Live jQuery events not firing for dynamic element - jquery-plugins

Why are none of the live (or dead) events I bind to a dynamic element firing?
(function ($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function () {
var $filterBox = $("<input type='text'>").live("click", function () {
this.before($filterBox); // insert into DOM before current element
return this; // keep chain
I am calling myPlugin on several <select> elements. I thought it would work without the Live plugin if I bound it before adding the element to the DOM, but not even the live events are firing. Is it because my element has no ID?
The following does not work either:
var $filterBox = $("<input type='text'>").bind("click", function () {

.live() works off a selector (since it checks the target against the selector at the time the event happens), you can't attach it directly to an should just use .click() in these cases:
(function ($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function () {
var $filterBox = $("<input type='text'>").click(function () {
this.before($filterBox); // insert into DOM before current element
return this; // keep chain
You can try it out here, or a bit shorter with .insertBefore():
(function ($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function () {
$("<input type='text'>").click(function () {
return this;
You can test it here.

The live method works with selectors, not detached elements.
You can handle the normal (non-live) click event, and it should work fine.

Why not just bind it?

Can it be just because "<input type='text'>" is not a valid HTML? You have not closed your tag. However, I am not sure whether jQuery is unable to close it for you.

Solved by not using global variables that replaced each other, and iterating over each element in question with this.each(...):
(function ($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function () {
return this.each(function () {
// do stuff


jquery/ajax load scripts - best practices

I'm trying to get the hang of using ajax loads (mostly via jquery) to make my site more efficient. Wondering if anyone can provide any suggestions re "best practices" for using ajax?
Is there a way to simplify a script for multiple ajax calls? For example, I currently have the working script:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#dog').click(function () {
$('#cat').click(function () {
$('#bird').click(function () {
$('#lizard').click(function () {
The script just gets longer and longer with each additional function. Is there a simpler, more efficient way to write this script to cover multiple load scripts?
Also, should I be using ajax loads to replace the majority of actual links?
Here is a suggestion, since the code you posted seems to have a pattern between the id and the filename:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click', 'commonParentElementHere', function (e) {
$('#body').load( + ".html");
This suggestion uses .on() and you just need to add a commonParentElementHere, a id or a class of the common parent of those elements.
Another option is to use a class on all elements that should be clickable, and then use the code passing the id to the html file name, like:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click', '.theCOmmonClass', function () {
$('#body').load( + ".html");
I'd say give all the elements you want to click on a class say ajax then.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.ajax').click(function () {
$('#body').load( + ".html");
Assuming that the id matches the file name the script can be simplified to:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#dog,#cat,#bird,#lizard').click(function () {
var fileName = + ".html";
This script simply specifies each id in a single selector that separates each id with a comma. This will calls the click function to be fired for each element. With the anonymous function attached to the click event, the id of each element is obtained and concatenated to create the file name which is then passed to the load function.
If the id doesn't always match the element you could use the following approach.
var mappings = [
{id: "fileName1", file:"file.html"},
{id: "fileName2", file:"file2.html"}
$(document).ready(function() {
for(var i = 0; i < mappings; i++){
function createMapping(mapping){
$("#" +{

jquery each on new elements not working

$('.collapse').each(function() {
var title= $(this).siblings('.accordion-heading').find('a');
$(this).on('show hide', function (e) {
title.parent().toggleClass('active', 300);
title.parent().hasClass('active') ? $('').prop('value', '') : $('').val(title.siblings('.delete').prop('id'));
var id = title.siblings('.delete').prop('id');
var data = {id: id};
$.post("times.php", data, function(result) {
} else {
So I am adding a new accordion-group to my html by adding a new party and I wan't all this to work on the newly added elements as well. I didn't find topics that could help me since it is a bit more specific than any random each function (I think).
This future elements thing is new to me, so I would appreciate some explanations or a good link to a place other that the jquery website which I already checked.
Thank you for your time!
Basically what I want to do this replace $(this).on('show hide', function (e) { with something like $(document).on('show hide', $(this), function (e) {. What I just wrote doesn't work though.
If it is just about the event handler, then you can use event delegation to capture the event on dynamically created elements as well.
There is not reason why you have to use .each here, so just omit it:
$(document.body).on('show hide', '.collapse', function() {
var title = $(this).siblings('.accordion-heading').find('a');
// rest of the code...
this will apply on any new objects matching selector
jQuery(document).on('show hide', '.accordion-heading a', function(event){

