Where can you download a preview of Xcode 4 from? - xcode

I can't find any reference to it from the Apple website.

Ripped straight from the Apple Dev site:
Xcode 4 Developer Preview Download Now Available
iOS Developer Program members log in to the iOS Dev Center
Mac Developer Program members log in to the Mac Dev Center
You also have to be a member of the ($99/year) Mac Developer Program (as I mentioned in the comments below):

I believe you have to register at developer.apple.com before you can download the preview. From there, it's in the Mac Dev Center.

The preview isn't available anymore. You can either buy it from the Mac store for $4 or enlist as developer for 99$/year and get it free.
The older xcode 3.2.6 is still available for free.


Will Android Studio work on Mac with an ARM processor?

Will Android Studio work on Apple with arm chips ARM (the new Mac devices)?
Good news !
Edit on May 2021 🎉 🌈
Apple Silicon Support
There is an arm64 version available for Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Canary 15 ... Beta03 You can download it here https://developer.android.com/studio/archive
NDK builds doesn't work
First post
Android Studio 4.1 works, but I'm not able to make Emulator work.
Even the ARM image shows me a CPU does not support VT-x
I can confirm, this preview of Emulator works properly https://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2020/12/android-emulator-apple-silicon-preview.html
Since v3 even audio-out works (no audio-in)
Update March 2021
You can simple use one of these and it's working out of the box
For most programming, the chip "underneath the hood" doesn't matter. It only matters if you're working very low-level.
To support old and new apps, Apple will use Rosetta 2, integrated emulation software, to enable ARM-based Macs to run Intel code
The IntelliJ issue for ARM support
The pull request for ARM support on IntelliJ
Intellij (and Google to a lesser extent) has a financial interest in making sure that it does work. Emulation might be slow, but I would be shocked if the IDEs and other tools aren't recompiled to work pretty soon after the release.
Edit: Their IDEs already work on ARM-based Chromebooks, which hopefully means there's little work in making it work for ARM Macs
And on the bright side, emulators will probably be faster?
Android Studio supports it starting at Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 Canary 15. The related ticket.
Android Studio is Basically InteliJ with the Android plugin enabled by default, so if you're impatient, you can use the M1 build of IntelliJ and enable the Android plugin here.
Currently, this has an issue with the bundled sqlite-jdbc not being compatible with Apple Silicon. To resolve this:
Download sqlite-jdbc 3.34.0 or later at https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/
Go to finder > applications > right click on "Intellij Idea" > "show package contents". Go to Contents>lib and replace the old sqlite-jdbc.jar with the latest downloaded sqlite-jdbc.jar file.
Go to https://github.com/google/android-emulator-m1-preview to get an M1 compatible emulator.
I am using Apple Silicon(M1) Macbook and running Android studio on it. There are 2 things -
Does Android studio work on M1 - YES, it is using Rosette2 to convert android studio binary for ARM. And performance is pretty impressive.
Do i have emulator for M1 - YES, download "Android Emulator M1 Preview2" of emulator from here - https://github.com/741g/android-emulator-m1-preview/releases/tag/0.2
Double click the .dmg. It will open folder
Drag and move emulator file to Applications
Right click on emulator file and click open. It will show developer security message. Bypass that from "Security & Privacy" window on Mac.
Right click and Open. And it will launch the emulator.
There are few issues with emulator that will resolve in future releases. You can read more on google page - https://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2020/12/android-emulator-apple-silicon-preview.html
In android studio, you will see this emulator as "Virtual device" in running device drop. Select and run your app.

How do I download Xcode Documentation

I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to 10.13, and installed Xcode 9
Xcode is working, but I don't seem to have the latest Libraries.
Previously this was a manual process which took some time. Searching I found
This states "You obtain Xcode 9 from the Mac App Store. It is a free download that installs directly into the Applications folder. By default, Xcode downloads developer documentation in the background for offline reading; it also automatically downloads documentation updates. This behavior can be changed after installation using the Downloads preferences pane."
As far as I can see this is not happening, and I can't find any "Downloads preferences pane"

Xamarin.iOS - XCode 5 Provisioning

We are working on an app for a large customer that can only give us a p12 certificate and a provisioning profile (for security reasons), and no access to iTunes Connect or their developer center.
Is it possible to make a build signed with this provisoning profile with the latest Xamarin Studio and XCode 5.0.2?
I have been able to do so thus far on our standard account without logging into a developer account in the menu in Xamarin Studio->Preferences->Developer Accounts and doing the same in XCode. Is this a requirement now?
I am a Xamarin Customer Support Engineer.
This is apparently a known issue in Xamarin Studio 4.2.0 and 4.2.1. This is fixed in 4.2.2 should be released very shortly. In the meantime, you can downgrade to 4.0.13 from your account downloads page.

How do I get the iPhone SDK on Snow leopard?

I run MAC OSX 10.6.7 and have Xcode 3.2.6 and I do NOT have an ADC account.
My Xcode is missing Iphone SDK, from where and how can find/download it? and which SDK do you recommend, 3.0 ?
Get a developer account and download it from there. IIRC, the dev account is free and will get you an iOS SDK for the current shipping iOS version. To run something on a device requires a $99/year fee.
iOS 4.x is the current shipping version.
bbum is right that a developer account will allow you to download XCode for free. However, you need to select an old version of XCode as the current version is for more recent operating systems (Mountain Lion at the time of this answer).
After logging in to your free Apple developer account, go to this link (apple developer downloads) and search through old versions of XCode. The most recent that will work for Snow Leopard is XCode 3.2.6 with iOS SDK 4.3.
It's a very big file (over 4 GBytes!). Good luck.

How do I get past the empty Xcode Organizer window in order to provision a development device?

I'm new to iOS development. I just installed Xcode 3.2.4 and the iOS 4.1 SDK on my Intel iMac running Snow Leopard. According to the docs, I first need to create a development profile by specifying a device (which in my case is an iPod touch 4G), but the Organizer window that I open up after starting Xcode comes up fully blank.
Screenshot 1: http://img15.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20110305at104.png/
In addition to that, when I click on "Create a new Xcode project for Mac OS X or iPhone OS" on the Xcode welcome screen, I do not have an option to start a new "Cocoa Touch" project.
Screenshot 2: http://img18.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20110305at110.png/
It sounds like you may not have the iOS SDK installed, or installed properly. Also, most developers will have upgraded to Xcode 3.2.5 a long time ago, so we won't be able to accurately compare what you're seeing to our own installations. Let me strongly suggest that you download the latest iOS SDK and install that. Once you get the current SDK installed, I think both issues that you're asking about will go away.
