HP-UFT object not found in object repository error - hp-uft

Getting the following error while executing script:
WebList object was not found in the Object Repository.
Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object.
Line (1221): "objParent.WebList(vstrObjectName).select vstrValue".

I understand, it shouldn't be as simple as the object isn't available in the repository but in in case- Try to use 'Locate in repository'

It looks like Line (1221) is trying to access a WebList object by name, but the name is stored in a variable; it is not a string literal in the code.
There might be 3 different things going on here.
1) if you were attempting to use Descriptive Programming, then it sounds like the contents of vstrObjectName didn't include the ":=" symbol that would make QTP believe the string is a description... So, QTP thinks the string stored in vstrObjectName must be the name of an object in the Object Repository.
I would like to guess that you were trying to use descriptive programming, since (based on the fact that the parent, and the parameter are also both contained in variables) it looks like you are avoiding using any string literals in that line.
2) If you were attempting to control an object with a name from the Object repository, then either the string contained in vstrObjectName didn't contain a valid object name (that belongs to objParent), or
3) the object refered to by objParent isn't the one you were expecting.
In any of these cases, if it were me, the first thing I would do is add a print statement before line 1221 as:
Print "vstrObjectName:'" & vstrObjectName & "'"
...and run it again. That should show the string that you were referencing. I would guess that the resulting output line is not what you expected.
Another thing to check is to make sure that the action or function that contains that line is executed from within an action that contains that named object in it's OR scope. (i.e. open the action and hit CTRL-R, it shows the combined OR that is visible to that action). If the line is in a function library, and it gets called from an action that doesn't have the object in it's local OR, or an attached shared OR, then you will get the same error. This kind of problem is very easy to cause if you use multiple actions, and the action containing the call to the function that contains your line (line 1221) doesn't actually have that object available to it due to it's OR scope.
To answer the question you asked - how to add object into the OR - you could use several methods - recording, guispy's add to OR button, manually add from the OR screen, etc... but in the end, you need that object in the OR to have a name that matches whatever is in vstrObjectName.

Some potential examples where an object can be selected:
Dynamically change the object based on the name of the object in the object repository:(must exist in the repository)
Dim objectname
objectname = "SAP Work Manager"
msgbox WpfWindow(objectname).Exist
Select an object that does not exist in the Object repository, by its properties:
Example page of UFT tips


How can we get the value of textbox in QTP?

I am executing the automated test scripts in UFT 12.5 I am new to UFT. Not very familiar with codes.There is an edit box wherein i have to type the value "S05292". Example:
Browser(Browsername").Page("Pagename").WebEdit("ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber").Set "S05292"
The problem is my script fails at this step and does not type the value. Can somebody provide me with a solution which is easy to understand. I tried the below two methods
Method (1)
if a=="S05292" then
msgbox ("displayed message is S05292")
msgbox ("msg is not S05292")
end if
Method (2)
x = Browser("Browsername").Page("Pagename").Webedit("ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber").GetROProperty("value")
msgbox x
The error message that displays is
Cannot identify the object "ctl00$ConBody$txtPDNumber" (of class WebEdit).
Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Use the Object Spy to get the properties of that text box at run time and then make sure they match up to the properties of that text box in your object repository that you defined. Perhaps that don't match up or you didn't uniquely identify that text box.
If you don't want to use an object repository then you have to pass it a property at run time to uniquely identify it. Some thing like:
Browser().page().webedit("developer name:=PDNumber").
Instead of a .set you can do a .type to set/type the value into the text box

Schroedinger's object?

I tried to check, if an object (or layer) does exist in a document.
This script works, if there is a pageItem with name x. But it fails if not. (so far so good)
The strange part is: even if this object named "x" doesn't exist, A returns an object. If I'm asking it for its name, id, index or anything the script stops because of an error.
//Schroedinger's object
$.writeln(A) //returns: [object PageItem]
$.writeln(A.id) //Error. doesn't exist
So please try it out with a blank new document in InDesign and run the script. I don't understand this phenomenon.
At least you can verify it's existance with A.isValid (that's what I am using now, hoping for the best)
Your approach is correct.
.itemByName() always returns a PageItem object (provided that you passed some string as the argument). But the returned object will only be valid if a corresponding item exists in the document. You should use the .isValid property to verify whether the returned object is valid.

