How do I get past the empty Xcode Organizer window in order to provision a development device? - xcode

I'm new to iOS development. I just installed Xcode 3.2.4 and the iOS 4.1 SDK on my Intel iMac running Snow Leopard. According to the docs, I first need to create a development profile by specifying a device (which in my case is an iPod touch 4G), but the Organizer window that I open up after starting Xcode comes up fully blank.
Screenshot 1:
In addition to that, when I click on "Create a new Xcode project for Mac OS X or iPhone OS" on the Xcode welcome screen, I do not have an option to start a new "Cocoa Touch" project.
Screenshot 2:

It sounds like you may not have the iOS SDK installed, or installed properly. Also, most developers will have upgraded to Xcode 3.2.5 a long time ago, so we won't be able to accurately compare what you're seeing to our own installations. Let me strongly suggest that you download the latest iOS SDK and install that. Once you get the current SDK installed, I think both issues that you're asking about will go away.


Xcode 5.1.1 - iOS 6.1 Simulator not responding

I need to test an application on an iOS6 simulator. Since this iOS version is not part of the current Xcode6 environment, I tried to install Xcode 5.1.1 beside my Xcode 6 installation and use it.
I downloaded Xcode 5.1.1 from the Apple developer pages and installed in in my applications folder. After launch I am downloading and installing the iOS 6.1 SDK from within Xcode.
After that I am trying to launch the simulator (NOT with an app, just a clean launch) but when the simulator window is shown it keeps black. The log says:
Could not lookup service 1102
repeatingly. Clicking "Reset Content and Settings..." wont work. I also deleted the SDK file from
and the 6.1 Folder from
~/Users/username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
And made a fresh install. Also no effect. I know there are a lot of similar questions here on stack, but they all suggest the "Reset Content and Settings..." which wont work for me. Any idea what might going on?
When launching an iOS7.1 simulator from Xcode 5.1.1 it starts up and works like a charm. The iOS7.1 comes with the Xcode bundle, the iOS6.1 simulator has to be installed manually. Maybe that's the problem?
i probably found the answer here: In OS X 10.10 (Yosemite Beta), How do I Test Using iOS 6.1 Simulator?
In short: iOS6 is not supported under OS-X 10.10 and so the simulator won't work.

Is it possible to install iOS 7 SDK on Xcode 6?

I have Xcode 6 installed but realise that I am only able to develop for iOS8. I am aware that this beta development kit is meant for the development of the iOS 8 beta release but I am in a position where I don't have the time yet to develop for it but wish to take advantage of some of Xcode's new features while I am developing for my current iOS 7 apps.
What can I do to get the iOS 7 SDK installed on xcode 6?
Seems like if you symlink the relevant SDK from a previous installation of Xcode to the Xcode 6 Beta directory, Xcode 6 will be able to use it. Assuming you still have Xcode 5.1.1 on your machine, try the following in terminal:
ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
This should link the iOS 7 SDK for iPhone (not sim), allowing you to select iOS 7 as the Base SDK in Xcode 6 Beta. If you want to do this for the simulator, replace iPhoneOS.platform with iPhoneSimulator.platform.
NOTE: Just because you have the iOS 7 SDK now doesn't mean it'll build. I'm personally having trouble with the fact that Xcode 6 Beta is using the Apple LLVM 6.0 compiler, which apparently isn't compatible with some of the stuff I'm trying to build.
Just posting so that someone might find it useful: I wanted to debug my app in iPhone running iOS 7.1, in XCode 6.0.1. The previous iOS version was not being listed in the settings page, to choose as base SDK/deployment target. (I'm using OS X 10.10 Yosemite). I installed both XCode 6.0.1 and Xcode 5.0.1 and copied
Now I'm able to run iOS 7 apps from XCode 6.0.1.
I changed the deployment target just fine and installed on my iOS7 iPhone 4s all the same. You can do all your development this way and then use 5.1.1 to make your relevant builds. I wouldn't advice to build apps for production in this beta environment even if you could.
Just repeating Christian's comment (on Ziewvater's answer) so it's more prominent:
What's strange is the fact that after adding the symbolic link to my Xcode folder, I see my device twice with the exact name and with some infos (iOS build number, model, device identifier) in the target selector in the upper left corner of Xcode. Depending on which of the both entries I chose, my app works fine or not, no matter which BASE SDK I chose. ??! Anybody experiencing the same?
This is exactly my experience also! Me and my team were tearing our hair out trying to understand why some builds seemed to be working and others were not.
It looks like Apple must be ignoring the base SDK (or target... or something) when you pick the wrong device from the list.
in Xcode 6.1.1 (Window -> Preferences - Downloads) you can install iOS 7.1 simulator. unfortunately it doesn't install iOS 7.1 SKD. if you set deployment target to 7.1 all builds without any trouble. be worry!!!! it is up to you to check the compatibility with 7.1 (SDK is still 8.1). so or so, all runtime trouble should be seen in simulator. i use this approach to build for my iPhone 4 in swift, where iOS 7.1.2 is the last available. (simply don't use any classes available only for newer devices :-))

