Divio Windows App hangs at Preparing Logs - windows

I have installed the WIndows 10 Divio App as per the Divio Tutorial but when I select setup a project it hangs at Preparing logs... in the shell on the desktop and cannot see logs are anyway to investigate this. I have tried the solution in this question here How to debug problems with the Divio app?
However, this does not work, any help would be appreicated.

Managed to fix this, I did it by following the guide here:
Essentially installed everything via the command line and then once that was running I could then sync the Divio app to the project folder which in turn allowed me to use the Divio app. Total PITA but it worked :)


Mac silicon android studio installation stuck on downloading

So i've downloaded the correct apple silicon android studio installation from their website. when trying to install the installation process gets stuck on this message:
Warning: This download could not be finalized from the interim state.
Retrying without caching. Downloading
I have left it like that for hours but with no luck
any workaround?
today I solved the problem like this:
Download file and unzip: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/emulator-darwin_aarch64-8807927.zip
Cancel button.
Go to /Users/YOUR NAME/Library/Android/sdk
Delete the folder "emulator" and add new unzipped folder the same name
Try to add simulator.
Later, maybe I will find a better way, but this way allowed me to work at the moment and not delay work.
#TomerZigdon Do you actually need an emulator for testing?
Here's a solution that worked for me. I have a physical device that I test the apps on and I don't require an emulator. So as per this answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/39880185/3273842), I disabled android checking for first run. Android Studio opens just usual and on creating a new (dummy) project, it installs the needed SDK versions (not the emulator)
Full credits & steps to follow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/39880185/3273842
This has been resolved by Google via this bug ticket:
Verified by bo...#google.com.
thanks a lot for reporting the problem.
please try to download emulator 31.3.10 again on M1, and it should work now, but report problems if you run into.
thanks for your patience.

DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -1988945906 while deploying Windows UWP app to phone

Exact error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -1988945906 TestApp
What does it mean? It seems it isn't problem with application, it works OK on PC.
Version of OS: 1511, Windows 10 for phones 10.0.10586.164
I've experienced the same problem after updating Visual Studio community to Update 2. Typing in CMD (under admin rights) the following command solved my issue:
net start IpOverUsbSvc
Thanks to Agrgg for a good tip ;)
This kind of error happens very randomly and usually it means there was an issue during the deployment of the app. Things to check:
Developer mode is correctly enabled on phone
Uninstall the app from phone, rebuild solution and then try debug again
Check that the architecture for all projects is set accordingly (ARM for debugging on real device)
Sometimes the VS debugger hangs up, so closing VS and kill from Task Manager all VS processes that are eventually running and restart VS may also help.
I had the same error with deploying onto Windows Phone 8.1 device. In my case the problem was in Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) service, which wasn't running. The deployment error disappeared after I'd started the service manually.
I had the same problem.
"net start IpOverUsbSvc" didn't worked for me (throws Access is denied Exception).
I have followed following steps to fix.
Start Run (Windows+R), Type: services.msc
Start/Restart Windows phone IP over USB Transport.
For the RPi, I have RPi3 with WIOT (build 14376) this error happens after failed deployment. Just restart VS and it'll deploy ok.
After trying some of the answers already provided and nothing worked, I fixed the error by simply restarting the phone.
After that the error was gone for me.
I had the same issue, and found that in my case it was occurring while the phone was downloading system updates in the background.
App updates/installations from the app Store were also prevented from downloading/installing.
After the update had finished, all was back to working again.
As Windows Phone 10 doesn't seem to make it obvious that it's downloading updates, maybe worth checking this out if you hit this problem.
I had the same error, solution is here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/windows/apps/jj863509(v=vs.105).aspx
Look at Checking BIOS settings required by Hyper-V for Data Execution Prevention. You must select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those i select" and in my case application deploys successfully.
For me, it was as simple as unlocking the phone so that the computer would have access to it.
I had this issue as well. None of the answers helped me. IpOverUsbSvc was up and runing, phone reset, system reboot, nothing...
The issue was fixed after a Visual Studio "repair": control panel -> Programs and features -> select VS2015 -> Repair
I got a similar error.
The reason the error occurred for me was because I forgot to add the new splash images in assets after deleting the old ones.
The solution was to add the images. To get the correct image names and sizes, I used this extension for visual studio.
For Windows 10 (desktop) users
I faced this problem after I uninstalled Windows 10 SDK. It deleted the IpOverUsbSvc service from the system.
Download the Windows 10 SDK .iso installer
Inside it there is Installers folder.
Find Windows IP Over USB-x86_en-us.msi. Install it. (Don't worry if there is no setup window, it installs fast and silently).
I didn't even have to reboot VS2015, it just worked.
Check if the IpOverUsbSvc service is running
Open a Powershell prompt and type Get-Service -Name *USB*
Or go to the Services window. There you should see the IpOverUsbSvc running.
So, I think I get the trick. After plugged in your Windows Mobile device, Windows App Deploy can see W10M device, but once your device goes to lock screen, WPD can not detect it anymore.
You should to plug out and plugin again, with screen unlocked, to make it detectable. (I'm not a really English speaker).

No windows appears on deployed application on Windows

I have developed an QML application (Mingw). I want to deploy this app to other Windows system. My instructions are:
Building app in Release mode
Run windeployqt.exe for necessery dlls and folders.
Adding missing dll.
Problem is, when I start my app, it seems to work in background and no window appears. I have wasted a lot of time on this.
I know it's an old question. For anyone to get here looking for an anwser, try using:
windeployqt.exe . --qmldir <\project\folder\>

App inventor blocks editor is starting slow and return error "could not download starter application..."

I'm trying to run blocs editor for app inventor. It's starting slowly and then returns message:
We could not download the starter application from the server in order to install it on the device. This may prevent the "Connect to Device" button from working.
This error can occur if you have tried to start the blocks editor with a previously downloaded ".jnlp" file.
I have installed last version of java, other java applications are working fine. How does make the block editor work?
There could be lots of reasons. Which browser are you using? Did you already try another?
Probably there is some kind blocking software running on your machine, perhaps a firewall. There have also been reports of this from misconfigured virus scanners.
You also might want to take a look at the troubleshooting page. If this does not help, post a question in the Getting Set Up and Connecting Your Phone to App Inventor forum.

Trying to create dev with SPEasySetUp and VMWare

I am trying to create a dev box for SharePoint 2010 Server utilizing the following:
So first of all this is new to me. I understand that these are instructions are for dual boot in Windows Native, but I am more interested in using a VHD/image of the OS to run on VMWare.
I have tried creating an image of a running virtual machine with sysprep tool, but hit a dead end with capturing the image to a file that I can reference within the running machine to run the scripts against.
I took a look at Diskpart on TechNet, but as I am new to this, I am not sure this is what I want to do?
I tried installing to the local host (virtual machine that is running) and am getting an error there also; fails at Windows Identity Framework.
It is a clean install of Windows 7 (literally nothing else), and the UAC has been disabled.
Is there any insite, help, or advice anyone can provide me regarding this? I would really appreciate it as I have to get working on the development aspects of SP (workflows, web parts,etc), and need a dev env, and I can't seem to get anywhere with this.