Holding down mouse button on SlickGrid header to get column information

I'm trying to make a special menu pop up in Slick Grid when the user holds down the mouse button for some amount of time. The menu has to relate specifically to that column, so I need to somehow retrieve the information from that column. Since the popup will appear during the time the mouse button is held, I can't use an onclick event.
I do have some code I used to make this work for the main body of the grid:
// Attach the mousedown and mouseup functions to the entire grid
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#myGrid").bind("mousedown", function (e, args) {
var event = e;
timer = setTimeout(function () { heldMouse(event, args); }, 500);
.bind("mouseup", function () {
function heldMouse(e, args) {
// if header click -
// showHeaderContextMenu(e, args)
// else
mouseHeldDown = false;
// Displays context menu
function showContextMenu(e) {
var cell = grid.getCellFromEvent(e);
grid.setActiveCell(cell.row, cell.cell);
.css("top", e.pageY - 5)
.css("left", e.pageX - 5)
(I know args is going to be empty, it's there more as a placeholder than anything else for now)
This works perfectly fine for holding down on the main body, but if I do this on the header, since I no longer have access to getCellFromEvent and the mouse events I've called can't get args from anywhere, I'm unsure how I can get information about the header and which column I'm in. Is there a bit of functionality in Slickgrid that I've overlooked? I didn't notice a mousedown event I could subscribe to.
I had a thought that I could bind separate events to both the header and the body, but I'm not sure if that would still be able to get me the information I need. Looking at the tags, I see two possibilities: slick-header-column, which has an id (slickgrid_192969DealNbr) but I'm not sure how to reliably remove that number (where does it come from?), or slick-column-name, where I can get the html from that tag, but sometimes those names are altered and I'd rather not deal with that unless I absolutely have to. This is what I'm referring to:
<DIV id=slickgrid_192969OrdStartDate_ATG title="" class="ui-state-default slick-header-column" style="WIDTH: 74px">
<SPAN class=slick-column-name>
<SPAN style="COLOR: green">OrdStartDate</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN class=slick-sort-indicator></SPAN>
<DIV class=slick-resizable-handle></DIV></DIV>
Also, I have this:
grid.onHeaderContextMenu.subscribe(function (e, args) {
// args.column - the column information
showHeaderContextMenu(e, args);
Is there a way perhaps I could trigger this event from the mouse holding methods and receive args with the column name in it? This was just a thought, I'm not really sure how the triggering works with SlickGrid/JQuery, but figured it might be possible.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Try something like this instead (demo):
$(function () {
var timer;
.bind("mousedown", function (e, args) {
var event = e; // save event object
timer = setTimeout(function(){
doSomething(event, args);
}, 1000);
.bind("mouseup mousemove", function () {
function doSomething(e, args){
And in case you were wondering why I saved the e (event object), it is because of this (ref):
The event object is valid only for the duration of the event. After it returns you can't expect it to remain unchanged. In fact, the entire native event object (event.originalEvent) cannot be read in IE6/7/8 after the event has passed--it's gone and will throw an error if you try to access it. If you need an unchanging copy of some event data, make one.
I got something that works, for now, with the help of Mottie's idea (was not aware of "closest" in jquery). It's not elegant, but so be it.
Here's the structure of one of the column tags:
<DIV id=slickgrid_132593DealNbr title="" class="ui-state-default slick-header-column slick-header-column-sorted" style="WIDTH: 49px">
<SPAN class=slick-column-name>DealNbr</SPAN>
<SPAN class="slick-sort-indicator slick-sort-indicator-asc"></SPAN>
<DIV class=slick-resizable-handle></DIV></DIV>
And here are the calls made to get it.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#myGrid").bind("mousedown", function (e) {
var event = e;
timer = setTimeout(function () { heldMouse(event); }, 500);
.bind("mouseup", function () {
$("body").one("click", function () { cleanup(); });
function heldMouse(e) {
// If the click was not on one of the headers, it won't find this
if ($('.slick-header-column').html() != null) {
var $foundColumnHeader = $('.slick-header-column');
// columns being used to populate SlickGrid's columns
var held_col = columns[$foundColumnHeader.index()];
showHeaderContextMenu(e, { column: held_col });
else {
mouseHeldDown = false;