Use previous versions of Xcode to build on unsupported versions of iOS

I have been frustrated that I have had to use the very buggy XCode 4.5 to build to my device after having upgraded to iOS 6 .
Unfortunately, this version of Xcode for some reason does not allow my app to push or pop view controllers... an issue that completely goes away when I switch back to XCode 4.3.2.
I wanted to be able to use XCode 4.3.2 to build to my iOS 6 device, but this is officially not supported in 4.3.2 because it does not support anything greater than 5.x.
Is there a workaround or fix for this?
Here is a fix for the issue:
1) When you install the latest developer release of XCode, leave the previous version on your computer
2) Make sure the previous version of XCode is quit and then open the developer release version and open the Organizer window
3) Open the old version of XCode and open the Organizer window
4) Click back on the old version of XCode and your device should now show under the run scheme drop-down menu. You should now be able to build and run on your "unsupported" device.
NOTE: This worked for me with XCode 4.3.2 and XCode 4.5 building on iOS 6 for the iPhone 4S. It may or may not work on future versions of XCode or iOS.
I hardly ever get out of Xcode. I was receiving this error "unsupported device (null)" and I tried clean, switching USB ports, switching devices to no avail.
I exited and reentered Xcode without even unplugging my device and it fixed the problem. When the "unsupported device" is given, I noticed that no icon (like a little iPhone) next to my device name was displayed. After I restarted Xcode, I saw the icon and knew my problem was resolved.

how to fix old xcode installations on mac

I had xcode 3.2.something. and iwth ios sdks 3.0-3.1-....4.1 and 2 iphone simulator sdks.
Now i installed xcode 4.0 with ios sdk 4.3 something like that.
Now all my previous applications cannot be launched nor on device nor on simulator because there's not a single old sdk available.
so next i reinserted the original cds containing macosx and xcode and reinstalled the first xcode i used, but now there's not one ios sdk available at all.
i've been surfing the net for hours now, andi have a couple of questions:
1)have i had to uninstall the xcode 3.2.x before installing xcode 4?
2)how to uninstall applications on mac??? just to make sure that the answer i've found is the correct one.
3)how can erase the traces of all previous xcodes and their sdks in order to install the original one, now that i learned how to install different xcode versions side by side.
4) now what do you think i should to recover? do i have to back up everything and reinstall mac from the beginning?
thank you
So, your questions:
1. Have I got to uninstall XCode 3.2 before installing XCode 4? - No, you don't, but the XCode installer will overwrite your old copy by default. When installing the newer version of XCode and the iOS SDK you must specify a different install directory (eg, create a new folder in the root of your drive called 'Developer 4' for XCode 4.
2. How can I uninstall XCode? - Normally on a mac you would just drag your application to the trash, but it's a little more complicated with XCode. Refer to the instructions at this link:
3. How can I erase all traces of all previous XCodes? - see the answer above for question 2 :)
You can obtain old versions of the SDK from various unofficial online sources if you need to roll back to iOS 3 SDKs. However, it may not be all that much work to move your apps over to the 4.x SDKs.
ok it turned out that at the beginning i was using xcode 3.2.4 with ios sdk 4.1
The xcode that comes with mac osx only targets mac sdk. No iphone support
So i got xcode 3.2.4 setup from a backup (you can find it online) and installed and this should work
And now i have 3.2.5 using sdk 4.2 and targetting all till 3.0
and also xcode 4.0.2

XCode 3.2 - make emulator to open in iPhone mode

I've installed XCode 3.2 on top of Snow Leopard 10.6.2. When trying to "build and run" an application created from XCode template, the emulator is always opened in iPad mode. When choosing "iPhone" from the emulator menu, it changes its look but next time it is opened as iPad again.
How to cause the emulator to run in iPhone mode ?
The XCode 3.2.3 comes with SDK 4.0, which is the only choice for building for iPhone OS4, does not provide the right iPhone Simulator! If you pick "Simulator 3.2", it always comes out the iPad Simulator, and your iPhone app does not simulate there properly. If you pick "Simulator 4.0", though the UI looks like a iPhone, but functions are still not responding, e.g. tables cannot roll, maps cannot move, etc.
No other SDK options in XCode 3.2.3.
In the end, I installed the previous XCode 3.2.1 with SDK 3.1.3 into another directory, to Simulate with SDK 3.1.3, and build into the iPhone OS4 with the XCode 3.2.3 from SDK 4.
Not sure whether Apple will change their future versions of SDK 4.0+XCode 3.2.3 to provide a correct, working, iPhone Simulator.
