Why is the CSS not loading in Joomla 2.5.6? - joomla

I recently migrated my Joomla website from localhost to the test-server and after having completed the database imports and configurations(in configuration.php), the css doesn't seem to load although I can see that the css files have the correct privileges[644]. all I can see is mis-aligned text.
At first, I thought that since my template was custom, the problem lies in it but when I logged into administrator, the same problem occured, although here the text seems properly aligned.
The link to my website is : www.wdwdi.com/calderoni
Please assist.

Try the migration again with AkeebaBackup and the corresponding Kickstart-Script. It never failed in my usage. This will save your time you would use now for debugging.


Drupal twig template doesn't update

I am facing a weird issue.
I changed my theme "activite" template (node--activite.html.twig). This one is mapped with a js script in another file that I map with the libraries.
Until now, everything worked as well.
But, now, all changes I make don't update the template (even a simple <div>test</div>).
What I did :
clear all caches
clear cache in Performances menu
clear cache in database directly
Nothing worked.
There is no server cache and no cache lifetime, no console error.
If I put a console log in a button's template, it's working.
I am on Drupal 8, and I can't change the machine name just for test.
Any advice or solution?
This is solved.
I don't know why (I am not the only who worked on it), the node path had changed. So each time, I was editing the template from an old path....

2sxc Gallery - The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later

DNN 09.09.01 / 2sxc 11. 22.1 / Image Gallery v5
App installation without problem, but when you click on image to show in Fancy box - you got message; The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later.
I tested this with 2sic DNN Instant Bootstrap 4 theme and it is working just fine.
However, on this site I am using other DNN Theme ("Professional" Theme from DNNVista, Bootstrap 3, link; https://store.dnnsoftware.com/home/product-details/professional-15-colors-mega-menu-bootstrap-responsive-dnn-6x-7x-8x-dnn-9x) and this error occurred every time I click on a single photo.
I am aware that this Theme is full of bugs and I probably wasted 99$ for it, but would like to find out what is wrong and try to fix it in this particular Theme.
But - I don't know where to start, because there is no errors in Admin Log.
Any similar situations or ideas, please?
(sorry if I did not express my self clearly - English is not my Mother Tongue. Please ask if you need clarification)
I found that, from some reason, hyperlinks for pictures are parsed without question mark after filename, but can't find a reason for such behaviour because everything is correct in app template.
Just a guess - probably you have some JS replacing other JS - like Fancybox being loaded 2x in different versions. Best check the Chrome-Network to verify.

WordPress Dashboard not working correctly

I have recently installed wordpress on my Windows 7 machine for use with IIS7.5 and SQL Server 2008. The install went in with no issues and everything fired up correctly but I have some really major issues.
1.) In my dashboard when clicking on Posts>All Posts, my list of posts is empty and yet the links at the top (All, Published, Drafts) all show as having counts against them. I can browse to these post by entering the URL in directly to the browser but can't see them through the dashboard. The posts don't show up through the search either. This is also the same behavior for media libs too. It says the files are there but can be seen in the list.
2.) When trying to upload images I have two issues. The first is that when I try to upload an image with default settings from install I was getting a message like "Missing a temporary folder". I know there are a load of posts on this but none of the fixes have worked. I used the PHP Info file to get the default directory which was "C:\windows\temp". So I tried to override it in the PHPconfig using the upload_tmp_dir directory but it didn't change. So I changed the permission on the folder to allow "IUSR" and IIS users read and wright access but now I get the message "An error occurred in the upload". The weird thing is when I look in the wp-content/uploads folder, some of my images are there but can't be seen through the dashboard.
Can anyone help. I have search for hours trying to find resolutions but nothing works.
I have resolved both of the issues above. I cannot write the resolutions here as they are quite long winded but for anyone who comes across the same issues please review my blog post here: http://blog.building-blocks.com/installing-wordpress-on-windows-using-sql-server-2008-r2-part-1

Magento Fatal error: Class not found

This is a stretch but hopefully someone has an idea of what's going on here.
I was working on adding a feature to an extension (Amasty Product Grid Editor) to add the in stock status to the grid and allow in-line editing.
I ultimately got this working, but in the process something odd happened. I now have a problem with a completely unrelated extension (AheadWorks Facebook Integrator).
If the FB extension is enabled, I get almost no output in the browser on any page in the frontend or backend EXCEPT on the product grid in the admin.
On every other page it renders some of the header but bails after it tries to instantiate an instance of the FB Integrator helper class.
It throws this error:
Fatal error: Class 'AW_FBIntegrator_Helper_Data' not found in /var/www/vps_local_5/app/Mage.php on line 520
However, this file is there and all permissions are correct. The only thing I can figure is that in my failed attempts to get the feature added to the product grid I screwed up the database or something, but I have no idea what would cause it to think that a class file isn't there when it really IS.
The site works fine otherwise if I disable the FB extension. If I disable or even revert my changes to the Product Grid extension it still doesn't work, so it's not a conflict either.
I am leaning towards database only because after I got the changes to the Product Grid extension working correctly on my local dev server I copied those files to our remote dev server and it works great with no issues or conflicts with the FB extension.
So I have to believe that it was something in my iterations that broke something but I'm at a loss as to what.
Any ideas?
Try returning the compilation process (Magento Compiler) -- only if you have it currently enabled.
Magento loads from /includes/src/ instead of app/code/local or app/code/community when the compiler is enabled.

Magento - How to debug layout problems

I've just upgraded Magento from 1.4 to 1.5. The update went (almost) smoothly and admin appears to be all working etc.
The problem is with the theme. Something (a module or some bad code somewhere) is causing memory issues somewhere down the page (Error tried to allocate memory etc). The top layout areas load ok. I know this because I get a fatal error on a deprecated method call and when I correct this error I see the problem
How can I track down the offending code/module?
** EDIT ** The admin area is working just fine which is why I am assuming it is theme related
** EDIT ** I see the problem even with different themes
If you can see the problem with the default theme, it's unlikely that the theme itself is causing the problem. This is backed up by the fact that you say that you have the same issue with multiple themes.
Assuming that you made no updates to the core code (right? right?), try replacing your entire core class folder with a clean copy from your version of Magento. Try doing the same with your default theme (if you have edits to the default theme, create a "new" theme with the default code and use that). Then, try again. If you still have problems, it's very likely that some of your custom code is causing the problem.
Hope that helps!
EDIT: Make sure to disable caching, the Magento compiler, etc.
