another instance of an application is already in process - visual studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I am attempting to log into Microsoft Visual Studio, so I can connect to TFS, and I am unable to login.
After I enter my credentials, it acts like everything is good to go but I do not login in the top right. When I hover over Sign in I get an error stating "Another instance of the application is already in the process of signing in."
I did just remove my user settings because of another issue not allowing me to actually connect to anything because I just branched a product.
I have attempted to shutdown the computer, restart visual Studio, reinstall visual studio and I also reinstalled microsoft office; as well as. added the two sites mentioned from another forum to my trusted sites (* if anyone has any information on this that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Just try below things to narrow down the VS sign in issue:
Disable any Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware software on your
computer, navigate to <Visual Studio Installation Path>\Common7\IDE
and run the following commands: devenv.exe /resetuserdata, it will
take a couple of minutes to run as Visual Studio cleans up and sets
itself back to its original state.
Close visual studio --> delete the following registry key
--> restart visual studio --> Try and sign in
Remove credenticals from Credential Manager (Control Panel\All
Control Panel Items\Credential Manager)
Clean VS caches:
Close Visual Studio (ensure devenv.exe is not present in the Task
Delete the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ComponentModelCache directory
Restart Visual Studio.
Open the following file in notepad:
Add and then re-open vs and try the sign in again.
However it's not necessary to sing in Visual Studio if you just want to connect to TFS. You can only manage the connections in Team Explorer. When you add a new TFS server and try to connect, it will prompt to enter the credetical. Just enter the appropriate TFS credentical to connect the TFS server.


After update tfs version couldn't connect tfs from visual studio

We update our tfs version from 2013 to 2017. After update tfs version couldn't connect tfs from visual studio.
Everytime i am getting "You are not authorized to access"
but i can connect from browser with same credentials.
I deleted generic tfs credentials from "Credential Manager" and add again but i didn't work.
I tried to type ipconfig / flushdns to cmd and it didn't work.
I tried to delete TeamExplorer.config from "C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_674a43b7\Team Explorer" and i didn't work.
By the way my computer on business domain. I think theres is something wrong with this domain but i can't figure out what can i do.
It should be a Visual Studio 2017 credential cached token issue. You could try below ways to clear cache:
Close all Visual Studio instances.
Delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService.
(By default it should be C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\.IdentityService)
There are some identity related caching going on in there, deleting the folder will force the identity system to rebuild its cache.
Also Clear TFS related caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team
Run Visual Studio as another user:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE
runas /netonly /user:<account> devenv.exe
Enter the user possword, then Team Explorer > Manage Connections
If the issue still exists, also take a look at this blog for more ways.

After Visual Studio 2015 installation, hard drives seem to be locked

I have a Windows 2012 system with Visual Studio 2010 installed. It worked fine on this system. Today I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on it. After installation, when I try to open existing solutions with Visual Studio 2010, the loading becomes very slow. Also, I am not able to save any modified files in the solutions. It seems that all the solution folders and files have become read-only. When I tried to change the attribute in Explorer, I was shown "You will need to provide administrator persmissions to change these attributes", even though I already logged in as administrator.
When I tried to save an ordinary text file, I was also not able to because some process is locking it. The same thing happens to C:\ as well.
Also, I notice that if I right click and select "New" from the pop-up menu in Explorer, the only option is "Folder" (this only happens for D:\ and not C:).
What could be the problem?
The local security policy was changed when I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. In Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options, "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode" was changed to "Enabled". All I needed to do was to change it back to "Disabled" and then restart the system. The problems described disappeared after that.

How to disconnect from VSTS from VS2013

Our project is within Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), and we use VS2013 to connect to VSTS.
When we click on Connect to Team Project option from VS2013 IDE, no credentials dialog appears, and VS2013 automatically connects my project to the online Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).
When I click on Disconnect option from the IDE Team Menu, and try again my project is still connects to VSTS. I tried deleting all the cookies and passwords from Internet Explorer but still issue is not resolved.
I checked Windows Credentials too, but I did not find any there. Here is a screen shot image.
Can you help me to find out where I need to remove VSTS credentials from my computer. Every time that I open that project and click on Connect to Team Project, I want VS2013 to ask for credentials to connect to VSTS.
Please help me find the correct method to accomplish this goal. Thank you.
Seems the system will remember the credential once you conneted to the VSTS.
So, we cannot achieve that as you said "every time i open that project and when i click on connect to team project then VS2013 ask for credentials to connect to VSTS." unless you clean/reset the user data every time or run Visual Studio with another user ever time.
You can try below items to clean the credentials to popup the enter credential dialog:
Remove all related credentials from Credential Manager as you did.
Clear the IE(or any other browser) stored passwords, reference below screenshot.
Delete the key from registry:
Delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\{Ver}\Cache\Volatile\{SomeGUID}_https\VersionContr‌​ol.config
Delete the credential stored json file under :
Run Visual Studio with another user: (See Runas for details)
Runas /profile /user:[DOMAIN]\[user] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
Reset user data by running this command : devenv.exe /resetuserdata

Codeplex: cannot log in with Visual Studio

I'm trying to login to Codeplex's TFS server using visual studio 2015.
I've done this in the past, and it has always worked.
Now however, I changed my PC and on my new visual studio installation I cannot login with the login info they provide.
Basically, whenever I try to log-in, visual studio keeps showing the login popup again and again, without any error message.
The credentials are correct, I double and triple checked them.
Any ideas?
You can try below ways to figure out the access issue:
Clear the user and password info stored in Windows Credential
(Control Panel-Credential Manager)
Disable the firewall and antivirus software
Clear TFS and VS cache
Log out your account in the old machine and try again
Make sure that you have selected Visual Studio Team Foundation Server for source control. To do this, go into the Visual Studio options menu and select Visual Studio TFS as the Current source control plug-in. Then, select Tools Options- Source Control - Plug-in Selection.
If you are still having trouble, try going through the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. (Note: you need to use Forgot Password, and not the normal Change Password option). Try connecting again.

