Notifications template bug in TeamCity (BUILD_NUMBER)? - continuous-integration

I've set up TeamCity to notify the whole team when a new internal release is ready. The email contains links to server folders where the distributive has been placed. The link pattern is quite simple, the only thing that's 'dynamic' is the lowest-level folder - it's name matches the version number.
The folder is generated by MsBuild using TeamCity's "build.number" property. All is good with it, its name contains only what has been specified in the pattern (e.g. But the strange thing is that {BUILD_NUMBER} in notifications template returns **#** (with the # sign).
So the email ends up with bad links.
Has anyone noticed this? Is there a fix?

Someone else asked essentially the same question on the JetBrains TeamCity blog, as well as on the Developer Community forums.
It appears the community has already seen this issue, but there doesn't seem to be a easy fix or workaround:)

The reported bug seems to have got a fix in version 5.1.


ITMS-90909: Deprecated API Usage with iOS in Xamarin Forms app

Can anyone suggest what to do about this message that I get when submitting my Xamarin Forms app to the iOS store?
Comment on possible duplicates
This question was asked before and not answered; I don't think an answered duplicate exists.
This is a known issue which was recently closed by the Xamarin team issue can be found here
And the fix is and i qoute
All the bits are in place, solution time! TL;DR: all is described in this piece of documentation here.
Make sure you are using the latest Visual Studio (for Mac) on the stable channel, that should put you on the right path. At the moment, you will need to use the Xamarin.Forms 4.5-pre1 preview release. I understand that this might not be an option for all of you, but rest assured, the stable package will be out well before the deadline. Stable 4.5 is planned mid to end of February.
Lastly, put the --optimize=experimental-xforms-product-type flag into your iOS additional mtouch arguments setting and you should get rid of the deprecation warning by Apple. If you don't have any references of your own to UIWebView of course 🙂
I would like to ask you to try this at your earliest convenience. Maybe not to release an actual new version to the store based on the Forms preview package, but at least upload a build to verify that this solution works correctly. Whenever you do, you can just update to the 4.5 stable package and release a new version with confidence.
If you do run into anything with this solution, please feel free to reach out to me directly (gerald.versluis [a with a long tail] or open a new issue on the repository. Of course positive feedback is always appreciated as well 😉

The Type or namespace name "WinContols" does not exist in the namespace 'Telerik'

I picked up an Desktop Application written in ASP .NET Web Forms that has been developer 5 years ago and the person is not around. I do need to make some changes but I am stuck and getting it running. (I am using VS17)
I google the issue but unfortunately there is so little out there about it and most of them are really old.
I am missing come Telerik References. To be exact here are list of them.
I have tried this one but was not successful. I followed the steps here but got stock at adding
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders\Telerik UI for WinForms Q1 2014]#="C:\Program Files\Telerik\UI for WinForms\Q1 2014\bin\"
My Telerik looks to be installed at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2019
I do not have a bin folder.
And if I go to those bin folders I don't have anything like Telerik.WinControls.****
I am not sure if it is still supported or what I am doing wrong. I have got bunch of other errors but I have a feeling that they are all related to these missing namespaces.
Any help would be much apricated.
Based on first comment, I was able to fix that issue. Thanks for that!
I have got this error now. Not quiet clear to me how to approach this. Any thoughts?

Code Definition Window not working in VS2015

Just upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 and the Code Definition Window is not working.It just says "No definition selected" no matter what I select. Project is Windows Forms written in C#.
Go to Definition and Peek Definition are working fine
Went back to VS2013 to try it out and it's still working there
Tried to make a brand new project in VS2015 to see if it was project related, but it was not
Checked with a couple of colleagues and it wasn't working for them either
I have a feeling this is either a bug in VS2015 or some sort of configuration change.
Anyone found a way to configure it, or any sort of work around to get it up and running again?
I got a reply from Microsoft on my Bug report. Turns out it's not implemented and possibly never will be:
Based on the fact that Peek Definition was introduced in VS2013,
combined with telemetry data that shows that only a tiny percentage of
users ever display the Code Definition Window, we decided not to
implement support for it as part of Roslyn. I've filed an issue on our
GitHub project to consider resurrecting it.
Thanks for the report!
-- Kevin Pilch-Bisson Visual Studio Managed Languages
Here´s the github issue Kevin created in response to my bug report in July:
Looks like they just merged a fix for this into Roslyn:

