Xamarin.iOS - XCode 5 Provisioning - xcode

We are working on an app for a large customer that can only give us a p12 certificate and a provisioning profile (for security reasons), and no access to iTunes Connect or their developer center.
Is it possible to make a build signed with this provisoning profile with the latest Xamarin Studio and XCode 5.0.2?
I have been able to do so thus far on our standard account without logging into a developer account in the menu in Xamarin Studio->Preferences->Developer Accounts and doing the same in XCode. Is this a requirement now?

I am a Xamarin Customer Support Engineer.
This is apparently a known issue in Xamarin Studio 4.2.0 and 4.2.1. This is fixed in 4.2.2 should be released very shortly. In the meantime, you can downgrade to 4.0.13 from your account downloads page.


Xamarin iOS Hot Restart Not Deploying to Phone from Windows to iPhone

I am trying to debug from a Windows computer to an iPhone plugged into the computer.
I set up Hot Restart and followed every step closely.
I have a paid Apple Developer account, downloaded iTunes, and Visual Studio 2022
I have since revoked my certificates and provisioning profiles since automatic provisioning apparently creates those
However, I am getting the following error when I try to debug on the iPhone device:
No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. Please enable automatic provisioning from the iOS Bundle Signing page.
When I go to the iOS bundle signing page and try to enable automatic provisioning by selecting my team, it says:
Automatic provisioning failed, please check the logs.
What on earth could I be doing wrong? I've been trying to solve this problem for two days. Please help.

visual studio for mac provisioning profiles error

I am using macbook pro. I have xcode installed on my computer. My goal is to develop applications for iOS. For this, I want to develop an application with xamarin framework in visual studio for mac instead of xcode. when i test my app with similator i have no problem. but when I want to test it on my iOS device, I get the warning that the provisioning profile is missing.
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(3,3): Error: Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iosdnm.iOS on iOS.
I created a developer account belonging to the account I use mac. but since I haven't paid the 100 usd he asked me for this account yet, I get the warning that my account is being controlled. My last post may be redundant.
This is exactly what I want to do. I just want to develop an application in visual studio for mac with my apple ID and use it on my ios device. How can I get rid of my above mentioned error?

Signing Identity dropdown list is empty after upgrading Visual Studio 2019 on Windows platform

Building iOS apps with Xamarin.Forms on Windows using Visual Studio is real struggle. Every single day I have endless weird problems...
I've successfully distributed an app yesterday. Today I cannot sign the archive anymore because the Signing Identity dropdown list is empty:
I download all the profiles at Project Properties page:
My older archives are lost either. I hate those minor VS updates; many of them larger than GBs and cause conflicts when you develop at more than one machine plus Mac device.
How can get the identity back that I've downloaded?
P.S: Removing & re-adding the Apple account didn't work. I could rebuilt,re-archived and then distributed using other pc. Notice the Signing Identity, it's not automatic this time.
Go to Tools > Options > Apple Accounts
Add your Apple ID and validate.
Scroll Down there is a list of your teams
Select one and go to "View Details"
Here you can add certificates and download profiles, or import them from your Mac key chain.
Go to the bundle signing section and select the correct profile.

When using Titanium (Appcelerator Studio) with xcode 8, how do I turn ON "automatically manage signing"?

I'm a long-time Titanium developer who recently upgraded to xcode8. Afterwards, I could not build to my iOS device. I was getting an error about my provisioning profile being managed but the signing of my app requires a manual provisioning profile. The only way I could figure out to move past the error was to create a manual provisioning profile. Instead, I'd like to turn ON "automatically manage signing" but I cannot figure out how to do this in Appcelerator Studio.
Automatic code-signing is not supported by Titanium, yet, and you should create your provisioning profiles in the iOS Dev-Center until it is officially supported.
See TIMOB-24008 for more information.

Where can you download a preview of Xcode 4 from?

I can't find any reference to it from the Apple website.
Ripped straight from the Apple Dev site:
Xcode 4 Developer Preview Download Now Available
iOS Developer Program members log in to the iOS Dev Center
Mac Developer Program members log in to the Mac Dev Center
You also have to be a member of the ($99/year) Mac Developer Program (as I mentioned in the comments below):
I believe you have to register at developer.apple.com before you can download the preview. From there, it's in the Mac Dev Center.
The preview isn't available anymore. You can either buy it from the Mac store for $4 or enlist as developer for 99$/year and get it free.
The older xcode 3.2.6 is still available for free.
