Custom Statistics in TeamCity 6.0 - teamcity

I am trying to follow this writeup ( to add code statistics to my TeamCity 6.0 Ci server. I have gotten everything to work as described in the writeup except the last part where the results of the SourceMonitor are displayed in the statistics page. Is there something different that I need to do in TeamCity 6.0 to get this to work?

FYI you have to edit (TeamCity path).BuildServer\config\main-config in 6.0 instead of (TeamCity path).BuildServer\config(project name)\plugin-settings.xml. The plugin-settings.xml file is still present in 6.0 but doesn’t appear to do anything anymore. After that all works as detailed in the write up I posted before.


How to run Microsoft Teams sample app in debug mode

I am using this app
It works fine.
I wish to extend the functionality - specifically in auth.js - so I need to be able to run it in Debug mode.
I have tried for some time but have no success getting a breakpoint hit. I use the instructions at as guidance but have no success. (In particular I don't have 'Debug (Chrome)' or same for Edge available as a config in VS Code.
Can anyone point to guidance on this please or perhaps advise if I need a specific launch.json config
Update – the Teams sample code I was using comes from
They run fine but I had no success getting them to debug. Any search for ‘Teams samples’ is going to find those first!
The repo linked from the ‘Samples’ button of the VS Code Teams Toolkit is at and works as the article above describes.
As for why there are 2 sets of official samples, not cross referenced … go figure.
Hope that helps someone.

SonarQube 6.0 Link to code for issues not working

We have an issue since our upgrade to SonarQube 6.0 that on the issues page the link icon or the right arrow icon no longer link to the code.
In this case clicking either link takes you to another (smaller) list of issues.
This is not the case for all issues, the only difference I can spot is that on the problem issues the filename and line number are not shown. checking in the database and in the issues table the 'line' column is also null.
We are using SonarQube 6.0 with C# plugin 5.3.2 - Analysis is triggered by TFS2015 Update 3
Many thanks in advance for any ideas/advice.
Following Teryk's response I manage fine tune my investigation. It turns out that it is cased by the MSBUILD output which does not include a filename or line for certain CA warning is Microsoft.Design and Microsoft.Naming, e.g. CA1024, CA1040, CA1704, CA1716, thus:
3>MSBUILD : warning CA1040: Microsoft.Design : Define a custom attribute to replace 'ITierRepository'.
When this happens the issue is recorded against the solution but obviously cannot be assign to a specific file and the line not identified.
Having found that I was quick able to find the article which discusses the same issue:
It is caused by the fact that FxCop is not able find source for the issue as described here:
It apparently relates to changes to FxCop reporting that were introduced in v5.2 of the C# plugin which was also deployed at the same time as upgrading to SQ 6.0

Code Definition Window not working in VS2015

Just upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 and the Code Definition Window is not working.It just says "No definition selected" no matter what I select. Project is Windows Forms written in C#.
Go to Definition and Peek Definition are working fine
Went back to VS2013 to try it out and it's still working there
Tried to make a brand new project in VS2015 to see if it was project related, but it was not
Checked with a couple of colleagues and it wasn't working for them either
I have a feeling this is either a bug in VS2015 or some sort of configuration change.
Anyone found a way to configure it, or any sort of work around to get it up and running again?
I got a reply from Microsoft on my Bug report. Turns out it's not implemented and possibly never will be:
Based on the fact that Peek Definition was introduced in VS2013,
combined with telemetry data that shows that only a tiny percentage of
users ever display the Code Definition Window, we decided not to
implement support for it as part of Roslyn. I've filed an issue on our
GitHub project to consider resurrecting it.
Thanks for the report!
-- Kevin Pilch-Bisson Visual Studio Managed Languages
Here´s the github issue Kevin created in response to my bug report in July:
Looks like they just merged a fix for this into Roslyn:

Running Umbraco source code in Windows 7 only produces login screen

I am trying to get started in development of my website and plugins using Umbraco. When I download the binaries from Codeplex, the installation and running of the website works fine. When I downloaded the source code, All I get is a login screen even when the web.config files are the same. Am I doing something wrong or is there something I missed.
The path I use to map IIS to is
You need to compile the source code to get it to work.
To be honest, you shouldn't need the full source unless you really want to start hacking around in the core (which may cause you problems with future updates) or you want to see how stuff works. The Umbraco framework is pretty extensible, I've not found too much so far that I couldn't do without having to touch the core source.
I had a similar issue when running the source and that was that the hashing of the admin password did not work. So i debugged it to see what value was expected and then changed it in the database.

Notifications template bug in TeamCity (BUILD_NUMBER)?

I've set up TeamCity to notify the whole team when a new internal release is ready. The email contains links to server folders where the distributive has been placed. The link pattern is quite simple, the only thing that's 'dynamic' is the lowest-level folder - it's name matches the version number.
The folder is generated by MsBuild using TeamCity's "build.number" property. All is good with it, its name contains only what has been specified in the pattern (e.g. But the strange thing is that {BUILD_NUMBER} in notifications template returns **#** (with the # sign).
So the email ends up with bad links.
Has anyone noticed this? Is there a fix?
Someone else asked essentially the same question on the JetBrains TeamCity blog, as well as on the Developer Community forums.
It appears the community has already seen this issue, but there doesn't seem to be a easy fix or workaround:)
The reported bug seems to have got a fix in version 5.1.
