PDF Viewer for Windows 8.1 app - windows

Im trying to implement a pdf viewer for Win 8.1 app using https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn532207.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396.
I need search text feature using this. I know Reader for Windows 8 does it, but i dont know how.
Can anyone help me please!

check this great blog post with a summary of available components for WinRT.
You might check each component vendor specs as some have been enhanced since the time the article was written (ex : DevExpress PDF component for UWP supports search) BuiltIn PDF component purpose is to render documents, not manipulate. You can contact the dev team for feature requests.


windows universal app pdf viewing

I'm trying to design a Windows 10 Universal application which can download pdfs from online and open them natively in the application while retaining the functionality to fill them out (obviously only for pdfs that normally have such functionality). Is this possible as of now (using either microsoft's own or third party products) ?
Since Windows 8.1 there is a API for rendering PDF documents. You can find a SDK-Sample here - https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/PDF-viewer-sample-85a4bb30/
The problem is: The API render the PDFs to an BitmapImage. You will loose all the functionality to edit forms, it´s viewing only. For Windows 10 there is no aditional way to handle pdfs.
Here is a list of third party controls, who maybe can do the trick.
This stuff is created for windows 8.1, but should work for windows universal as well.

using native pdf viewer of mobile device in Kendo UI Mobile

I do have a Kendo UI Mobile app which I created with the VS Icenium extension. My question is if it is possible to open remote pdf documents with the native pdf viewer which is installed on a mobile device.
Currently, I'm using this code in order to open a document:
if (device.platform === "Android")
window.open(data.uri, '_blank');
window.open(data.uri, '_system');
This opens the browser and downloads the file, which is retrieved from a wep.api .NET MVC webservice. On iOS it works quite well. But on Android it opens the browser and starts the file download in the background and the document is not opened in the browser. It is necessary to pull down the message center in order to open the file.
But like I said, it would be great if I could check if a pdf viewer is installed on iOS / Android and ask the user to open the document with it otherwise opening the file in the browser using the code from above.
Searching the internet the only option I was able to find was pdf.js (which I wasn't able to implement into my app).
I'm an absolute beginner with HTML5, jquery, Kendo UI Mobile etc. and it would be great if you guys could give me your help!
Thank you in advance!

Multilevel expander View in windows phone 8

I am developing windows phone application and got stuck in a problem where I need use ExpanderView (using Telerik or phonetoolkit) but at Multiple levels (0-5), much like TreeView.
Please share any tutorial if anybody got one.
I just spent many hours in playing with this control but no luck.
Have you checked the Telerik Examples app in the store? I belive there is an example like the scenario you want.
You can download sample code provided by Codplex for windows phone-8 and see Expanderview it's very clear and easy to use.

Allow admins to publish html via Windows Live Writer and/or Word

Currently I have a WYSIWYG editor for admins to post HTML pages on an MVC3 website (with forms authentication.) However I saw this video (~4:45 mins in, if it doesn't take you there,) where a person is able to publish to the MVC3 site by clicking the publish button on Windows Live Writer (and maybe Word, but I don't have either to confirm or play around with;) and everything was published quite easily.
I looked into this cool feature of these programs, but wasn't able to find any information on how to implement it on an MVC3 website. I saw some info on how to use this with Blogger or WordPress, but not MVC (it doesn't help that I don't have either Live Writer or Word on my windows system.)
So I'm asking if anyone knows how to do this, can you point me to a tutorial about this Windows editor feature and how to use it in an MVC3 program? Thanks!
Here you go, courtesy of Scott Hanselman.

Source for a LoopingSelector for WP7

I have been looking at nice, 3 part series about LoopingSelectors by Win phone Geek and unfortunately there is a missing source link for the first part on that website.
Can someone offer to please mail it to me or paste it in here, because I don't want to reinvent it? I would apppreciate it. Thanks.
Code for other demos for LoopingSelectors would be fine too.
The LongListSelector is part of the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. You can download the Source & Samples for the November 2010 release, or download the latest version, which includes fixes for various controls to enable applications to pass certification (there were issues with Back key press handling).
