Missing macOS Template in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I have been looking around for hours and going back in circles.
I built an iOS app using Visual Studio (Xamarin.iOS) and as long as my Visual studio is connected to my Mac, I can build the solution and work on it. Same seems to be the case for watchOS and Apple tvOS as well but I am unable to find macOS app template in Visual Studio (Windows) - As shown in the following screenshot
Where I have installed Xamarin.Mac SDK as shown in the following
Is it just not possible or am I having a bad day? If I can recall my previous installation of Visual Studio did have macOS (Or I might just be losing my mind). Any help is appreciated.


Visual Studio has stopped show hints when pointer goes over class names, functions, properties etc

Now there are just small icon that says nothing useful. I've tried to reinstall vs but without any success. It happened with Unity solution but it doesn't seem issue has something to do with Unity, since I've also checked it by creating new solution as a "console application" with the same result.
I've tried to update/reinstall Visual Studio.
Visual Studio community 8.10.25(build2). Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1
I've managed to solve it by downloading installer of vs directly from the site, without Unity Hub. It installs non "community" version of vs instead of what hub does.

How to install a missing Xamarin SDK for an existing installation of Visual Studio for Mac?

I want to develop a Mac app using Xamarin. However, when I open the New Project wizard, the Mac templates are nowhere to be found.
I saw "Missing Project Templates for Mac Apps" on the Xamarin forum, but I could not find much else about this topic online, although the answer in that thread did clear up that I don't have the SDK, but (thankfully) my Xcode path is valid.
How can I install Xamarin.Mac (or any other Xamarin SDK) for an existing installation of Visual Studio for Mac?
After some more searching online, I found Install Visual Studio 2017 for Mac in the Visual Studio docs, which finally cleared everything up:
If you chose not to install a platform or tool during the original installation [...] you must run the installer again if you wish to add the components later.
(The installer itself is around 30 MB, so, not too bad.)

How do I migrate an OSX Xamarin project to Visual Studio on Windows 10?

I'm in a situation where I've been developing in a very large Xamarin project using Xamarin Studio on OSX and I now have to migrate to Windows 10 / Visual Studio. Recreating the project is not an option, as I said it's quite large. I've searched up on the topic but I'm finding very little information on this and most comments are from several years ago. I tried opening the project in Visual Studio (2015) and get the following errors:
(Both reference the file "values-v24.xml")
Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name
Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name
Has anyone successfully migrated from OSX to Windows / Vis Studio that can advise? The project targets both Android and iOS.
All Xamarin projects are fully compatible with Xamarin Studio, Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio for Windows. I'd recommend updating to VS2017 as this has all the latest support but otherwise it will work.
Based off your error I would check that you have the same Android SDK versions installed on Windows as you had on Mac.

Visual Studio 2017 - Toolbox not loaded and hanging

I have just installed Visual Studio 2017 in my Windows 10.
I got error in initializing the Toolbox and it keep hanging.
Is there something I can do with?
I have launched the VS 2017 with Administrator, but this doesn't resolved the issue.
I had the same issue. I uninstalled Azure stuff and Clang/C2 and Toolset for Visual 2015.3 v140 and Xamarin stuff and added Apache Ant. After that it worked. So some of the above seams to resolve the issue. I will not do further investigation, because for me it is OK without that stuff.
Had the same problem. I did have Xamarin installed but not Android SDK, because I had it already installed for various other tools.
Turns out this is caused by Xamarin trying to access Android SDK, which isnt there. Solution seems to be to either remove Xamarin or install Android SDK, according to development community forum.
Unfortunatly, installing Xamarin and going into Xamarin/Android Settings to point to existing Android SDK (without it) also seems to hang VS2017.
If you want to keep Xamarin and use your own Android SDK/NDK, what you can do is:
Lauch Visual Studio 2017 Installer
Install Xamarin and Android SDK (dont need to install NDK as well)
Launch Visual Studio 2017
Go into Tools / Options / Xamarin / Android Settings (It wont hang
Point to your existing Andoid SDK / NDK and Java runtime you want to
Close VS2017
Go back to Visual Studio Installer
Uninstall Android SDK
Before that I tried to define an ANDROID_HOME environment variable and tried to set the paths in registry, neither of those helped. This fixed the problem for me.
I tried all the voodoo solutions, removed every extension (xamarin included) and every package except the core .net and C# VS, which I updated to the latest version available v15.9.30. Same problem.
The solution for me was to uninstall an office plugin/tool from a previous visual studio.
The problem app was "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools For Office Runtime (x64)". After I uninstalled it, the problem was gone.

Mono Tools for Visual Studio - tutorial wanted

I downloaded Mono for Windows and Mono Tools for Visual Studio 2010, installed them, and see some new shiny menus and Project templates in my VS now. But I have no idea how to build my first iPhone app. Is it even possible? Do I need anything else besides what I have already downloaded?
Looking for help resources. A "hello world" tutorial that takes me from starting a project to seeing it run on my iPhone/iPad would be awesome. Does such a thing exist?
Mono Tools for Visual Studio does not allow you to build iPhone apps. The product you are looking for is MonoTouch, which only works on a Mac, due to using a large part of Apple's development toolchain.
