How to fetch registry path from EventArrivedEventArgs object - events

I try to watch the registry events via WMI. I use the below query to watch any events inside HKLM\softwares
WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery(
"SELECT * FROM RegistryTreeChangeEvent WHERE " +
"AND Rootpath = 'Software'"
As expected it catches all events in EventArrivedEventArgs.
example: 1) if there is a newkey inside Hklm\software\microsoft, it captures
2) if there is a value change inside Hklm\software\microsoft\windows, it captures
However I need to know the registry path or key or value in which change has occured.
I dont know how to interpret the EventArrivedEventArgs object to get it.
Can anyone help me.

I don't believe this is possible. EventArrivedEventArgs will return an instance of RegistryTreeChangeEvent and the only thing you know about the event is the root path you are monitoring. You can work around this using the RegistryKeyChangeEvent class, specifying more than one key in the query Where clause. For example (not tested):
SELECT * FROM RegistryKeyChangeEvent
(KeyPath='SOFTWARE\Microsoft' OR
In this case you would use EventArrivedEventArgs.NewEvent property to get the RegistryKeyChangeEvent instance and its Keypath property to get the registry key that was changed.

After the analysis, Its clear that Key path for subkeys couldnot be obtained through registry events. Because Regkeychangeevent could not monitor subkeys and reg treechange event monitors subkeys which would not give the key path, the change has occured. Hence preimage post image's diff should be the only solution so far.


Windows registry key listener is not registering subkeys removed from HKEY_USERS

I'm using Go's windows package, specifically the windows.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue() function:
for {
err := windows.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(
// do stuff once event triggers
However, I'm not getting any events when a subkey is removed from HKEY_USERS. If I monitor some other key, I get an event when a subkey is added or removed. But when I monitor HKEY_USERS, I only get an event when a key is added.
What makes HKEY_USERS so special in this case?
EDIT: It seem like this is because subkeys of HKEY_USERS are added/removed via RegLoadKey() and RegUnLoadKey(). So my question becomes: how do you listen for events from RegUnLoadKey()? And why does adding keys via RegLoadKey() trigger an event, but removing keys via RegUnLoadKey does not?
Using RegNotifyChangeKeyValue document example with HKU .DEFAULT command parameters, I cannot reproduce the behavior. Both Key and Value which are added or deleted under .DEFAULT will signal the event.

Unable to change registry on Windows 10

I'm trying to change the value of the Shell registry key on Windows 10 using the following code:
Public Function overwriteStartup()
Dim winlogon As RegistryKey = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", True)
winlogon.SetValue("AutoRestartShell", 0, RegistryValueKind.DWord)
winlogon.SetValue("Shell", Application.ExecutablePath, RegistryValueKind.String)
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
The issue is that Shell and AutoRestartShell are not changing.
If I add MessageBox.Show(My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon").GetValue("Shell")) between winlogon.Close() and Return True, I get a message box that shows the correct value (which means that the value was changed), but when I check regedit, it shows the original value, so it did not actually change the value.
If your app can read the registry value - You must need to provide administrative privileges before letting your app write registry values. Go to the app manifest and set the privilege to requireAdministrator then try again, it should work.
If you remove the exception handling Try Catch, then you'll get to know the exact reason.
I changed the target framework to .NET 4 and set target CPU to AnyCPU, it works now.

How can we get the value of textbox in QTP?

I am executing the automated test scripts in UFT 12.5 I am new to UFT. Not very familiar with codes.There is an edit box wherein i have to type the value "S05292". Example:
Browser(Browsername").Page("Pagename").WebEdit("ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber").Set "S05292"
The problem is my script fails at this step and does not type the value. Can somebody provide me with a solution which is easy to understand. I tried the below two methods
Method (1)
if a=="S05292" then
msgbox ("displayed message is S05292")
msgbox ("msg is not S05292")
end if
Method (2)
x = Browser("Browsername").Page("Pagename").Webedit("ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber").GetROProperty("value")
msgbox x
The error message that displays is
Cannot identify the object "ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber" (of class WebEdit).
Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Use the Object Spy to get the properties of that text box at run time and then make sure they match up to the properties of that text box in your object repository that you defined. Perhaps that don't match up or you didn't uniquely identify that text box.
If you don't want to use an object repository then you have to pass it a property at run time to uniquely identify it. Some thing like:
Browser().page().webedit("developer name:=PDNumber").
Instead of a .set you can do a .type to set/type the value into the text box

HP-UFT object not found in object repository error

Getting the following error while executing script:
WebList object was not found in the Object Repository.
Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object.
Line (1221): "objParent.WebList(vstrObjectName).select vstrValue".
I understand, it shouldn't be as simple as the object isn't available in the repository but in in case- Try to use 'Locate in repository'
It looks like Line (1221) is trying to access a WebList object by name, but the name is stored in a variable; it is not a string literal in the code.
There might be 3 different things going on here.
1) if you were attempting to use Descriptive Programming, then it sounds like the contents of vstrObjectName didn't include the ":=" symbol that would make QTP believe the string is a description... So, QTP thinks the string stored in vstrObjectName must be the name of an object in the Object Repository.
I would like to guess that you were trying to use descriptive programming, since (based on the fact that the parent, and the parameter are also both contained in variables) it looks like you are avoiding using any string literals in that line.
2) If you were attempting to control an object with a name from the Object repository, then either the string contained in vstrObjectName didn't contain a valid object name (that belongs to objParent), or
3) the object refered to by objParent isn't the one you were expecting.
In any of these cases, if it were me, the first thing I would do is add a print statement before line 1221 as:
Print "vstrObjectName:'" & vstrObjectName & "'"
...and run it again. That should show the string that you were referencing. I would guess that the resulting output line is not what you expected.
Another thing to check is to make sure that the action or function that contains that line is executed from within an action that contains that named object in it's OR scope. (i.e. open the action and hit CTRL-R, it shows the combined OR that is visible to that action). If the line is in a function library, and it gets called from an action that doesn't have the object in it's local OR, or an attached shared OR, then you will get the same error. This kind of problem is very easy to cause if you use multiple actions, and the action containing the call to the function that contains your line (line 1221) doesn't actually have that object available to it due to it's OR scope.
To answer the question you asked - how to add object into the OR - you could use several methods - recording, guispy's add to OR button, manually add from the OR screen, etc... but in the end, you need that object in the OR to have a name that matches whatever is in vstrObjectName.
Some potential examples where an object can be selected:
Dynamically change the object based on the name of the object in the object repository:(must exist in the repository)
Dim objectname
objectname = "SAP Work Manager"
msgbox WpfWindow(objectname).Exist
Select an object that does not exist in the Object repository, by its properties:
Example page of UFT tips

Get [Messages] values in InnoSetup's language file

I know I can easily get messages inside
using this code:
which gets the AdditionalIcons string message. However, how can I get messages inside this?
What I need is to get the ButtonNext, ButtonInstall and other values, and it is NOT possible to get those values using code like this:
How can I query those values?
Related links
Inno Setup Script tips
In general, the name of the constant to use (in this case msgButtonNext) is msg + the name of the message (string concatination).
