Source for a LoopingSelector for WP7 - windows-phone-7

I have been looking at nice, 3 part series about LoopingSelectors by Win phone Geek and unfortunately there is a missing source link for the first part on that website.
Can someone offer to please mail it to me or paste it in here, because I don't want to reinvent it? I would apppreciate it. Thanks.
Code for other demos for LoopingSelectors would be fine too.

The LongListSelector is part of the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. You can download the Source & Samples for the November 2010 release, or download the latest version, which includes fixes for various controls to enable applications to pass certification (there were issues with Back key press handling).


Xamarin cross-platform visual studio bottom navigation

I just started using xamarin in visual studio for building cross-platform apps, and i was searching on the internet for some tutorial etc, and i ran into a website "" and i found this amazing bottom navigation
So i searched on google for a tutorial to make that bottom navigation in xamarin.forms cross-platform environment.
But i didn,'t find anything, so i hoped that someone here at stackoverflow knew how to or could provide me with code or a tutorial.
thanks in advance
As Jason already mentioned, something like this requires a custom renderer. However, you're lucky since someone has already done the hard work for you.
There's a Xamarin.Android control called BottomNavigationBar which has been ported to Xamarin.Forms in the project BottomNavigationBarXF. You'll also find an example of how to get started on the latter repository. On iOS, the control defaults to the standard page with tabs on the bottom.

PDF Viewer for Windows 8.1 app

Im trying to implement a pdf viewer for Win 8.1 app using
I need search text feature using this. I know Reader for Windows 8 does it, but i dont know how.
Can anyone help me please!
check this great blog post with a summary of available components for WinRT.
You might check each component vendor specs as some have been enhanced since the time the article was written (ex : DevExpress PDF component for UWP supports search) BuiltIn PDF component purpose is to render documents, not manipulate. You can contact the dev team for feature requests.

how CISCO able to integrate webex plugin for outlook mac

I am developing a plug-in for outlook mac, I have search all over Google and community and everyone told me that its not possible to make Add-in for Outlook mac because it's simply doesn't support and I admitted but I have just seen the WebEx plugin for outlook and I am wondering how they are manage to do so? If anyone have idea I would really appreciate it
You could use Applescript, which is supported in Outlook 2011 for Mac:
You can find other examples here:
Similarly, you will need to find the corresponding API points for adding menu items. One way would be to understand how the API(the objects and functions) available in VBA map to Applescript. Then see how the menu/toolbar items are added and do the corresponding stuff in applescript.
Also, see this Where to find what commands/properties are available for AppleScript in Microsoft Outlook 2011
They reverse engineered Outlook and put their icon in the menu. There is no APIs that Microsoft exposes like on Windows Outlook.

Multilevel expander View in windows phone 8

I am developing windows phone application and got stuck in a problem where I need use ExpanderView (using Telerik or phonetoolkit) but at Multiple levels (0-5), much like TreeView.
Please share any tutorial if anybody got one.
I just spent many hours in playing with this control but no luck.
Have you checked the Telerik Examples app in the store? I belive there is an example like the scenario you want.
You can download sample code provided by Codplex for windows phone-8 and see Expanderview it's very clear and easy to use.

XNA inneractive integration

I'm trying to integrate the "inneractive SDK" in an XNA game for WP7.
It should be simple:
InneractiveAd.DisplayAd("MY_APP_ID", InneractiveAd.IaAdType.IaAdType_Banner, ??? , 120);
but i don't know what to put in the "rootGrid" field of type: System.Windows.Control.Grid
someone can help me?
System.Windows.Control.Grid is a Silverlight control, and the ad service you are trying to use is meant for Silverlight Windows Phone apps, not XNA. You can either
Create a Silverlight/XNA project, move your current XNA game into a frame of that project, and place the Ad in another frame; or
Use a more universal Ad control such as this one.
My name is Nirit and I'm a support manager at inneractive.
Our WP7 SDK currently supports Silverlight, the XNA version is not ready yet, but it's indeed on our roadmap.
On Mango, XNA can be combined with Silverlight so in this case, you can use our SDK.
For further information regarding combining XNA and Silverlight projects please check out this link.
In case Silverlight is not an option for you, please try our Server API (M2M protocol).
Our Server API can be found here.
If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the "Contact Support" link on your Dashboard.
