Server and the service is not available at the moment, so the solution could not connect. In this case do not end the Visual Studio instance and wait until a message box show up giving the option to Go Offline. This is usually associated with the "Visual Studio is waiting for an operation to complete...." notification message.
My solution was simply to reload a saved GOOD (backup) copy of my settings (made a year ago). Worth trying before resetting everything to blank. My VS2010 would take 60 seconds to start debugging and approx. 3 minutes to stop debugging. I saved the corrupted settings and to my surprise they were over 3MB instead of 260Kb. I loaded the good backup copy and everything is great again :-)
If Visual Studio doesn't respond only when attempting to open solutions, then open a raw instance of Visual Studio then Reset Settings
Check How to: Reset Your Settings from the Tools Menu
This is Visual Studio 2013 and Windows 8.1
Open developer command prompt.
Start -> All programs -> Visual Studio -> Visual studio tools -> developer command prompt
Make sure that you don't have any pending changes that need to be checked in.
run this command : "tf workspace /delete 'your workspace/ machine name'"
yes for removing the unnecessary pending changes if at all present.

Connect to Team Server on launch of VS?

I deal with multiple Team Foundation Servers and collections. Is there a command line I can send to VS so I don't have to manually switch between the TFS servers every time I launch VS?
The way I do it is use the start page from Visual Studio. It lists my recent projects and you can even pin them so they do not scroll out of view when you do not use them for a while.
Activating a project from the start page will automatically connect your Visual Studio environment to the correct TFS collection, because the solution you open is bound to one of them.
Works like a charm!

TFS: cannot setup up new build

I have a problem that is described here: TFS: cannot set up new build
I use Visual Studio 2008. Unfortunately, the solution provided there, didn't help.
I tried to remove and add again my TFS server - no help. Also, it's not a problem with security policies or lack of proper right, because I can initiate a new build, with the same user through Visual Studio 2005, also installed on my computer.
In addition my colleagues have no problems at all.
If someone else have experienced similar problem - I will appreciate any help !
If your getting the red cross it is likely that it is a permissions problem. From the 'Team Explorer' window within VS2008, right-click on your project node and select the 'Team Project Settings->Group Membership' menu option. From there trace down the group that your user belongs to.
Next, again right-click on your project node in the 'Team Explorer' window, this time selecting the 'Team Project Settings->Security' option. Within this dialog, find the security settings for your user group. Ensure that the 'Allow' checkbox is set for the 'Start a build' property. Confirm any changes and exit.
I have found that it is best to restart IIS on the TFS server to ensure that the chances are picked up.
Good luck !
Here is what I did. I don't know why the problem is fixed, but it's ok ... for now.
I installed the Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2008 Power Tools and exclusively installed the integration of the tools with Visual Studio. Then I did the following instructions again:
I decided to add my user (just me, not from some domain group) in to the permission menu options ... Then, from security option menu I checked the 'start a build' option at my user and restarted the Visual Studio.
After restarting the Source control menu is a little bit different from what it was before, but at least I can start builds now. Hope It's forever :)
Is the server running TFS 2005 or 2008?
Have you tried running the diagnostics in the BPA Tool?
Team Build had many breaking changes between 2005 and 2008. VS 2008 cannot create new build definitions on a 2005 server. Details:
