Mono Tools for Visual Studio - tutorial wanted - visual-studio-2010

I downloaded Mono for Windows and Mono Tools for Visual Studio 2010, installed them, and see some new shiny menus and Project templates in my VS now. But I have no idea how to build my first iPhone app. Is it even possible? Do I need anything else besides what I have already downloaded?
Looking for help resources. A "hello world" tutorial that takes me from starting a project to seeing it run on my iPhone/iPad would be awesome. Does such a thing exist?

Mono Tools for Visual Studio does not allow you to build iPhone apps. The product you are looking for is MonoTouch, which only works on a Mac, due to using a large part of Apple's development toolchain.


Visual Studio Doesn't Show Hololens Emulator

I'm trying to deploy my project to Hololens Emulator using Visual Studio 2017.
My Solution Explorer looks like this:
My Solution Explorer looks like this
When I try to deploy to my Emulator it shows this
To ensure that the Emulators are working I created a new Blank App (Universal Windows) in Visual Studio, that showed this Solution Explorer and Deploy options:
The Emulator opened the Blank App as it's supposed to.
My Build Settings in Unity are the following.
I've tried to reinstall everything, and even creating new Projects in Unity following Microsoft's official tutorial (
My current Unity version is the 2021.3.21f1 LTS.
Best regards!
Unity 2021.3.21f1 LTS is not the recommended version. As Choosing a Unity version and XR plugin said,
For new projects, we recommend using Unity 2020.3.31f1 with the latest Mixed Reality OpenXR plugin to avoid this issue.
Besides, as per Install the tools, Visual Studio 2019 (16.8 or higher) is needed for Hololens 2 development.

Missing macOS Template in Visual Studio

I have been looking around for hours and going back in circles.
I built an iOS app using Visual Studio (Xamarin.iOS) and as long as my Visual studio is connected to my Mac, I can build the solution and work on it. Same seems to be the case for watchOS and Apple tvOS as well but I am unable to find macOS app template in Visual Studio (Windows) - As shown in the following screenshot
Where I have installed Xamarin.Mac SDK as shown in the following
Is it just not possible or am I having a bad day? If I can recall my previous installation of Visual Studio did have macOS (Or I might just be losing my mind). Any help is appreciated.

How to install a missing Xamarin SDK for an existing installation of Visual Studio for Mac?

I want to develop a Mac app using Xamarin. However, when I open the New Project wizard, the Mac templates are nowhere to be found.
I saw "Missing Project Templates for Mac Apps" on the Xamarin forum, but I could not find much else about this topic online, although the answer in that thread did clear up that I don't have the SDK, but (thankfully) my Xcode path is valid.
How can I install Xamarin.Mac (or any other Xamarin SDK) for an existing installation of Visual Studio for Mac?
After some more searching online, I found Install Visual Studio 2017 for Mac in the Visual Studio docs, which finally cleared everything up:
If you chose not to install a platform or tool during the original installation [...] you must run the installer again if you wish to add the components later.
(The installer itself is around 30 MB, so, not too bad.)

Is Open Website Feature, Available in Visual Studio For MAC?

I have been a seasoned .Net + Azure developer with master over all short-cuts & popular extensions available. I use Visual Studio even for Node Js development. I am trying to make a switch to MAC which seems impossible :-(
Quite surprised that even basic options like Open WebSite has been
missing in Visual Studio For MAC.
Has any of expert community member here, tried switching to VS for MAC and
found a way to open website written in Angular or React?
As Microsoft's website states, Visual Studio for Mac is a completely new IDE which needs a lot of development before you should use it for your real projects.
I would highly recommend to run a virtual Windows machine (or even Windows itself) on your Mac.
You could try though, to use Visual Studio Code with AngularJS on your Mac.
Edit 08.03.2018: by now Microsoft has done a lot for Visual Studio Mac. What you want will probably work.
Today is 2020 dec, I still cannot find the website feature in vs Mac. But it's reasonable because .net based website is run in Windows server. It doesn’t make sense to build in mac but execute in windows.

Where can I find the Mac Template Project for Xamarin in Visual Studio?

Since Xamarin is now free and open-source, I installed its Visual Studio integration.
Everything looks fine with one exception - I can't figure out what I need to do to create a Mac App (not an iOS app).
It's not possible to create Mac apps in Visual Studio.
See the requirements for developing for Xamarin.Mac here.
The 'official' answer from Xamarin posted on their forums is:
Right now, we have no items on our public roadmap related to
integration with Visual Studio. As you noted, developing for OS X
requires tight integration with Xcode, and you'd need to be in front
of a Mac anyway to test.
It has been an item of feedback we've received in the past, however.
Like all feedback, we'll consider it for future versions.
Right now, you can use Xamarin Studio community edition (if the
community edition license applies to you) or use your Visual Studio
Professional/Enterprise license.
