Is Open Website Feature, Available in Visual Studio For MAC? - visual-studio

I have been a seasoned .Net + Azure developer with master over all short-cuts & popular extensions available. I use Visual Studio even for Node Js development. I am trying to make a switch to MAC which seems impossible :-(
Quite surprised that even basic options like Open WebSite has been
missing in Visual Studio For MAC.
Has any of expert community member here, tried switching to VS for MAC and
found a way to open website written in Angular or React?

As Microsoft's website states, Visual Studio for Mac is a completely new IDE which needs a lot of development before you should use it for your real projects.
I would highly recommend to run a virtual Windows machine (or even Windows itself) on your Mac.
You could try though, to use Visual Studio Code with AngularJS on your Mac.
Edit 08.03.2018: by now Microsoft has done a lot for Visual Studio Mac. What you want will probably work.

Today is 2020 dec, I still cannot find the website feature in vs Mac. But it's reasonable because .net based website is run in Windows server. It doesn’t make sense to build in mac but execute in windows.


How do i work in Visual Basic in VS Code or Mac?

sorry if the question is basic or does not have an answer but i have began my coding journey and due to classes i need to program basic code in "Visual Basic".
I have a Windows PC where i can code fine in Visual Studio 2022, but i have a MacBook Air as my laptop, i would like to code visual basic on it as well just small codes for my exams and class, i downloaded Visual Studio for Mac and it only allowed me to code in "C#" then i tried VS Code and selected VB on it, Python (With its extension) worked fine on VS Code, i can enter and run my code in the terminal but vb would always be a house of errors.
My question is, what is the appropriate way to program in visual basic on a mac (Latest macOS) (M1 Chip) and how can i get visual basic to work in VS Code?
Really appreciate anyone's time spent on answering this, have a good one!
Spent alot of hours downloading extensions that would help me run VB Code on VS Code, tried to get Visual Basic on Visual Studio for mac and that didnt help either.
The only thing that works right now is visual basic on visual studio 2022 on my windows pc. i want to code in vb on my mac. Python on vs code etc works fine not vb.
Visual Basic is not officially supported on Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac. However, there are some third-party extensions that you can use to add support for Visual Basic on VS Code.
One such extension is "VBNET for Visual Studio Code" which can be found in the VS Code extension marketplace. This extension is a community-supported extension and may not be as stable as the official extensions.
Alternatively, you can use a Windows virtual machine on your Mac to run Visual Studio 2022 and use it to write and run Visual Basic code. This would allow you to use Visual Studio 2022 on your Mac, and you can work with Visual Basic code on your Mac.
It's worth noting that Visual Basic is not a popular language as it was in the past, many developers are not familiar with it and support for it is limited. If you have the opportunity, it might be worth your time to learn a more widely used and supported language like C# or Python.
where VS Code is a powerful, multi-language code editor that offers many features and customization options, making it a great choice for developers. It can be used for Visual Basic development and it's a good alternative for Visual Studio for Mac which does not support Visual Basic.

Visual Studio Web development for Mac OS

I have macbook pro and I have recently released visual studio. But there is no Web development module in that.
Can anyone tell me, How to create website in visual studio for Mac?
I need to switch to Windows.?
Thanks in advance.
Looks like you are indeed new. Under most circumstances, you can do almost everything on your Mac (I am a heavy Mac and Windows user).
You should start by looking at the menu. (top right corner) after launching Visual Studio. Then, go to Visual Studio. > Extensions > Gallery
Pick what you want (for example, Web Development > Web Project Support) and install.
that's it. Like this, you can install whatever you want.
(but, just to confirm, no you don't need to switch to windows or buy a windows machine just for this)

How do I install Dotfuscator in Visual Studio for Mac?

I'm currently using MacOS for my C# development environment, and have been pretty satisfied with the packages available. However, since my codebase is proprietary, my coworkers recommended that I obfuscate the code using Dotfuscator. I've gone over the Microsoft documentation for direct installation to Visual Studio, but I think it may only apply to Windows. Does anyone know how to install Dotfuscator on Visual Studio for Mac?
Update: Dotfuscator now has Mac support; the MSBuild components can be installed via NuGet and referenced from VS for Mac via the same instructions as Windows.
I work for PreEmptive Solutions, who make Dotfuscator. Dotfuscator is not currently able to be installed on a Mac. We do have alternative solutions for Xamarin builds (Android and/or iOS), and we are working on cross-platform solutions in general. We do plan to make Dotfuscator available for Mac users, but I don't have a date for that yet.
What types of apps are you building? That will help us provide a more-detailed answer, and/or we can update this answer as the situation changes in the future.

How can I set up Visual Studio on my Mac?

My team uses .Net and I need to work them though I would like to do it from my Mac. Is VS Code useful or should I use online Visual Studio? What's the best way to work with fellow .Net developers on my Mac.
Before Microsoft ships a full VS in OS X, you will have to run a desktop virtualization stack such as VMware Fusion to run Windows VM there or use Bootcamp to dual boot.
Visual Studio Code or Xamarin Studio might help in a few cases, but none of them claims to replace VS.

IDE / language for Okuma machine tool control development

I'm trying to set up some new developers to make apps for the Okuma control using the Okuma API and SDK. What environment should they use? I tried installing Visual Studio Express 2012 but it keeps giving an error looking for files during install. Also, what language should they use so they can work with the Okuma API?
The Okuma API is written using .NET 4.0 so you really have several options.
Normally I'd say Visual Studio express 2012 for desktop is best but I've seen problems putting it on Windows XP.
If you're using windows XP and aren't ready to invest in a full version of Visual Studio yet, I'd recommend Visual C# Express 2010. If you're more familiar with VB and don't want to switch, do the VB express verison.
All these (and the professional version) are available from
VS 2019 community edition is currently working fine for me doing this. I just have to choose which .net framework in the project settings. That was not listed in the prior answer in case anyone comes across this in the future.
