Packaging Visual Studio LoadTest Solution - visual-studio

I have a VS 2010 Load test solution that contains quite a web tests and a bunch of Load tests. All of the web tests in this solution are data driven and use a SQL DB as the data source. Also, all of the data sources are set to random access method.
Now, whenever I change the data source or copy this solution to a different machine to test another deployment, I have to manually change the data source for all the web tests. The moment I change the data source, the access method gets reset to "sequential" which is the default setting. Now, I will have to change the access method also manually.
So, Is there a way I can package the VS Load Test solution so that the data source and access methods can be specified as parameters to the deployment package?
Note: Only the data source name changes but not the SQL DB schema for the data driven web tests.

The DataSourceAttribute can get all of it's properties from the configurations file of the application.
Here is a page that tells you how to use configuration files to place the connection string.
Walkthrough: Using a Configuration File to Define a Data Source
As you can see you may place the connection string in the app.config file, in the section <microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools>:
<add name="MyJetDataSource" connectionString="MyJetConn" dataTableName="MyDataTable" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
<add name="MyExcelDataSource" connectionString="MyExcelConn" dataTableName="Sheet1$" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
In code usage of attribute:
The following links are just for reference:
How to: Create a Data-Driven Unit Test : creating data-sriven tests
Working with Load Tests : understanding load tests
DataSourceAttribute Class : docs for the attribute
DataSourceAttribute Constructor (String) : ctor that allows external connection string
DataSourceAttribute.DataSourceSettingName Property

Covert the web tests into coded web tests. In the code you will see the data binding code. Whenever you change the data source you can simply use find and replace all for data source name.
I don't think there is way to include this in deployment package.


How to access web.config sections in a Web service called from another application?

I'm working on a Web service with Visual Studio, framework 4.7.1. One of its Web methods needs to call another Web service (provided by another company). It converts the parameters it receives (that are consistent with our main application's business logic) into values the other Web service can handle (according to it's own business logic). To do this, it relies heavily on data stored in the Web.config file.
I tested it directly (start the Web service and call the Web methods with automatically generated pages on a Web browser page) and everything worked fine.
Now, I need to build a test application (also in Visual Studio, framework 4.7.1) to call the same Web methods. On first testing it, I noticed that the Web service was trying to access the test application's config file instead of its own (as described in Can't read Web.config with ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ).
So I created an applicationSettings section in the Web.config and moved all the data from appSettings into it. It worked fine.
Now, however, I notice that the same thing happens with the custom sections. One of them looks like this:
<section name="jobTypeLists" type="AdelSoft_WS_FRA.JobTypesSection" />
<jobType codeCustomerType="A" codeJobType="JobForA" />
<jobType codeCustomerType="B" codeJobType="JobForB" />
I can see how such a structure could fit into its own .settings file, but I have another one that is much more complicated. (Like, the text nodes can have up to four ancestors.) To keep this short-ish, I'm not providing it now, but it can easily be arranged.
ConfigurationManager.GetSection("jobTypeLists") returns null when called from the test application. Same with WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("jobTypeLists").
I've also tried accessing the configuration file with ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile), but I can't seem to find my sections in the Configuration object it returns.
I'm not sure it means anything, but the Configuration object's FilePath property contains "C:\Folder\InnerFolder\WebServiceFolder\web.config.config". Why this second ".config"? I tried passing the same string to ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(), without the ".config" extension: it returned null. (As it should, I feel.)
The Configuration object has 10 section groups and 22 sections, which I can't make heads or tails from. Likewise, I can list them.
Actually, there are two ways for a Visual Studio project to reference a Web service: as a regular reference (like you would any other project) or as a Web reference.
I was using the former, and therein lay my mistake.
To reference the Web service, I started it, copied the URL from the browser window that it opened, and pasted it into the "URL" text box in the "Add a Web reference" window from my test application. From there on, it worked fine.
(By the way, I have kept the regular reference as well, because I'm using some constants from the Web service to handle return values.)

Asp.Net Core MVC - Can I move Identity and DataAccess to class library

I have created an ASP.NET Core MVC Web application with Individual User Account authentication (Identity).
The template has created one Web project, with a whole bunch of folders, including a "Data" folder which has the migrations for the Identity schema, and ApplicationDbContext.
Now, I have some other projects alongside the web app which will need to consume the data. I don't want them to reference the web project for obvious reasons.
And ideally I don't want my web project to depend directly on EF.
Can I move the data access into a separate class library? And if so, how!?
Create a class library projects.
Move the content from corewebproject/data to class library projects.
Add following from nuget:
Entity Framework
Build class library projects.
Add as reference to your web project.
Change reference in startup contextdb file location.
If you want to change you sql server from localdb change defaultconnection in appsettings.
Add reference related files.
Build solutions.
Go to nuget package manager console and select your project.
Run next commands:
'Remove-Migration'. it will remove some file including snapmodel file
Add-Migrations "Name"
update database
Check you database: you can see upadated db with aspnetcore individual account related tables.
!!! Enjoy !!!!
Sure, check out the Dev branch on we just moved all data into a separate library including identity. Its still quite a work in progress, but it absolutely works.