Cannot add SourceSafe Database as Visual Studio 2010 source control

My issue is that I cannot add SourceSafe Database for source control within Visual Studio 2010.
Our team was initially using VSS for source control in Visual Studio 2010. During an evaluation of TFS, I switched my source control to TFS. It will be a few weeks before a decision is made on TFS, so I needed to switch my source control back to VSS. However I'm now unable to add a SourceSafe Database in Visual Studio.
Steps to Reproduce in Visual Studio 2010:
1) Access the 'Open SourceSafe Database' form via Tools->Options->Source Control->Plug-in Settings-->Advanced
or via File->Source Control
2) The list of available database is blank so I choose 'Browse'.
3) I browse to the srcsafe.ini file for my VSS database and select it.
4) I'm promted to confirm the Database Name - Click OK.
5) The database does not appear in the 'Open SourceSafe' Database form. The list of available databases is still blank.
Note that I can add the database fine outside of Visual Studio using VSS directly. However the databases I add via VSS do not appear in the Visual Studio forms.
I'm suspicious that this is related to "down-grading" from TFS to VSS which may not have been heavily tested at MS.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I installed VS2010, then i install VSS, then i have the same problem, cant connect to my VSS it by default opens (TFS)
the suggestion here, to reinstall, dont sound good, did a bit more searching and found this:-
and found the easy solution that 'CletusLoomis' is looking for:
hanks for your post.
Could you please try the following steps?
Open VS2010, then choose the menu: Tools->Options, then click "Souce Control"
click drop-down box under text"Current souce control plug-in", use "None", rather than "Microsoft Visual Source Safe"
thats it, problem solved!
hope this helps someone else who found this page via google.
To do that you must run Visual Studio 2010 as Administrator. Just click on Icon using right button, Go to Properties, Compatibility, at the botton of screen you should mark Run this program as administrator.
That's all.
Must exist some file that the permission should be granted to all users, but instead of searching for the file, I preffer this solution.
Luiz Ricci
My Visual Studio 2010 had very similar symptoms: having selected Visual SourceSafe 2005 in the Options I had the only menu option: Launch Microsoft SourceSafe
While following the steps provided by 'visual' (as of Nov 30 '10 at 8:00) I have found the following registry key, which needs to be switched to 0 to enable the SourceSafe menu options to be displayed in Visual Studio 2010. Once the registry key value has been changed to zero Visual Studio needs to be restarted and .. voila! Now I have an additional menu option Open from source control...
The registry key is as follows (for 32bit OS it would need to be slightly modified): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SourceSafe\Namespace Extension\DisableOpenFromSourceControl
Now, why it was disabled by default is beyond me.
Your installation of VS might be corrupted. I would recommend uninstalling VSS, VS, and TFS and then reinstalling VS and VSS. Unfortunately, this could take 4+ hours, but it should fix your issue.
I don't believe that my VS installation was corrupted. I do believe there is a bug in VS 2010 which does not allow me to use VSS for source control after having used TFS. Fortunately for me, our team decided to go forward with TFS for our project's source control. I never had to solve the problem. I believe that reinstalling Visual Studio alone would have been enough to solve the issue.
I had the same problem with Windows 7, Visual Studio 2010 and VSS. I noticed several things:
VSS as standalone program does always work on my system.
VSS works perfectly in my projects, if the UAC Level is the lowest, but not with the default UAC Level.
If I open a project file with VSS source control, Visual Studio tries to read the registry. It fails to read/write the keys in the registry with access denied. Therefore I changed the permissions in the registry of the SourceSafe keys to full access for all users. Now, VSS works perfectly on my system with default UAC security level.
I faced the same problem.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 and my projects added to Visual SourceSafe 6.0
The VSS database list was not prompted on my machine as well.
After a number of attempts for over 3 hours. Finally got a solution.
I run the VS2010 using Run As Administrator option. The VSS database list was visble.
I think the issue might be due to Access Rights of Registry in Windows 7.
What a nightmare this has been. Ultimately, you can set in domain or local policy.
Local Security Policy\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode - Disabled
This means anyone in the administrator group does not have to have approval (The Dreaded Run as Administrator)to be an administrator. Can be set locally as above or domain wide. Solved a lot of problems for us.
Options -> Source Control -> Make sure the "Current Source Control Plugin" is correctly set.
Mine was set to Microsoft Visual Source Safe (Internet), and should have been Microsoft Visual Source Safe.
First, make sure you can view the database by visual source safe explorer.
Then, trying to proceed with these step...
Open Visual studio as Administrator.
Log in visual source safe by the database path. (it still disappears the database in "Available database" list.)
