XNA inneractive integration - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to integrate the "inneractive SDK" in an XNA game for WP7.
It should be simple:
InneractiveAd.DisplayAd("MY_APP_ID", InneractiveAd.IaAdType.IaAdType_Banner, ??? , 120);
but i don't know what to put in the "rootGrid" field of type: System.Windows.Control.Grid
someone can help me?

System.Windows.Control.Grid is a Silverlight control, and the ad service you are trying to use is meant for Silverlight Windows Phone apps, not XNA. You can either
Create a Silverlight/XNA project, move your current XNA game into a frame of that project, and place the Ad in another frame; or
Use a more universal Ad control such as this one.

My name is Nirit and I'm a support manager at inneractive.
Our WP7 SDK currently supports Silverlight, the XNA version is not ready yet, but it's indeed on our roadmap.
On Mango, XNA can be combined with Silverlight so in this case, you can use our SDK.
For further information regarding combining XNA and Silverlight projects please check out this link.
In case Silverlight is not an option for you, please try our Server API (M2M protocol).
Our Server API can be found here.
If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the "Contact Support" link on your Dashboard.


Main menu in windows phone 7 on xna framework

I am writing a game using xna for wp7 for the first time and finding difficult to implement main menu and managing game state. please provide any tutorials/links.
I searched on SO, found below link but the this link is broken.
Try the Nokia developer site:
They have some good examples on XNA.
Do you know that you can mix XNA and Silverlight? i.e. Menus can be in Silverlight while your actual game screens can use XNA.

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.

How to get Gesture events by using silverlight framework?

I try to search available option about wp7 gesture. I found only Silverlight toolkit (http://silverlight.codeplex.com/) which has gesturelistener to get gesture events. It looks like some external library to add in the application. I’m wording are there any API comes with WP7 sdk right from Microsoft. But didn’t found anything so far.
I used MouseEventHandler and MouseButtonEventHandler to get any touch event in the emulator. It is not convient for a complicated multi touch, etc.
Please give me so link to study and discover gesture API. Thanks!
The Silverlight toolkit is an external library (to the SDK) but it is produced by people working at Microsoft. Most of the developers of the toolkit also work on the SDK. It is a way for them to release more controls but on a more frequent schedule than the main SDK.
The XNA framework contains some gesture detection but this is typically more complicated to include in a Silverlight application than the toolkit.
You could also write the gesture detection yourself using the manipulation or mouse events but I'd advise against this if possible.
I'd also advise against reinventing the wheel when there are already tools available.
There are gestures built into XNA; but either way, be it Silverlight toolkit or XNA library, you would have to add a reference in your solution.
This would be a nice starting place to learn about gestures in XNA: http://www.silverlightshow.net/items/XNA-for-Silverlight-developers-Part-5-Input-touch-gestures.aspx
Hope this helps!

admob wp7 sdk dont work, alternative ad networks?

i use the admob wp7 sdk for displaying adds in my apps, but i dont see any, it looke like:
of course i insert my adUnitID, when i start my app i dont get anything to see, also when i enable test mode i cant see anything, what could be worng? on the homepage i see that i got requests because it counts up, but nothing to see.
other question:
are there any other add providers instead of smaato and adDuplex which provide a WP7 sdk?
As of today the Microsoft Ad SDK for WP7 can now be used in all territories where the marketplace is available.
Alternatively you could consider AdDuplex
I would recommend looking at the documentation and contacting admob support. Its a third party control so you would be lucky to find someone on here who can offer advice.

Loading Xbox Live Avatar Model in Windows Phone 7 using XNA

Does anybody know how to access the Xbox Live Avatar from within an XNA based Windows Phone 7 application?
Examples I have found seem to use a SignedInGamer.Avatar property, but this is not accessible from Windows Phone 7.
Is there another way or is this not possible in the first place?
as a side note, I'm using the recent Mango beta 7.1 SDK
It's not available in code unless you have the elevated privileges of access to XBox live.
You can, however get an image of your avatar from the web. try:
where xxxxx is the XBox account name. e.g. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/kris/avatar-body.png
My understanding is they are only available to partners. See this post for more information:
However, it looks like you can demo them, here's a quick tutorial on using them:
