WP7 / WP8 - Apply text styles - windows-phone-7

As you know, in Windows Phone SDK there are several styles that you can apply to textblocks.
For reference: MSDN
Since you can't always remember the full name of the style, is there an easy way to apply them? Do I really have to go to that link everytime I need to apply a new style?

IntelliSense is not helpful enough? I usually, write StaticResource text and then the list gets filtered with all the styles containing the "text" string. Kind of depends according to your needs. If you want to apply for font style, write "font" and see the list of suggestions.
Now, I'm not sure if my IntelliSense is as yours or is already enhanced by Resharper. If you haven't heard of it, take a look at it. You gotta hit CTRL+SPACE if the suggestion list isn't there, and it will get filled with possible matches. It's a nice productivity tool that does MUCH more and actually is not free but, I guess you could also get it crac... ahem :)
Other than this, I guess a quick bookmark to that web address, does that job pretty well. :)

The easiest way is to ensure you have the visual designer open while creating the view. You can right click on your TextBlock select Edit Style -> Apply Resource ->. From here you will see a long list of available styles to pick from.

I just found out that what I was looking for will be implemented in Visual Studio 2013!
Here you go: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2013/08/09/xaml-editor-improvements-in-visual-studio-2013.aspx


Is there an easy way I can display a short message with the default Quick Look preview?

DRM-protected iTunes movie and music files show a fairly standard-looking Quick Look preview, but with an extra line of text added above the default material:
I'd like to be able to replicate this behavior for my DRM-protected custom document type, but so far I haven't found a way. Is there an easy way to achieve this and still keep the system-default content and layout? Sure, I could easily obtain all of the metadata and build my own preview, but then I'd have to worry about localizations and future-proofing.
No, the only way is to build a custom Quick Look preview extension and/or plugin.

Visual Studio Sidebar Navigation

I am looking for free extension that has one simple functionality which is sidebar file navigation like is in SuperCharger or Resharper (see attached screenshots). Sadly both of them are paid :-( Does anyone have a good alternative?
Visual studio has Class View window for a quite a while.
You can try Productivity Power Tools, with it, you can:
Expand code files to navigate to its classes, expand classes to navigate to their members, and so on (C# and VB only)
Search your solution, all the way down to class members
Filter your solution or projects to see just opened files, unsaved files, and so on
View related information about classes and members (such as references or callers/callees for C#)
Preview images by hovering over them, or preview rich information by hovering over code items
We've also added support for multiple selection and drag & drop.
I know its an old question, but as i was looking for an alternative to supercharger // Resharper (for the navigation only) few days ago, and had looked on stack before doing my search (and as I found the answers not exactly what i was looking for) ...
After testing a few extensions I finally found a good alternative to those two paid solutions :
You can also just download it from the extensions menu , search for CodeNav .

Cannot file build style on visual studio 2013

I want to open The Modify Style dialog box
Someone may know if this moved ?
I have try View->Toolbars-> and from here i cannot fine any style option
If you're talking about the Toolbars -> Style Sheet toolbar, it seems to have been removed intentionally:
Thanks for the feedback. The Stylesheet toolbar was removed because it
added little to no value with outdated wizards and dialogs. We're
looking at bringing more visual tooling back to CSS in the future, but
in a better way.
Regards, Mads Kristensen
Source: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/807167/vs-rc-ultimate-2013-missing-toolbar-style-sheet
Might be worth keeping an eye on this one as well (for further verification, it may get updated):

How can I customize the text editor or color tag parts of my code in Visual Studio?

How do I customize, extend the text editor, or color tag parts of my code?
I would like Visual Studio to color code parts of my code. Can I use #region and give it a color?
Is there any way to make the background between two parentheses have a different color? (I want each code "block" to have its own color.)
I've looked here for some insight, but they all are implemented based "on what you select". All I want is to have the text editor "render" the text in a different way based on some rules.
I haven't seen such feature, but there is something quite close to what you are looking for in ReSharper. A setting called "Highlight matching delimiters". Looks like this in use:
I wanted tell you this because
1) You might be interested in resharper and
2) resharper is able to do the highlighting so maybe someone can make an add-in or something to add this kind of feature. Maybe you? :)
I don't know of anything exactly like what you're asking for, but the VS10x Code Map extention might help: http://www.axtools.com/products-vs2010-extensions.php
It will give you a nice overview of the code on the side, and make navigation somewhat easier.
The download button on the right lets you download a trial version from the Visual Studio Gallery at msdn.microsoft.com. I think you can also find it directly from the extentions view in VS2010.

Is there a Visual Studio shortcut for replacing the beginning and ending tag name in XAML/XML/HTML at once?

I want something similar to this post but with Visual Studio. This would be very helpful when editing XAML, XML, or HTML.
For instance:
<Button>I'm A Button</Button>
If I start changing the 'StackPanel' tag, I want to automatically change the end tag to match (say if I switch it to a 'Grid' instead). I figure I could write a macro to do it, but I want to use a native approach first if available.
CodeRush and Refactor pro from devexpress will do this for you as well as a ton of other cool stuff. It is a paid for product though I'm afraid - I am not aware of anything free that does this.
I'm afraid you'll have to either:
Write a macro.
Write an add-on (or customize an existing open-source add-on).
Buy one of mentioned products (CodeRush or Refactor).
