Clickonce App Doesn't start with Windows 1803 - windows

I have a Clickonce app from Visual Studio 2015 SP3 that is published to the network server and used in-house only. The program works just fine when launched from Visual Studio. It runs just fine on a Windows machine that does not have the 1803 update. But once a machine updates to 1803, the application no longer starts. I get the "Checking for updates..." window then nothing. On a fresh install, I usually get the Smartscreen telling me the program may be dangerous. It doesn't get that far.
I've created the Clickonce from a computer with the 1803 update and the problem still exists.
I've disconnected the machine from the network. The application starts but then has no database access and it needs the database. It's also written to hide buttons that would use the database to prevent users from trying to do things that require it.
I found a workaround (third paragraph) at When I start the application from the directory mentioned, I get the Smartscreen and can tell it to run anyway. Every time I click the desktop icon, it works just fine.
If a new release is published, the new release is downloaded and the program updated, but the Smartscreen no longer appears and the application never starts.
So somewhere between installing the latest update and the Smartscreen, this is failing. Anyone else experiencing this and have an idea as to why?

Yes, frustratingly I also experienced this today. Presumably a security update that they'll release another patch for given this is quite a pain for developers and users of small business apps.
Rather than disable Defender or SmartScreen I chose to add my deployment website to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer and that then re-instated the warning dialog and my app updated and ran as before.
Really annoying given the nature of the issue and how long it took to figure out, but at the same time I had to use IE today, which is a rare event nowadays.

This works for me...Warn doesnt warn anymore...

After running in the same problem, I just found that my application was going to halt after a stupid uncaught exception.
Despite the fact that the image below is in Portuguese, Event Viewer shows the right error cause.
In my case, was a corrupted settings file!

It appears as though some subsequent Windows Updates have fixed the issue on several of our PC's that were previously experiencing the issue.
Check for the updates listed here.
Running winver.exe will show you which build you have.


What is causing an access denied on executable MobaSCPRinew.exe when using MobaXterm on Windows

I've been a happy user of MobaXterm for years, this is a great terminal and X-window manager on Windows to access Linux machine and others. Recently, possibly since I upgraded to Windows 11 or changed laptop, I sometimes get the following error window:
An error occurred while starting the following MobaXterm subprocess:
Access is denied
I could not figure out which action is triggering this error but it is pretty rare and seems to happen either when I switch from one tab to another or when I unlock my computer after a while but I can't reproduce it systematically. I'm using MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.0 Build 4858.
This executable exists on my system and the file properties mention that this is a "Command-line SCP/SFTP client". However, even after the error, the SSH Browser available in the side bar (provided you only show one tab) is still visible and working.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
I contacted the support of MobaXterm:
they told me it is a known bug related to the "Remote Monitoring" feature, which can display stats about memory, disk usage, connected users,...
advised me to test the preview version 22.2 since the bug seems fixed in that release
I used it for a few days and the issue never happened. I will download the latest official release 22.1 and, if it happens also in that one, will wait for the official 22.2. I will close this issue once the bug is fixed in an official release.
Same issue here, with some slight differences:
Location seems to be the "Documents" folder of my "Onedrive":
E:\OneDrive - xyz\Documents\MobaXterm\slash\bin\MobaSCPRinew.exe"
I use the "professional edition" with the same license ID, so I suppose technically it is the same software.
Issue only popped up till now after a reboot of my system, launching the MobaXterm and subsequently starting an ssh session.
Restarting MobaXterm only (once) didn't produce the issue.
I now upgraded to 22.1. Since the release notes do not mention anything concerning this issue, I can't know for sure the problem will be solved. I'll report back when it reoccurs.