attaching unit test data to unit tests in visual studio

I heavily make use of unit tests for my developer needs (POCs, unit tests, etc). For one particular test method there was a line that went...
var file = #"D:\data\file.eml";
So I am referencing some file on my file system.
Now in a team when other people are trying to run my "personal" tests (POCs or whatever) they don't have a reference to that file in that path...hence the tests fails. How we'd have to normally make this work is to provide the test data, and allow the user to modify the test code so that it runs on his computer.
Any visual studio way to manage this particular problem?
Whats the benefit in this? Well, people can review the test data (email in my case) as well as the method I wrote for testing, and can raise defects in TFS (the source control system) relating to it if need be.
One way I often handle data files for unit test projects are to set the data files as Resources. (* Note that this link is for vs2010 but I have used this approach through vs2015RC).
In the project with the data file: Project -> Properties -> Resources and choose to add a resource file if you the project doesn't already have one. Select Files in the resource pane and click Add Resource or just drag and drop your data files onto the resource manager. By default resources are marked internal, so to access the resources from another project you have several ways:
In the assembly with the data files, add the following to your AssemblyInfo.cs file and this will allow only specified assemblies to access the internal resources
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("NameSpace.Of.Other.Assembly.To.Access.Resources")]
Create a simple provider class to abstract away the entire Resource mechanism, such as:
public static class DataProvider
public static string GetDataFile(int dataScenarioId)
return Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(
string.Format("resource_file_name_{0}", id));
Change the resource management to public (not an approach I have used)You can then access the data file (now a resource) from a unit test such as:
public void X_Does_Y(int id)
var dataAsAString = Assembly_With_DataFile.DataProvider.GetScenario(id);
var result = classUnderTest.X(dataAsAString);
Note that using data files as resources, the ResourceManager handles the file I/O and returns strings of the file contents.
Update: The test method in the example above is from an NUnit project and is not meant to imply process, but a mechanism by which a data file can be accessed from another project.
What you'd normally do is add the file to your project and check it into TFS. Then make sure the item's settings are:
Build action: Content
Copy to output: If newer
Then put an attribute on your Test method or Test class:
You can optionally specify an output dircetory:
[DeploymentItem("file.eml", "Directory to place the item")]
If you put the files in subdirectories of your test project, then adjust the attribute accordingly:
The file will be copied to the working directory of your test project and that makes it easy to access from your test code. Either load the file directly, or pass the path to any method that needs it.
If you tests expect the files in a specific location you can use a simple System.IO.File.Copy() or System.IO.File.Move() to put the item in the place you need it to be.
The process is explained here on MSDN.
I suppose the most straight forward way is to simply add whatever to the project, and set the correct value for Copy To Output Directory. In other words, say your data is in a text file.
Add text file to your test project
Right-click to access properties window
Set copy to output directory field as Always or Copy if newer.
Now if you build the test project, the file gets copied to your output directly. This enables to write unit test code of the fashion:
var dataFile = File.OpenRead("data.txt");

How to perform data driven load testing using LoadUI

I am load testing a web service.
Is it possible to perform data driven testing using loadui? If yes, how?
We can just give requests to web runner (where url is given) but I am not able to feed any data.
This article in the loadUI documentation explains how you do it. Basically, you have to use a soapUI DataSource via the soapUI Runner.
You can do this with SoapUI & LoadUI [with free versions :-) ]
In SoapUI create a TestSuite, then create TestCase. In TestCase define custom property... for example property with name "firstName"
Then in your request you can use values like this
Save a project and open LoadUI.
click on FLOW -> choose DataSource
Browse your input file. Right Click -> settings , modify separator for your needs.
check loop option to TRUE.
After that, you can use some Runner, right click on it -> Settings -> Properties
Now you can see all TestCase Properties (defined in SoapUI).
Now u need just to make transfer from datasource to SoapUIRunner
For column value you can use someting like this:
${#Data Source 1#firstName}\
Hope this helps.

VS2010 Unit testing - rerun the same test with different parameters

I have a unit test that behaves differently depending on parameters passed. Does VS 2010 MS Testing framework have a facility to call the same test with different parameters.
I am looking for something like this:
public void FooTest(bool a)
I have no idea why Micosoft's decided not to include this feature in their unit testing framework, whenever I search for it I find reference to the DataSource attribute that enable loading data from external resource (XML file, data base etc.)
If you do not want to use and external data source then you have two choices:
Add RowTest support using MSTest extensability framework - explained here
I wrote in my blog how to use PostSharp to create the external data source from the test attributes.
If you're already using VS2010 I suggest you go with the first option - there is even a full working code at Microsoft's code gallery.
The following page tells how to achieve the same with MSTest data-driven testing capabilities:
