VS2010 Test Runner - Unable to start agent process - visual-studio-2010

I can't run any tess in VS2010. Even tests that have run before. I remember setting some services to manual start a few weeks ago, but can't remember what!
Problem: Which agent process / service do I need to start to make this work?
Edit: Even after uninstalling and reinstalling Studio2010 (and taking off the Novell Netware Client which I though may be an issue) it still doesn't work.

Got it! Avira Antivirus (even when 'disabled') seemed to be the culprit. Uninstall of the Antivirus made everything work again.

I'm using VS2015, I was experiencing the exact same error as the original poster (OP). My solution turned out to be simply turning on the add-on's within Internet Explorer so that I could start recording proper tests of my webapp. There were 3 or 4 add-on's that I simply had to enable. After I did that, this error "Unable to start agent process" never came back.


IIS Manager is installed but shows empty page

I hope this is the right place to ask. I was thinking serverfault might not be correct, since the computer in question is not a server. Feel free to migrate if StackOverflow is not right.
I usually install IIS on servers but have installed it on Workstations before. I actually had the same problem with another machine of the same model a few weeks ago but can't remember how I resolved it. I must have installed additional features or run some powershell-command that did not resolve the issue on this machine.
I installed IIS the correct way using the Windows Features, as described in the answers to this question. I've actually removed and reinstalled it since then, but it hasn't resolved my problem.
The WWW publishing service is running and I can open the IIS Manager, but it's completely empty, unlike here where the IIS Manager at least shows the local computer
When I type localhost into a browser I don't see the IIS Startpage, I get the error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
You can see that all the required checkboxes are checked:
And the service seems to be running.
I've since tried installing IIS using
And I checked the status using the iisreset command which was mentioned in the comments here (second linked question upstairs):
It restarts without any error and says everything is working fine.
Has anyone ever encountered this before or might know what I could try to get IIS actually working?
I just noticed, while trying to uninstall IIS, that I can not uninstall it. I used Windows-Features and confirmed to reboot when prompted, but while rebooting Windows does a rollback and IIS is still available. So I can't even uninstall it.
Also just found this similar quesion on SuperUser. I'm still trying some suggestions there. So far to no avail.
Thanks for the comments.
I was on vacation, but a colleague was able to fix the problem.
Unfortunately, the solution was to reset Windows 11. He was then able to install IIS through Windows Features and it worked.
No idea why it didn't work in the first place, or why it got to this unrecoverable state. But now everything is fine.

Can't resolve ip when running inside visualstudio 2022 debugger

As of this morning, when hitting F5 and running any debug app or service inside the debugger I cannot resolve any IP addresses. This includes multiple types of requests, AMQP, Http, etc.
If I run the same apps (even debug builds) directly they work absolutely fine. Has anyone experienced this before and got the solution?
Have tried the obvious cleaning, rebuilding, rebooting, restarting router and modem.
Well in the end it took a complete uninstall of visual studio. I also took the time to clean up my disk, install latest updates, update .NET6 and clear all repos.
I don't know if the issue was the resolution of IPs or whether that was a symptom of something else. I was getting a large number of exceptions and being taken to the screen about missing pdbs constantly.
Either way, the issue has now gone away and I'm debugging again.