Visual Studio 2012 Designer throws exception 0x80270257

TLDR; VS2012 throws an exception like below when trying to edit XAML in the Designer running VS2012 as a RemoteApp.
Right, I may be asking this in the wrong place, but I'm at my wits end with this.
Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to run VS2012 on my Surface RT for quick edits of Windows Store apps. The way to do this is to run it as a RemoteApp which actually works great considering you can just hit F5 to build and launch for debug directly on the Surface, the problem is that the VS Designer bombs and throws the exception below.
For initial lab tests I was running VDI as a Session mode setup - i.e. VS2012 was running on WS2012, this gave the exact same exception as described herein. But after discussing it with some people way more into VDI than me we came to the conclusion that it was because it was running on WS2012 and not Windows 8. So I went ahead and changed things around running VDI in virtualization mode.
Said and done I spent a day installing and tailoring a Windows 8 Pro image with VS2012, various SDKs and whatnot. When it came to sysprepping this I ran into a different issue in that sysprep would bomb out with a "fatal error", after another day of trawling through the web and speaking to support it was decided this was because the pre-installed Windows Store apps had been updated. So another day gone reinstalling everything, this time sysprep worked fine and I was able to commission the virtual desktop, however when it came to publishing Visual Studio (among others) as a RemoteApp again I ran into issues. After another day and a half googling, binging, tweeting and finally calling support it transpired this was because only Windows 8 Enterprise edition could be used for RemoteApp publishing ... thanks MS, you couldn't have made this clear in your "best practices"? Anyway, spending another day reinstalling windows and all apps, SDKs and documentation. This time I am finally able to both sysprep, commission and publish RemoteApps. Yey, I'm a happy camper seeing as I should finally be able to do what I set out to do - quick XAML edits and debugging directly on my Surface RT.
Not so.. as the exception is, some five hundred reinstalls later still rearing it's ugly head. The "gurus" I initially spoke to are as stumped as me and can only offer that "it should work" and "it worked fine for the person I configured it for".
So, any ideas greatly appreciated here. While I can use the text editor to edit the XAML and Bob's my uncle in terms of quickfixes and debugging sessions I would much prefer to have it working properly and to be able to use the visual designer (or Blend - as the same exception is thrown there) for certain changes.
This is the actual exception;
I had the same problem and I just found a solution.
I had the Windows 'explorer' shell deactivated because I am using BBlean (an alternate shell for Windows, based on BlackBox). Apparently this was blocking the app manager. Disabling BBlean and starting Windows normally fixed the error.
So if you happen to be using a replacement shell, try disabling it.

Visual Studio 2010 Debug Server Not Recognizing My Changes

Using Visual Studio 2010 on Window 7 64bit. I'm trying to test a website project (not a web application project) using the built in dev server (cassini). The problem I'm having is that when I make a change, I now have to actually stop debugging, kill cassini, and restart before I can actually see my changes in the browser. I used to be able to edit and refresh. One of my fellow developers here is able to do this just fine with an identical setup (same project/vs version/os - and settings near as I can tell). I'm beginning to suspect some sort of permissions issue. I've been all over google trying to find an answer to no avail. Any ideas?
As it turns out, this was my fault... I had experienced the dreaded "network BIOS command limit has been reached" issue. I found a post that recommended doing a regedit hack "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode = 1", well this basically turns off File Change Notifications. Changing this value to 2, and applying the changes recommended in knowledge base 810886 fixed both problems.

