How to extract report from jmeter in gui mode - jmeter

I have created script using jmeter and ran it,I then save the file as .jmx
but after closing and reopen the jmeter,I am not able to extract that .jmx file that i have created earlier.

I suppose you are using some listener to have the results:
- View Results Tree component
- Aggregate Report
In order to save those data, you need to fill in the Filename field and select which fields you want to save using Configure button.
This will save results to XML or CSV depending on the configuration you select, you can then reload these files in JMeter when you open again you JMX, by putting mouse in Filename field and using Enter Key.


Jmeter Response Data dissapears in the "View Results Tree" Panel After Re-Opening The .jmx File

I am using Apache JMeter 5.4.1 to record a manual test script (to be automated later) on a web application.
I need the response data logs which are recorded in the View Results Tree for debugging purposes.
I don't want to run the script before debugging, because I need to parameterize the dynamic data which changes every run thus, I need to capture them using the response data.
The problem is, I need to save the file and continue later sometimes, and when I open the file and load the .jtl file into the View Results Tree, the response data doesn't show up. Like it never existed. I can still see the results but when I click on them I see "No Data".
What causes this strange phenomenon, and how can I work around this? Thank you!
By default JMeter doesn't save response data, if you're using View Results Tree listener in GUI mode you need to additionally instruct it to save the results as XML and explicitly tell it to store response data, example setup:
If you're running the test in command-line non-GUI mode - amend Results File Configuration in file to look like:
More information: How to Save Response Data in JMeter

JMeter - tests report always in XML format even though is set to CSV in all places

I set the correct property to be csv format, but yet my report is still giving me XML. Why would this happen?
When I want to draw the graph with:
jmeter -g foo.csv -o graphs
I see error:
File '/xxx/xxx/foo.csv' does not contain the field names header, ensure the* properties are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read incorrectly when generating report
An error occurred: Could not read sample <0>
Open the jmx file with Jmeter in GUI mode, select all listeners of results, for example "View results in tree" or "View results in table", and click "Configure" button, check if you have checked the "Save output as XML" and "Save response data" check. Even one listener checks it, the final report will be in XML, even when you set the correct property.
Or, you can open the jmx file in a text editor, search <responseData> and <xml>. The content of tags should be false and false, always.
The property needs to be set before running the test, not before generating the results.
Also don't use any listeners, they don't add value and just consume resources. If you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l foo.csv
the foo.csv should be in CSV format (assuming default Results File Configuration)
If you don't have possibility to re-run the test you can use Merge Results tool for converting it from the XML format to CSV format, the Merge Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

I'm not able to save the response of view result tree under HTTP test Script recorder in JMeter)

I want to save the responses of view results tree under HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder to access the recording long for next time.
for this I fallowed below steps but getting an error.
Image 1
Here in the above Image I clicked on Browse under the write results to file/ Read from file and enter the file name demo.xml then clicking on open but after this It is throwing the error: "Error Loading Results file.
error screen
If you want to have the request/response details written into a file you need to provide the file name in the View Results Tree listener before running your test/recording.
I would recommend using Recording Template which provides pre-configured test elements you need to perform a recording, you can access it by choosine File- Templates - Recording from JMeter's main menu:

Need to test upload multiple file (CSV) with the multiple Vuser in the Jmeter script

I have scenario
Step#1 Login to the Application
Step#2 Search the Submission Number
Step#3 Go to the Account Detail
Step#4 Browse the file from the your system
Step#5 Click on the Submit button
I am able to do the same by the single user.
Need to do the same task through the multiple user.
Thanks in Advance
For parametrisation using single CSV file - use CSV Data Set Config
For parametrisation using multiple CSV files - use __CSVRead() function
If you need to simulate file upload with JMeter - use "Send Files With the Request" section of the HTTP Request sampler
See Performance testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter guide for detailed information on how to perform file upload and download with JMeter

In jmeter, while using CSV Data Set Config for webservice method getting error

I am using Jmeter (Run as administrator) in order to load and test a webservice method using some CSV Data Set Config.
I have the CSV file under the jmeter folder with path:
"D:\ROHINI DATA\Softwares\Jmeter\Setup\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\examples.
On the given path the jmx and csv files are present. This is true also while the script is executing and it's displaying an error as shown in this screenshot:
Can anyone help me out?
It might be connected with the space between ROHINI and DATA
Try the following workarounds:
Double check that file D:\ROHINI DATA\Softwares\Jmeter\Setup\apache-jmeter-2.11\bin\examples\string.csv exists
If the file exists - provide full path in the "Filename" section
There is __CSVRead() function which offers similar functionality, you can try switching to it.
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG guide for more details on proper configuration.