Clickonce App Doesn't start with Windows 1803

I have a Clickonce app from Visual Studio 2015 SP3 that is published to the network server and used in-house only. The program works just fine when launched from Visual Studio. It runs just fine on a Windows machine that does not have the 1803 update. But once a machine updates to 1803, the application no longer starts. I get the "Checking for updates..." window then nothing. On a fresh install, I usually get the Smartscreen telling me the program may be dangerous. It doesn't get that far.
I've created the Clickonce from a computer with the 1803 update and the problem still exists.
I've disconnected the machine from the network. The application starts but then has no database access and it needs the database. It's also written to hide buttons that would use the database to prevent users from trying to do things that require it.
I found a workaround (third paragraph) at https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/7cbd16f5-526e-4b0b-a186-3ebf41b7b349/smartscreen-prompt-does-not-show-for-clickonce-app-since-windows-10-update-1803?forum=win10itprogeneral. When I start the application from the directory mentioned, I get the Smartscreen and can tell it to run anyway. Every time I click the desktop icon, it works just fine.
If a new release is published, the new release is downloaded and the program updated, but the Smartscreen no longer appears and the application never starts.
So somewhere between installing the latest update and the Smartscreen, this is failing. Anyone else experiencing this and have an idea as to why?
Yes, frustratingly I also experienced this today. Presumably a security update that they'll release another patch for given this is quite a pain for developers and users of small business apps.
Rather than disable Defender or SmartScreen I chose to add my deployment website to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer and that then re-instated the warning dialog and my app updated and ran as before.
Really annoying given the nature of the issue and how long it took to figure out, but at the same time I had to use IE today, which is a rare event nowadays.
This works for me...Warn doesnt warn anymore...
After running in the same problem, I just found that my application was going to halt after a stupid uncaught exception.
Despite the fact that the image below is in Portuguese, Event Viewer shows the right error cause.
In my case, was a corrupted settings file!
It appears as though some subsequent Windows Updates have fixed the issue on several of our PC's that were previously experiencing the issue.
Check for the updates listed here.
Running winver.exe will show you which build you have.

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe taking over

My solution consists of a 195 (not a typo) C# MVC application projects w/ some ASPX pages as well running on VS2017 on Windows 10. Its nothing bleeding edge. A days ago, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe" started taking over my machine.
Here is what I have experienced.
The app (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe) will keep VS2017 from loading a solution I'm trying to open.
The only fix is to kill the offending exe via Task Manager.
The app will keep VS2017 from exiting when a solution I'm using is open.
The only fix is to kill the offending exe via Task Manager.
When trying to build, things slow to a grind.
The only fix is to kill the offending exe via Task Manager.
The offending app will use as many resources as possible.
I've done Win10 an Symantec virus scans on the offender. Both scans came back negative.
I've tried adjusting the app's settings in task manager so that only one or two cores can be used by the process. This helps, but sometimes I still have to kill the app to get things working in VS2017.
Whenever I kill the app, it comes back within 30 seconds.
Sometimes, things work fine. No discernible reason why.
iisreset does nothing.
I resorted to renaming the EXE file, that way it couldn't attack me again.
That seems to work, but its a hack.
Does anyone know what the root cause is, and how to resolve it?

Microsoft Fix It Registry issue

I had a program that starts up a Windows Service when installed and deleted that Windows Service when uninstalled. However it refused to uninstall after I modified the installer by accident (my fault!). I couldn't even remove it from Programs and Features as it kept throwing an error 2715. I found this article that had a FixIt program: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/mats/program_install_and_uninstall
Using that, I managed to finally remove the program itself. Now however, when I try installing and uninstalling it again (to test my changes), the Windows Service that's attached doesn't get removed. In fact, it continues running. I checked the registry and indeed the key for the service is still there after the uninstall. I would need to manually stop it and do a sc delete to get rid of it. Any idea on how I can solve this?
Edit: I am able to replicate the issue on another computer. What I do is, I install the program there, and use the Fix It tool to remove it. Once this is done, I can easily replicate the issue as the service is never deleted after uninstalling. It works fine prior to this.
Some guesswork here because there's not enough info....
Eroor 2715 is a Windows Installer error, and I suspect it's related to you running a program (as you describe it) to start and stop services. I'm guessing that you run it as a cuatom action, and on uninstall you attempt to run it but it's missing because it's been uininstalled.
That fixit cure is not for a broken MSI (which yours is) - it's for fixing corrupt registry data that prevents uninstall, not fixing a broken MSI uninstall.
You don't need to run code to start and stop and delete services. Most MSI-building tools have support to the the Windows Installer functionalty that does this for you, so stop doing it!
A more specific answer is difficult without knowing what you are using to build your MSI with, and how you're running your program, but the signs point to you running the program after it's been removed, and even if you get the program running properly there's no way to tell whether it is correct without seeing the code. But 2 is what you should be doing anyway.