why does windows installer start up everytime i start up visual basic 6

it starts up windows installer with random applications on my machine . . after i click cancel a few times, it loads vb6 fine.
any ideas why this is happening?
To stop this behavior:
Start VB6
Open the Add-Ins dialog
Uncheck the "Visual Component Manager" Add-In
After VS2010, SP1, VB6 launches VS2010 installer
This is what a Windows Installer repair looks like. It means that something is broken in one of the installed products on your system. Ideally it's a one-off repair so you might be better off letting it runs its course and do the repair, except of course if it asks for a install CD that you don't have.
The Windows event log (Application) will have MsiInstaller entries saying what product and component has the problem.
It's possible a previous installation has not completed correctly.
Use the utility at the following link to remove any rogue installations files: (broken link Aug.2017, leaving URL for "historical purposes").
As PhilDW has pointed out this is a Windows Installer Self-Repair issue, and can often be resolved by allowing the self-repair to complete once. At other times the problem persists and it should be fixed by other means. Even when the self-repair completes and the problem goes away, it can still resurface once you launch the conflicting application. Windows Installer is not easy to deal with.
In your particular case you might be able to get away with a "workaround" rather than a fix. By locating the main VB6 EXE file on disk (in its main installation directory) and manually creating a shortcut to it on your desktop, you might be able to successfully launch VB6 via this new shortcut without the self-repair kicking in. It might be worth a try.
This shortcut trick will not remove the underlying problem, but might help to "bypass it". Just for the record: the reason this might work is that the new, manually created shortcut is not "advertised" and will not trigger a key-path check of the installed product when launched. This is Windows Installer's way to verify that a product is correctly installed. Note that even if the workaround works, self-repair might still result during application use because of faulty COM data being detected (which is very likely the cause of the whole problem you are seeing, but give the manually created shortcut a try).
There is a rather comprehensive "article" on self-repair here: How can I determine what causes repeated Windows Installer self-repair? which might help to track down the cause of the self-repair kicking off in the first place, but fixing it can be a rather complicated process (so try the workaround first). It is a long article because there are so many different ways self-repair can occur. The common denominator is that different installers on your system are fighting over a shared setting that they keep updating with their own values on each application launch in an endless loop. The last application to launch will overwrite the registry or file system with its own setting.
This worked for me, for VS2010 RC:
"Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Visual studio 2010 Ultimate."
THe work around that fixes the issue for me was to run the following via the admin cmd prompt.
Md "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\common7\IDE\FromGAC"
This was also happned to me.
Whenever i tried to open vb6, it started windows installer to configure "Autocad".
Autocad had not broken. and it was working fine.
I tried removing and reinstalling Windows Installer, But it did not solved the issue.
Then i installed Microsoft's "Windows Installer Clean Up Utility 2" from given link.
Using this utility i removed the autocad from "Windows Installers" Database.
After that VB6 never started installer again.
Keep in mind 'removing any entry from installer's database may be risky, but i had no choice. So do it on your own risk.
Download "Windows Installer Clean Up Utility 2" (this is a deprecated, unsupported and unsafe tool to use - Aug.2017. I will leave the link in for "historical purposes", don't use it).

VB6 application no longer opens on Vista computer

I have a VB6 app that formerly worked perfectly on a Vista machine as a scheduled task, but it will no longer open on the same machine. The app generates export files in a specified folder with no direct output on the screen. I get no errors, no missing references, just absolutely nothing.
The machine is running Vista Business 32-bit, UAC is disabled with a single administrator account, and automatic updates are turned off. The app resides in a non-protected folder, and the export files are put in a folder on the desktop. The client swears that the only change they made to that computer since I installed this app was installing Norton Antivirus, which has never caused problems before with our software.
In addition to the normal VB6 references, the app references Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll), and Microsoft DAO 3.6 (dao360.dll). Both of these files are present and registered on the target machine, along with all the other VB6 dependencies. I added MsgBox statements at the beginning of Sub Main() just to see if anything is being executed, and its not. Disabling Norton yielded no results, nor did reinstalling VB6 runtime to rule out any corrupted libraries. Not once did I get any messages, error or otherwise from my app.
I've never had an issue like this before and I'm completely stumped. Is there anything else that could be causing this?
Edit - The app does not run even when I run it manually, so the part about it being a scheduled task is irrelevant to my problem, sorry for including it.
The user has full administrator credentials, no compatibility mode was needed on the initial test which at the time, was done on this very machine I am having the problem on. For grins I tried compatibility mode for XP and 2000, still nothing.
Try to inspect - if you can access them - the Event Viewer messages. Maybe you will find some tell-tell signs in there...
You could try running the program in Windbg, a free standalone debugger from Microsoft. Compile your VB6 EXE into native code with symbols (create PDB files) and you will be able to debug your application in Windbg.
I would guess one of two things will happen.
Windbg will fail to load the EXE. Presumably with an error message that will identify your problem.
Windbg will load the EXE, and you can single-step through to see what happens.
Here's a 2006 blog post by a Microsoft guy about using Windbg with VB6, and 2004 blog post by another Microsoft VB guy with a brief introduction to Windbg.
Has the user changed their password? That will cause the scheduled task to fail until they re-enter the password on the task.
Have you tried running the process directly, instead of as a scheduled task? I'm far from an expert, but it may be that any errors being generated are not showing up because the program is running as a task.
