Qt Windows 10 notifications - windows

I am trying to make use of the Windows 10 notifications system (the ones poping out from the right side panel, available from notifications tray icon) in my Qt 5.13.0 program. I am looking at the Windows extras class: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwinextras-index.html but cannot find any API for such thing. Is it even possible somehow in Qt?

Yes, try the System Tray Icon example.
It is not a Windows only API. The QSystemTrayIcon class works in several platforms. In Windows 10, QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage() shows the notification you are looking for.


What API/protocol is used to implement `Share` feature in windows explorer

I want to know the API or protocol of the Share feature in the windows explorer like this
Does anybody have any ideas?
ShowShareUIForWindow (MSDN says it requires Windows 8 but it actually only works in Windows 10/11 in a normal desktop application).
How do I show the sharing pane from a Win32 desktop application?

Share screen of Microsoft Windows 10 apps using webrtc

When a Windows 10 computer wants to share some of its screens using webrtc protocol (firefox navigator), a list of the windows that can be shared appears. In this list, only "normal" applications appears, not the one related to "apps". By example, spotify window appears, but OneNote window is not listed.
It seems (?) webrtc screen share is not compatible with UWP apps.
Knows someone a way to share the screen of an app via webrtc ?
Note: following link allows to reproduce this issue:
you do not need share anything, just push "window" and see the list of windows that appears.
I believe Chromium (the open source version - not sure about Chrome) faces the same problem as UWP requires to use a new Win 10 API which shows it's own window selector. And then obviously that selector doesn't work on other problems. So it's a common problem on Win 10, with no known good solution as far as I can tell.

UWP windows 10 store and windows 10 mobile store

I am building an application targeting windows 10 desktop and mobile both some functionality like back button functionality is different for each device mobile device use hardware back button while desktop use title bar back button option
do i have to make 2 different projects for each of device ?
No, you can have just one. Originally the back button handling on phone was done separately using the Mobile Extension SDK, but in later builds before the final release of Windows 10 this back button handling was refactored to be universal for all device families, although the back button is displayed on a different place in each.
Basically the only thing you need is to wire up the event globally:
Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested +=
To learn more, see the official MSDN documentation.

Resizable panel/grid for Windows 10 Universal App

I need to make a resizable side panel (intended to display numerous properties and tools) for my Windows 10 Universal App. I found there is a GridSplitter for WPF apps, but it seems this control doesn't work for Win10 Apps. Is there any other way how to achieve this functionality?

System Tray Balloon Notifications from Adobe Air? [duplicate]

For example, if I were to write a calendar app on top of AIR, say with Flex, could this app pop up reminder windows for approaching appointments, just like Microsoft Outlook can?
Clarification: Can those windows be actual dialogs where I can enter and save information?
See Creating toast-style windows
Twhirl pops up "toast" notifications (similiar to most instant messengers), while it is running in the system tray.
So yes.
There are notification balloons tips but this method is going out of favor with systray icons in Windows 7 and it's not cross platform. Unfortunately, you can only call this in the Win32 API using Shell_NotifyIcon and there is no way to get to it from Air.
Stuck making your own toaster popups.
Your Flex AIR application can pop up windows, dialogs, toasters, whatever.
Have a look at this article on the Adobe Website, for creating your own Toast Style Popups.
(Credit for this goes to Duncan Smart, answering this question.)
