Please help me with my joomla template - joomla

I'm currently using this template in my joomla site and I dont know why i can't see the background image. i tried with internet explorer , firefox and chrome and I tried to edit the template style sheet but I still cant see the background image, what can I do?

Without providing any other info or a direct link i can't help you.
Anyway try to change permission on template folder to 775.
If you can't access directly via ftp, install a component like ninjaxplorer (it's free)
and go on templates/yt_expo and change permission on folder/subfolder and files.


How do I delete joomla template?

I installed a new template for my joomla site but after that I have no access template manager. It only becomes a completely white page in Firefox and Opera says that "currently unable to handle the request." Is there any way to delete a template outside of the webadmin interface?
You can delete through your ftp client like filezilla. Open filezilla, login to your server and the delete the template. May be the template comes with some plugins or else how can just by installing it started showing error unless you use that template. Possibility is: i) You might have installed a template for older version. ii) You might have installed a plugin with the template that was autopublished. iii) You messed up some setting files.
I suggest you to open file manager, go to templates and then delete that particular template. Also when asking please ask providing all details like name of template, link of template etc.

Why is the CSS not loading in Joomla 2.5.6?

I recently migrated my Joomla website from localhost to the test-server and after having completed the database imports and configurations(in configuration.php), the css doesn't seem to load although I can see that the css files have the correct privileges[644]. all I can see is mis-aligned text.
At first, I thought that since my template was custom, the problem lies in it but when I logged into administrator, the same problem occured, although here the text seems properly aligned.
The link to my website is :
Please assist.
Try the migration again with AkeebaBackup and the corresponding Kickstart-Script. It never failed in my usage. This will save your time you would use now for debugging.

How to edit FTP URLs to HTTP to make images display?

I need to upload images into a page in my website.
I usually use WinSCP FTP program because it gives me the option "Copy to Clipboard (Include paths)". I copy images' URL through this option and the images are usually uploading and displaying successfully to the website.
I'm trying to do the same now for a new page but that is not working. Using any option in WinSCP is not helping at all. All I get is a small icon instead of the image. But when I use FileZilla for copying the URL, the images are uploading and displaying successfully. BUT the problem is that the page is requesting the username and the password to display the images.
I've been googling about it and I realise that the problem could be that I need to change the FTP URL to HTTP. I tried to do it this way:
That is probably totally wrong? I tried some other ways but the problem is I'm only a beginner and I don't have the knowledge how to edit it or how to find out what the problem is.
I followed the instructions of someone from the support of my host and they advised me to do a restore to all my directories in the FTP manager. I did that but I feel like I messed it up because now all the folders and the directories are duplicated. Could that also be the problem?

Can't upload images in Joomla 1.5.22

Joomla 1.5.22 new installation, no extensions added. I've only configured the Global Configuration pages. For some reason, I can't upload any pictures, either in articles or in the media manager. "Start Upload" does nothing, it just sits there.
The only thing I could find on this was a folder permissions issue and and so I set Images and all sub-folders to 777, but that still didn't help.
Any thoughts on what could be causing this and how to get it to allow for pictures to be uploaded?
First off change your folder settings back from 777 to something more secure (664 or 775). Then Prakash could be correct in that the flash uploader is not working on your system and you can disable it and use the normal file view uploader. Try that and let us know.
On global configuration, in media settings you've enabled the flash uploader which disallows to upload the files for some reason. Disable it, now you'll be allowed to upload files again

How to install Joomla Flash Templates Via Admin?

I Have tried Installing Joomla Flash Templates into my localhost by using admin interface.
But Everytime I get an error as "Template cannot be uploaded on server" due to some error.
Please help me what could be the reason behind this.
I am using Joomla 1.5
Cool ! use the manual way . I think you need to upload a site template
copy/FTP the files into
if you need to automate it set the FTP settings in the file
