I did a radio player and I want to record sound from him, please help me give ideas ;) Thanks very much. Player is a MPMoviePlayerController.
You'll want to read this question, it tells you how to set MPMoviePlayerController to allow to be recorded from an AVAudioRecorder
iPhone 4.0 problem.. MPMoviePlayerViewController , AVAudio APIs
I am new to auto layout, I want to develop app which is compatible from iPhone 4s(3.5 inch) to iPhone 7plus(5.5 inch).
I have a form of several fields which i want to show without using scroll.
Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance.
Image preview of both devices
You want your layout to look good on every device so I would suggest testing it on every device.
As per my title, i am searching any code for playing sound when my device is in silent mode. I am searching from 3days but in ios 8 and later no code is working for silent mode.
Any help would be appreciated. Please pass me any suggestion and advice as soon as possible.
You can use AVPlayer for play file sound and set:
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try! session.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback)
try! session.setActive(true)
You can check my example code here:Sample
I've been trying to implement this (https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachability/) into my iOS iPhone app for 4 hours. I've seen other questions on SO about it, but none explicitly show how to implement the code. Can someone please help?
All I want to do is show an alert if they are not connected (or lose connectivity) to the network (WiFi or Cellular).
Can someone PLEASE tell me what code to put where? Thanks SOOO much! I can post code or anything if needed.
Have a look at Apple reachability sample code here :
I hope that will be helpful,if you need to ask something, put it in the comment and I'll edit my answer.
I am using AVPlayer for a network stream App. I need to develop a Sound level meter but most of the stuff around works with AVAudioPlayer.
Could someone please suggest how this can be achieved. Any help or lead would really be appreciated.
for ppt presentation i want to create video for ipod touch app.
is their any possibility to create video
from Xcode using simulator
or directly from device
or any other possibility
thank you very much
Please see: Is there a way I can capture my iPhone screen as a video?
This post describes many ways to capture video. It looks like there isn't a completely intuitive way to record the video, but this post lists some of the options others have used for their applications.