System Tray Balloon Notifications from Adobe Air? [duplicate] - windows

For example, if I were to write a calendar app on top of AIR, say with Flex, could this app pop up reminder windows for approaching appointments, just like Microsoft Outlook can?
Clarification: Can those windows be actual dialogs where I can enter and save information?

See Creating toast-style windows

Twhirl pops up "toast" notifications (similiar to most instant messengers), while it is running in the system tray.
So yes.

There are notification balloons tips but this method is going out of favor with systray icons in Windows 7 and it's not cross platform. Unfortunately, you can only call this in the Win32 API using Shell_NotifyIcon and there is no way to get to it from Air.
Stuck making your own toaster popups.

Your Flex AIR application can pop up windows, dialogs, toasters, whatever.

Have a look at this article on the Adobe Website, for creating your own Toast Style Popups.
(Credit for this goes to Duncan Smart, answering this question.)


Qt Windows 10 notifications

I am trying to make use of the Windows 10 notifications system (the ones poping out from the right side panel, available from notifications tray icon) in my Qt 5.13.0 program. I am looking at the Windows extras class: but cannot find any API for such thing. Is it even possible somehow in Qt?
Yes, try the System Tray Icon example.
It is not a Windows only API. The QSystemTrayIcon class works in several platforms. In Windows 10, QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage() shows the notification you are looking for.

Is there an analogue of Windows Phone 'User Idle Detection' in Windows 8?

I've used the following code on Windows Phone 7 and 8 to disable user idle detection when my App is displaying data to the user and they are unlikely to interact with the screen e.g. A recipe App where the screen needs to stay on:
Does anyone know if there is an analogue of this available for Windows 8 applications? My tablet app has the same requirement to disable the screen turning off. I haven't managed to find anything :-(
Many thanks,
You should use the DisplayRequest class, specifically DisplayRequest.RequestActive for this purpose. You must also remember to call DisplayRequest.RequestRelease once you are done to allow the display to sleep, for example, if you are not viewing a recipe, or you are in a menu screen, etc.

Can we programmaticllay take screen shots using Blackberry and Windows 7 SDK?

I know that we can take screen shot of an App during runtime. In iOS we can use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to get the screen shot. We can also do the same in Android.
But is it possible with Blackberry and Windows 7 Mobile OS?
A simple search for "blackberry screenshot" on stackoverflow returned this pretty straightforward answer:
Taking screenshot of the current screen in BlackBerry
And a search for "windows-phone screenshot" yields this:
Windows Phone 7 - Capture Screen
If what you need is for capture a screenshot of your own Windows Phone app, then this post from Jeff Wilcox will come in handy!
It looks like there is a function for that in Display. Check out the SDK reference.
There are a couple of Homebrew tools you can use to take screenshots on WP7 here and here however you wont be able to use these programatically. You can also something along the lines of Mark Artega or Jeff Wilcox
There is no Silverlight VisualBrush support for WP7 and no global Screenshot functionality on WP7 Mango, but writablebitmap.
There is a very usefull way by using default Microsoft Emulator integrated WP7 Screenshot Tool
or use third party methods.
If you are familar with XNA Framework, there you can access to the screen. Using Multithreading, you can do your screenshots that way. If never used the last app because I feel fine using Microsofts Emulator Screenshot button to save my png images.
After you can stitch it together using different ways.

How to get a list of all open NSWindow from all running application?

Is there a way to get list of open or visible NSWindow from mac desktop?
Note that not all windows are necessarily NSWindows, and that NSWindow only provides an interface to windows in your own address space.
The supported way to access every window is the CGWindow API. Take a look at the Son of Grab sample code to see how it's done.
You can use the accessibility API (accessibility must be enabled under System Preferences for it to work) to get information on windows (and other UI elements) from other processes. This question might be just what you're looking for.
ALL running applications? No. You can only get the NSWindows of your own app. You may be able to use Universal Access or Core Graphics APIs to get some information about windows of other apps, but not full access.

Screensaver to cycle through webpages?

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to create a screensaver that can cycle through some webpages? I would like to create a screensaver that displays various dashboard and statistics pages that are available in our Hudson CI server. This is a windows machine, with firefox and IE available.
Extra bonus points if I can do it in ruby! :-)
I programmed a lot of screensavers in Delphi, but I think the following should be applicable to all sorts of development environments.
You create the main form of your screensaver and put an IE-control on it (or if your development environment does not support it, an OLE-container) and then create a timer which changes the webpage shown by the IE-control.
Sorry no solution in ruby....
Ok, so after a few false starts I found a pretty simple solution. I used Visual Studio Express Edition to create a windows forms application. You just need to drag a WebBrowser control onto the form and resize to full screen at startup. Then all you have to do is hook up the event handlers to deal with the mouse and keyboard.
Some more details here:
Blog post on how I made the screensaver
Source code on github