Trying to create a custom functoid in Biztalk 2010. Trouble getting resources to show (all null)

First time poster here, so if you need more info or when I am too vague, please say so.
We are using Biztalk 2010 here, together with (of course) VS 2010 (Ultimate in my case, not that it matters) on a 64bit server.
I need to create a custom functoid and have done this (enough tuts on the web, albeit usually for older versions of Biztalk).
What I have problems with now are getting the name, tooltip, description and icon to show up when I add my custom dll to the Toolbox. Whatever I try with my resources, I cannot for the life of my have them appear in Toolbox (always null).
Picture link is below, I am not allowed to include more than 2 hyperlinks in my message yet.
I have used this link as (one of my) sources :
I must be doing something wrong in a stupid way, but I am at the end of my wits here. So, if anyone can please take my hand and help me through this ordeal.. please.. don't let me hold you back.
Thanks in advance !
Solution by the original author (Dennis):
I copied the sample functoid solution from Microsoft into a new project. Used that as a basis to create my own functoids and all is good. Not really the way to go I suppose, but it worked. The reason for my problem (I think) might have been the blank custom tool namespace on the properties of the resources.

How do I integrate my continuous integration system with my bug tracking system?

I use cruisecontrol.rb for CI and FogBugz for bug tracking, but the more general the answers, the better.
First is the technical problem: is there an API for FogBugz? Are there good tutorials, or better yet, pre-written code?
Second is the procedural problem: what, exactly, should the CI put in the bug tracker when the build breaks? Perhaps:
Title: "#{last committer} broke the build!"
Body: "#{ error traces }"
I suppose this presupposes the answer to this question: should I even put CI breaks into my bug tracking?
At my company we've recently adopted the (commercial) Atlassian stack - including JIRA for issue tracking and Bamboo for builds. Much like the Microsoft world (I'm guessing - we're a Java shop), if you get all your products from a single vendor you get the bonus of tight integration.
For an example of how they've done interoperability, view their interoperability page.
Enough shilling. Generally speaking, I can summarize their general approach as:
Create issues in your bug tracker (ex: issue key of PROJ-123).
When you commit code, add "PROJ-123" to your commit comment to indicate what bug this code change fixes.
When your CI server checks out the code, scan the commit comments of the diffs. Record any strings matching the regex of your issue keys.
When the build completes, generate a report of what issue keys were found.
Specifically to your second problem:
Your CI doesn't doesn't have to put anything into your bug tracker. Bamboo doesn't put anything into JIRA. Instead, the Atlassian folks have provided a plugin to JIRA that will make a remote api call into Bamboo, asking the question "Bamboo, to what builds am I (a JIRA issue) related?". This is probably best explained with a screenshot.
All the CI setups I've worked with send an email (to a list), but if you did want—especially if your team uses FogBugz much as a todo system—you could just open a case in FogBugz 6. It has an API that lets you open cases. For that matter, you could just configure it to send the email to your FogBugz' email submission address, but the API might let you do more, like assign the case to the last committer.
Brian's answer suggests to me, if your CI finds a failure in a commit that had a case number, you might even just reopen the existing case. Like codifying a case field for every little thing, though, there's a point where the CI automation could be "too smart," get it wrong, and just be annoying. Opening a new case could be plenty.
And thanks: this makes me wonder if I should try integrating our Chimps setup with our FogBugz!
CC comes with a utility that warns you when builds fail, it probably isn't worth logging the failing build in FogBugz - you don't need to track issues that are immediately resolved (as most broken builds will be)
To go the other way round (FogBugz showing checkins that fixed the issue) you need a web based repository browser - FogBugz is easy to configure so that it shows the right changes.
