VS2010 Web Load Testing with User Logins - visual-studio-2010

I am looking to create a Web Performance test that can be bound to a CSV file with usernames and passwords so that I can run concurrent tests with different users. How do I modify a recorded WebTest in order to accomplish this?

Have you checked out Walkthrough: Adding Data Binding to a Web Performance Test (CSV File)?

Once you have added the csv file as a datasource to the webtest,
right click on the webtest.
select "properties"
set the username property to the
correct datasource field
set the password property likewise


i want to access the transaction from web panel and directly through developer menu(

I want to access my transaction from web panel(send variables to the transaction ) and I want to access this from the developer menu screen (without variables)
How are you?.
Thats is very simple Try with some like this
put in it ONLY a GRID with a several attributes from such TRANSACTION, change the property main=true and Choice option RUN WITH THIS ONLY.
Form more details, you can write to my gmail: #gxsoft
Kind regards,

How to remove SSRS credentials in Visual Studio 2008

I have a question similar to this one, but I am using VS 2008 and an Oracle database (with Oracle SQL Developer). How do I get rid of the report credentials in VS? Thank you.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of this is to supply a username and password for the database in question on the reporting server. The URL is usually something like http://localhost/reports. Usually, users created for this type of connection have minimal read-only rights needed for the specific report. The disadvantages to this type of connection is that it's a one-user-fits-all situation. But because of the error message you are getting, it appears that your wish is to supply a specific user name and password rather than use Windows security--which is just fine.
To get here, click Security from the report drop-down list on the main page. Then, click the Credentials stored securely on the report server. Then, here's an issue that get's lots of folks--click the Apply button at the bottom to save the changes. Sometimes the Apply button is not visible and you need to scroll down to click it.
Now, if you're accessing your report through ReportViewer in VS then the following link may provide some help:
Alternately, you can create or add to a web.config file:
p.s. based on our chat, try adding the following to your web.config connection string--if you have one(with the respective user name and password)--if, indeed you're using Oracle's ODP.net:
providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=oracle_user;Password=oracle_user_password
I have not figure out how to solve this from the database. What I did was, comment out this line of code from the XML of the report:
<Prompt>Specify a user name and password for data source XXX</Prompt>
If you have the correct credential info in the <value> tag, your report should be loaded with username and password parameters without problems.

How to extract report from jmeter in gui mode

I have created script using jmeter and ran it,I then save the file as .jmx
but after closing and reopen the jmeter,I am not able to extract that .jmx file that i have created earlier.
I suppose you are using some listener to have the results:
- View Results Tree component
- Aggregate Report
In order to save those data, you need to fill in the Filename field and select which fields you want to save using Configure button.
This will save results to XML or CSV depending on the configuration you select, you can then reload these files in JMeter when you open again you JMX, by putting mouse in Filename field and using Enter Key.

How to perform data driven load testing using LoadUI

I am load testing a web service.
Is it possible to perform data driven testing using loadui? If yes, how?
We can just give requests to web runner (where url is given) but I am not able to feed any data.
This article in the loadUI documentation explains how you do it. Basically, you have to use a soapUI DataSource via the soapUI Runner.
You can do this with SoapUI & LoadUI [with free versions :-) ]
In SoapUI create a TestSuite, then create TestCase. In TestCase define custom property... for example property with name "firstName"
Then in your request you can use values like this
Save a project and open LoadUI.
click on FLOW -> choose DataSource
Browse your input file. Right Click -> settings , modify separator for your needs.
check loop option to TRUE.
After that, you can use some Runner, right click on it -> Settings -> Properties
Now you can see all TestCase Properties (defined in SoapUI).
Now u need just to make transfer from datasource to SoapUIRunner
For column value you can use someting like this:
${#Data Source 1#firstName}\
Hope this helps.

Packaging Visual Studio LoadTest Solution

I have a VS 2010 Load test solution that contains quite a web tests and a bunch of Load tests. All of the web tests in this solution are data driven and use a SQL DB as the data source. Also, all of the data sources are set to random access method.
Now, whenever I change the data source or copy this solution to a different machine to test another deployment, I have to manually change the data source for all the web tests. The moment I change the data source, the access method gets reset to "sequential" which is the default setting. Now, I will have to change the access method also manually.
So, Is there a way I can package the VS Load Test solution so that the data source and access methods can be specified as parameters to the deployment package?
Note: Only the data source name changes but not the SQL DB schema for the data driven web tests.
The DataSourceAttribute can get all of it's properties from the configurations file of the application.
Here is a page that tells you how to use configuration files to place the connection string.
Walkthrough: Using a Configuration File to Define a Data Source
As you can see you may place the connection string in the app.config file, in the section <microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools>:
<add name="MyJetDataSource" connectionString="MyJetConn" dataTableName="MyDataTable" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
<add name="MyExcelDataSource" connectionString="MyExcelConn" dataTableName="Sheet1$" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
In code usage of attribute:
The following links are just for reference:
How to: Create a Data-Driven Unit Test : creating data-sriven tests
Working with Load Tests : understanding load tests
DataSourceAttribute Class : docs for the attribute
DataSourceAttribute Constructor (String) : ctor that allows external connection string
DataSourceAttribute.DataSourceSettingName Property
Covert the web tests into coded web tests. In the code you will see the data binding code. Whenever you change the data source you can simply use find and replace all for data source name.
I don't think there is way to include this in deployment package.
