How to install Joomla Flash Templates Via Admin? - joomla

I Have tried Installing Joomla Flash Templates into my localhost by using admin interface.
But Everytime I get an error as "Template cannot be uploaded on server" due to some error.
Please help me what could be the reason behind this.
I am using Joomla 1.5

Cool ! use the manual way . I think you need to upload a site template
copy/FTP the files into
if you need to automate it set the FTP settings in the file


Getting error after upgrading the joomla site and admin end is blank page

After upgrading the joomla site iam getting the following error and administrator page is blank.
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/cll/public_html/libraries/regularlabs/src/File.php on line 283
Please help me to solve this issue.
It's clear that the problem comes from a regularlabs extension so you should disable it.
Since your admin page is blank, you can do this via the file system. Log in to your FTP account (or use the control panel's file manager) and access your root folder (/home/cll/public_html/). The extension you are looking for is probably a plugin so you'll find it in the plugins folder. I assume you'll find the extension in the /plugins/system/ folder (full path: /home/cll/public_html/plugins/system/).
When you'll find the extension's folder look for the plugin's PHP file and rename it.
For example, if the problem comes from "components anywhere" plugin (it's a regularlabs extension) search for componentsanywhere.php and rename it to something else (eg foobar.php).
If this doesn't help contact the developer to help you, he is a good guy.

How do I delete joomla template?

I installed a new template for my joomla site but after that I have no access template manager. It only becomes a completely white page in Firefox and Opera says that "currently unable to handle the request." Is there any way to delete a template outside of the webadmin interface?
You can delete through your ftp client like filezilla. Open filezilla, login to your server and the delete the template. May be the template comes with some plugins or else how can just by installing it started showing error unless you use that template. Possibility is: i) You might have installed a template for older version. ii) You might have installed a plugin with the template that was autopublished. iii) You messed up some setting files.
I suggest you to open file manager, go to templates and then delete that particular template. Also when asking please ask providing all details like name of template, link of template etc.

Magento connect manager cannot opened

Hi All I've got this page when try to open magento connect manager from my magento.
Permission set to 777.
Have any idea how to fix this?
if you want to install any extensions, you can paste the extension key here and you can download the extension files. than you can install the extension through ftp [ like filezilla]
let me know if you find any problems in this.

Joomla com_extplorer keep reloading page

I'm used to install extplorer in every joomla project, always everthing going well.
This time at the extplorer launch time its keep loading the web page in loop mode( tried to change permissions in administrator/components , triade to let Aruba install joomla) nothing worked.
Any suggestion ?
Do you have the Admintools extension installed and a custom .htaccess file?
If yes, open AdminTools and htaccess maker.
Under Server Protection>Exceptions>Allow direct access to these files
Add the following line:
to the list of allowed files and regenerate your .htaccess.

Please help me with my joomla template

I'm currently using this template in my joomla site and I dont know why i can't see the background image. i tried with internet explorer , firefox and chrome and I tried to edit the template style sheet but I still cant see the background image, what can I do?
Without providing any other info or a direct link i can't help you.
Anyway try to change permission on template folder to 775.
If you can't access directly via ftp, install a component like ninjaxplorer (it's free)
and go on templates/yt_expo and change permission on folder/subfolder and files.
