MPMoviePlayerController tutorial needed - mpmovieplayercontroller

Can anyone please recommend a tutorial for MPMoviePlayerController. I need to play a video with the help of UIButton.

Although this is not a tutorial, it shows some code to play video using MPMoviePlayerController:
Play Video with MPMoviePlayerController in iOS 3.0 and 3.2/4.0


videojs doesn't show fullscreen on ios even in xcode

I have a website ( and it use videojs to play YouTube videos and overlay subtitles with it's plugin,
the problem is that iOS always run native player instead of videojs making the videos appear without subtitle,
I tried making an app
xcode webview can only allow inline play and avplayer can't render advance subtitles files
(I didn't try the new wkwebview yet)
Is there a solution for this problem?
You can use "playsinline": 1 also "webkit-playsinline": 1 in data-setup in video tag

Video player for xamarin forms

Hello can anyone provide me good plugin or sample for video player implementation in xamarin forms?
1) Player should have built in controller.
2) Should be able to show the video loading symbol
3) Video should have the video image with play button.
Can anyone help me pls?
This is the one that I use and it supports Video source from file as well as stream source. So far, this is the best I found for Xamarin forms.
Have a look at LibVLCSharp. Official VLC bindings for Xamarin/.NET.
Samples here:
Disclaimer: I am the maintainer.

How can I play an online sound clip on Windows Phone 7?

I'm trying to create an application to play short sound clips that are found online. I can't put them on the client so they need to be played from the internet. I am able to play sounds using a MediaElement but only when the sound clip is found on the phone. How can I make it download an play a sound clip from the web?
MediaElement can be used for this. You should use the Source property.
<MediaElement x:Name="Media" Source=""/>
You can set the source from code as well
Media.Source = new Uri("");

Playing youtube link sound only without showing video in Xcode

I am writing an application in Xcode. Now I wanna play a music from youtube link without showing the video!! I wanna only play the sound of the video. So can you help me in the code. right now I am only showing the music list from my site on the table view and also showing the link. but couldn't plug the youtube feature!!
Thanks in advance.

How to Record the output sound on an iPhone

I did a radio player and I want to record sound from him, please help me give ideas ;) Thanks very much. Player is a MPMoviePlayerController.
You'll want to read this question, it tells you how to set MPMoviePlayerController to allow to be recorded from an AVAudioRecorder
iPhone 4.0 problem.. MPMoviePlayerViewController , AVAudio APIs
