Google appinventor - what to do with barcode? - app-inventor

Trying to create a hello world android app with app inventor, and there's an option to get the barcode. I got it, now, what the heck do I do with it? what's the point?

It's a QR code, which encodes the URL of the app you've just made. That way you can download and install it.
See here for how to use it:

You can open a barcode reader app on an Android device and point the camera at the barcode on your screen. I use "Barcode Scanner" but there are other options too.

Here is the standard answer given on the App Inventor forums


Link open my app or go to store with parameter

I am a Xamarin Forms developer.
I would like to open my app or go to the store with a link. And is it possible, if it is to store, after downloading my application, pass a parameter to my app?
I don't know if i was clear.
Someone can help me ?
Yandex AppMetrica offers such a feature, while having a nice xamarin.forms sdk.
Your direct case:

Adding screenshot in iTunes Connect without real Device

I am about to submit my app in iTunes connect.
Now it is asking me for screenshots for a 3.5-inch, 4-inch, 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch.
Since I coded it in swift I guess I can skip the 3.5inch part?
But my question is: I only have an 4-inch device available. How can I add the screenshots of the 4.7 and 6inch? maybe with the simulator?
Thank you
In the iOS Simulator File > Screenshot
That saves a screenshot to your desktop.
Simulator should be fine. You can edit it using Sketch, I found it really helpful.
I tried a few different methods, and what worked best for me in a short amount of time was to capture screenshots in the iOS Simulator at 100% scale and then resize them using GIMP, which is free unlike Sketch.
If you're in the business of creating screenshots for many devices, across locales or with frequent screenshot update needs it's best to look into automation with tool like Snapshot.

Blackberry development UI

I am new to Blackberry dev, I want to port my android app to BB, but I found out it wont be possible for BB 7 Dev. So I've decided to create a simple app. However, I am having problems with the mainscreen, I do not know how to invoke the bitmapbuttons layout at app startup in the emulator. Any tutorials will be appreciated.
GridFieldManager will do this sort of layout for you, but I have problems using it, so I always end up using the TablelayoutManager code that you can find in this article:
You will want to put images that act as Buttons in the layout. There is no BB supplied class to do this, but plenty of samples if you search using a term like "image button", for example this one:

Blank Screen After Splash Screen

I am new to windows phone development. In windows phone a blank screen is coming after a splash screen. I am using phonegap to build the app with windows. I tried it with different small applications but it is not working. what could be the reason I have googled it for an hour.
About flow: take a look here and here.
About blinking: can you provide some code? It is not a common behavior for wp app.
I was giving the wrong reference to the cordova.js file. I change the reference to the root directory of the project. After that it is working fine.

Can we programmaticllay take screen shots using Blackberry and Windows 7 SDK?

I know that we can take screen shot of an App during runtime. In iOS we can use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to get the screen shot. We can also do the same in Android.
But is it possible with Blackberry and Windows 7 Mobile OS?
A simple search for "blackberry screenshot" on stackoverflow returned this pretty straightforward answer:
Taking screenshot of the current screen in BlackBerry
And a search for "windows-phone screenshot" yields this:
Windows Phone 7 - Capture Screen
If what you need is for capture a screenshot of your own Windows Phone app, then this post from Jeff Wilcox will come in handy!
It looks like there is a function for that in Display. Check out the SDK reference.
There are a couple of Homebrew tools you can use to take screenshots on WP7 here and here however you wont be able to use these programatically. You can also something along the lines of Mark Artega or Jeff Wilcox
There is no Silverlight VisualBrush support for WP7 and no global Screenshot functionality on WP7 Mango, but writablebitmap.
There is a very usefull way by using default Microsoft Emulator integrated WP7 Screenshot Tool
or use third party methods.
If you are familar with XNA Framework, there you can access to the screen. Using Multithreading, you can do your screenshots that way. If never used the last app because I feel fine using Microsofts Emulator Screenshot button to save my png images.
After you can stitch it together using different ways.