Prototype.js event observe click intercept and stop propagation

I have a page that is built around a wrapper with some very defined logic. There is a Save button on the bottom of the wrapped form that looks like this:
... my page goes here...
<input id="submitBtnSaveId" type="button" onclick="submitPage('save', 'auto', event)" value="Save">
This cannot change...
Now, I'm writing some javascript into the page that gets loaded in " page goes here...". The code loads great and runs as expected. It does some work around the form elements and I've even injected some on-page validation. This is where I'm stuck. I'm trying to "intercept" the onclick and stop the page from calling "submitPage()" if the validation fails. I'm using prototype.js, so I've tried all variations and combinations like this:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
Element.observe('submitBtnSaveId', 'click', function (e) {
console.log('Noticed a submit taking place... please make it stop!');
e.cancelBubble = true;
alert('Stop the default submit!');
return false;
}, false);
Nothing stops the "submitPage()" from being called! The observe actually works and triggers the console message and shows the alert for a second. Then the "submitPage()" kicks in and everything goes bye-bye. I've removed the onclick attached to the button in Firebug, and my validation and alert all work as intended, so it leads me to think that the propagation isn't really being stopped for the onclick?
What am I missing?
So based on the fact that you can't change the HTML - here's an idea.
leave your current javascript as is to catch the click event - but add this to the dom:loaded event
this will remove the onclick attribute so hopefully the event wont be called
so your javascript will look like this
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
Element.observe('submitBtnSaveId', 'click', function (e) {
console.log('Noticed a submit taking place... please make it stop!');
e.cancelBubble = true;
alert('Stop the default submit!');
return false;
submitPage('save', 'auto', e);
//run submitPage() if all is good
}, false);
I took the idea presented by Geek Num 88 and extended it to fully meet my need. I didn't know about the ability to overwrite the attribute, which was great! The problem continued to be that I needed to run submitPage() if all is good, and that method's parameters and call could be different per page. That ended up being trickier than just a simple call on success. Here's my final code:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
var allButtons = $$('input[type=button]');
allButtons.each(function (oneButton) {
if (oneButton.value === 'Save') {
var originalSubmit = oneButton.readAttribute('onclick');
var originalMethod = getMethodName(originalSubmit);
var originalParameters = getMethodParameters(originalSubmit);
oneButton.writeAttribute('onclick', null);
Element.observe(oneButton, 'click', function (e) {
if (validateForm(e)) {
return window[originalMethod].apply(this, originalParameters || []);
}, false);
function getMethodName(theMethod) {
return theMethod.substring(0, theMethod.indexOf('('))
function getMethodParameters(theMethod) {
var parameterCommaDelimited = theMethod.substring(theMethod.indexOf('(') + 1, theMethod.indexOf(')'));
var parameterArray = parameterCommaDelimited.split(",");
var finalParamArray = [];
parameterArray.forEach(function(oneParam) {
finalParamArray.push(oneParam.trim().replace("'","", 'g'));
return finalParamArray;

How to check if a button is clicked in JavaScript

How to check if a button is clicked or not in prototype JavaScript?
$('activateButton').observe('click', function(event) {
The code above is not working.
With this button:
<button id="mybutton">Click Me</button>
Use this:
$('mybutton').observe('click', function () {
Tested and works, here.
You might want to encase it in a document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { }) thingy, to prevent it executing before your page loads.
Also, just an explanation:
The single dollar sign in Prototype selects an element by its id. The .observe function is very similar to jQuery's .on function, in that it is for binding an event handler to an element.
Also, if you need it to be a permanent 'button already clicked' thingy, try this:
$('mybutton').observe('click', function () {
var clicked = true;
window.clicked = clicked;
And then, if you want to test if the button has been clicked, then you can do this:
if (clicked) {
// Button clicked
} else {
// Button not clicked
This may help if you are trying to make a form, in which you don't want the user clicking multiple times.
How one may do it in jQuery, just for a reference:
$('#mybutton').on('click', function () {
Note that, the jQuery code mentioned above could also be shortened to:
$('#mybutton').click(function () {
jQuery is better in Prototype, in that it combines the usage of Prototype's $ and $$ functions into a single function, $. That is not just able to select elements via their id, but also by other possible css selection methods.
How one may do it with plain JavaScript:
document.getElementById('mybutton').onclick = function () {
Just for a complete reference, in case you need it.
$('body').delegate('.activateButton', 'click', function(e){