QTP - if object exists in object repository

In QTP is there any way in the code to check to see if a specific object exists in the object repository. I have tried the following code:
If JavaWindow(className).JavaDialog(dialogName).Exist Then
End If
But from what I have gleamed from the Internets, this is similar to a isVisible method, only resulting in true if the specified object is currently visible. When I use the above code I receive a "JavaDialog object was not found in the Object Repository." Is there a method or any way to prevent this very error and check to see if the object does indeed exist?
Thank you for your time
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, one typically knows if an object exists in the object repository before using it. The doubt is usually whether there is a corresponding control in the AUT (Application Under Test).
If you really face the situation that sometimes the object is in the repository and sometimes it isn't (I can think of several ways for this to happen but none of them make much sense) then you can use VBScript's error handling mechanism.
On Error Resume Next ' Turn off error handling
' Just check if object is in repository, there's no need to do anything with it
Dim Exists: Exists=JavaWindow(className).JavaDialog(dialogName).Exist
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
doThisStuff 'Exists is still empty
doThisStuffInstead ' Exists is properly set
End If
On Error Goto 0 ' Resume regular error handling
So, from the error you get, either the dialog that appears is different from the one you've stored in the repository or you don't have it there.
Have you checked it is really present in the Repository? You can try to just locate this element button.
Using the method of "if object not in the repository - skip the step" is not really a good idea. 1. Why would you want to skip the test/part of the test if the object was not saved in the repository?
2. If it's not there, so you need to make sure to store it.
I would assume that this "missing" object might have some values by which it's matched to the object from the repository different from test to test. You can tune the "matching" mechanism by manually setting the values by which you want QTP to locate it.

Ruby - Difference between :variable and #variable

As a Ruby on Rails newbie, I understand that the "#" and ":" references have different meanings. I saw this post in SO, which described some of the differences.
# indicates a instance variable (e.g., #my_selection)
: indicates an alias (e.g., :my_selection)
I ran into a situation where I had a standard MVC page, similar to all of the other forms/pages in my webapp.
html.erb snippet
<%= form_for #my_selection do |f| %>
route.rb snippet
resources :my_selections
When I attempt to access this page, I get this error:
NoMethodError in selections#create
Showing C:/somedir/myapp/app/views/my_selections/index.html.erb where line #16 raised:
undefined method `my_selection_index_path' for #<#<Class:0x1197e5676>:0x25439c3b>
Line 16 is the form snippet shown above.
All of my other forms/pages in the same web app are set up in exactly the same way and are working fine. However, once I changed the erb form reference to :my_selection, this error went away and my page behaved normally.
Is my understanding of the difference between :my_selections and #my_selections correct?
Why would switching to :my_selection resolve my original error?
Is my understanding of the difference between :my_selections and
#my_selections correct?
Nope :(
: indicates a symbol, its not an alias for anything intrinsically. It's like an immutable string, which is often used as a name to represent something.
In places where the Rails api accepts a symbol in place of an instance variable, internally it's actually doing this:
self.instance_variable_get "##{my_symbol}"
Which actually returns the value of the requested instance variable.
So the only reason that you think symbol correspond to instance variable at all, is because the code that drives the API you are using works that way. Without a framework to do that for you, there is no correlation at all.
Why would switching to :my_selection resolve my original error?
for_form(model_instance) will generate a form that submits to the create action if the model instance is unsaved, or to the update action if the model is already exiting in your DB.
No I don't know what's in #my_selection, but whatever class it is doesn't seem to be generating the routes properly.
resources :my_selections
Will generate a route you would invoke like this:
How your form is generating a route for my_selection_index_path I'm not sure and it really depends on what your models are.
And when you pass a symbol instead, and there is no corresponding ivar, it uses that as the model name for route generation. Which would do the right thing by trying to invoke my_selections_path, which is directly based on the symbol you pass in.

ResourceManager.GetString() not returning value

I am trying to implement multiple language support for my web project. I am new to it.
I am not able to get the resource file value by using ResourceManager.GetString() function. I am passing the name and current CuluralInfo. The resource file present in my App_GlobalResources are Sample.resx, Sample.en-us.resx, Sample.zh-cn.resx and Sample.ar-sa.resx. I am having a name field named "Heading1" and its value in all the resource files
My code is like
string Heading1= Resources.Global.ResourceManager.GetString(("Heading1", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);
But it is always returning null value. Please help me to get the solution for this problem
I found the problem
The code should be like
string Heading1= Resources.Sample.ResourceManager.GetString(name, culture_object);
