WIX/DTF - Dialog with a list, edit field and add/remove buttons on it - installation

Anybody knows a good source to get an idea how to create this kind of a dialog?
I'm well aware that I'll need to write some CA's for that but relatively new to WiX (used to work with InstallShield).

This can get you started. Does not contain info about edit fields and buttons, but have a listbox. As an example, it populates IIS websites into the listbox. Very good source of info.


Activereports (under VB6) issue

I have to modify an old VB6 program that uses ActiveReports 2.0 at work and I am having some problems (BTW I have never used this program before and only have a basic knowledge of VB6)...
I have to make some text boxes biggers which is pretty easy to do but as soon as I move them a whole section of text (and not simply the content of that text box) disappear.
I have noticed that it was in some sort of section (sorry, I don't know how they call that) which englobed those text boxes so I made it bigger and that made no difference.
What could be causing this?
Thank you!
It sounds like the TextBox is inside a UserControl. A UserControl is created by a developer, and is basically one control with any number of other controls in it. You can check to see if there are any User Controls in your project in the Project Explorer (Ctrl+R).
One way to know exactly what class the control belongs to is to open your form in design mode (Shift+F7), click on the control, and look at the Properties window (F4). The drop-down list should show the currently selected control's class name in bold, then the name of the object.
What is the control's class? If it is anything other than TextBox, then this would explain the unexpected behavior you experienced.

Dynamics CRM option set

I am new to Dynamics CRM so please excuse me for the newbie question xD
I managed to create an option set field with 2 possibilities:
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Does anyone have an idea how when a particular possibility is picked, a list of custom based fields will appear in the form? Thanks in advance
If i understand your problem correctly you want certain fields to appear/disappear according to the choice selected in the option set.
The way I see this working is by implementing a Javascript on the onChange event of the option set. you can do this from the 'Form Properties' when changing the layout of the form.
Below is a link showing some examples of possible useful commands that might help you:
You can put your custom fields in a custom tab and then hide/disable it according to the value in the option set.
If you have any further problems feel free to ask :)
I hope this helps :)
If you are comfortable working in Visual Studio, I highly recommend installing the Developer Toolkit (You can find the .msi \tools\developertoolkit - download it from here). It will allow you to develop JScript with some syntax highlighting and intellisense and makes source control and deployment a snap.

VS2010 SDK - Adding Display Items to the Fonts and Colors options dialog

I'm trying to add custom Display Items to the Fonts and Colors dialog. I can successfully save and retrieve colors using the IVsFontAndColorStorage service but the items do not appear in the list of Display Items. I have tried following this blog post about adding a custom category. My category appeared but only with the default display items. My real goal is to add my custom colors to the "Text Editor" category. ReSharper does a similar thing.
Have anyone had experience with this? Is there a nice tutorial out there?
I eventually went a different route. This thread has the details on how to accomplish it: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vseditor/thread/ed463657-6a36-4e33-b313-b2923cc81a74
I'm writing an Editor Extension and wondered the same thing. It as easy as decorating the attributes you want to appear with UserVisible(true). See this thread for more information.

Tool to grab items from a Listbox in external app

I need to grab text items from a listbox in an application. I know for sure that the control is a ListBox. I've seen many tools that could do this, but I cannot remember their names. And I cannot find the right words to google for it. Does anybody know such tool?
You just get hold of the window handle of the list box and send some LB_GETTEXT messages. As far as tools go you might be thinking of Spy.
I couldn't find anything and ended up writing a small C# application using System.Windows.Automation. Just several lines of code.

How to create a button like New Mail in Outlook add-in?

Can anyone pls tell me how to create a button(in CommandBar) like 'New Mail' (with a dropdown list) in Outlook?
When one clicks on the button it should do some action and when clicked on the down arrow mark, it should populate a list of items. I am in need of this very much.
If anyone know the answer pls let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Assuming Outlook<2007, you add a new button to the explorer/inspector via CommandBars.Add("foo", Type:=msoControlDropdown) and add entries to the drop-down via myDropdown.Add("bar").
See also the reference for CommandBarComboBox.
You can't populate it on click though, you have to find other suitable events for that, e.g. Explorer.SelectionChange.
On Outlook >= 2007 you need to customize the ribbon which is a bit more writing work. Customizing the Ribbon in Outlook 2007 is a good introduction into that.
To create a new mail item use myOlApplication.CreateItem(olMailItem) or myMailFolder.Items.Add(), set it up as needed and show it in an inspector via e.g. myMailItem.Display().
Sound like you are looking for a split button. Unfortunately the API does not expose that.
You can hack up a Popup under the button which is a poor attempt of a split button.
