Makefile. How to exclude one particular file from compilation? - makefile

I am trying to exclude main.cpp file from the list of files to be compiled defined by the rule below:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
ifneq ($(notdir $<), main.cpp)
This 'ifneq' condition always evaluates to true, which is bizarre. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to exlude one file from an explicit rule?

Why don't you try using the filter-out text function if you're using GNU Make.
Returns all whitespace-separated words in text that do not match any of the pattern words, removing the words that do match one or more. This is the exact opposite of the filter function.
For example, given:
objects=main1.o foo.o main2.o bar.o
mains=main1.o main2.o
the following generates a list which contains all the object files not in ‘mains’:
$(filter-out $(mains),$(objects))

That isn't the best way to do it, but if you do it along these lines, write it as a shell condition, not using GNU make conditionals:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#if [ $(notdir $<) != main.cpp ]; \
then $(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<; \
The continuation markers (backslashes) are needed. So are the semicolons. The values prefixed with $ will be expanded by make before the shell is invoked to interpret them. You probably don't want the echo where it is, either. You probably need:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#if [ $(notdir $<) != main.cpp ]; \
then echo compile $<; \
The way I would expect to do it is with a list of the files to be compiled. Using any wild card mechanism leads to problems when extra files are added - other tests, or stray files that aren't really part of the system.
The comment says "But the GNU Make Manual says ifneq should work".
The ifneq would work if it were positioned correctly, which means 'not indented as part of the commands associated with a rule'. You could, therefore, write something like (an appallingly bad example, but my brain's on the fritz):
ifneq (${CFLAGS}, -Wall)
CFLAGS += -Wall
file1.o: file1.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $<
But when the ifneq is indented as in the question, it is just a command that actually isn't found on the system when the make runs the shell to process the command.

The ifneq line is evaluated only once, when make starts up and parses the makefile. In that context, $< is empty.
To get different behavior for each of the targets matched by your pattern rule, you could do something like
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#$(if $(filter main.cpp,$<),$(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<)
It might help you to think of the difference between ifneq and $(if) in a makefile as like the difference between #if and if() in C code.
Taking a step back, though: If you don't want main.cpp to be compiled by this rule, then you probably want to provide an explicit rule with $(TMPDIRPATH)main.o as its target, which will be preferred to the pattern rule always. Or, if you don't want$(TMPDIRPATH)main.o to get made at all, you should be looking for rules that have it on the right sight of the :, and removing it from there.

Make doesn't really have a good way to handle conditionals within a rule. You could put the conditional in the command, but in this case there's a much cleaner way:
#echo compile $< (but not really)
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
I didn't realize you didn't have a main.cpp. The solution is simple: remove main.cpp as the prerequisite of the main.o rule (I've removed it above). Now the makefile doesn't need it, and won't try to build it.
But you're still running the rule, which means that something is still trying to build main.o, as either an explicit target or a prerequisite of something else. That is a symptom of confusion, which this change to the makefile will not fix. If you tell us more about the situation, maybe we can propose a better solution. What calls for main.o? Do you have a main.o? What target do you specify when you call Make?


Is this a robust solution to creating output directories in a Makefile?

I've seen a few approaches to making output directories in Make.
These include making all directories ahead of time outside of any rule, and
making an object's destination directory as part of the object's rule.
Both of these approaches involve making directories that likely already exist.
Am I missing any gotchas or drawbacks that explain why I haven't seen the below approach?
$(OBJDIR)%.o: %.c | $$(#D)/
# Compile command
# mkdir Command
make is very good at dealing with files. make is not very good at dealing with directories.
So treating directories as implementation detail internal to the target rule makes sense, because then make never has to consider the directory at all:
MKDIR_P = mkdir -p
$(objdir)%.o: %.c
#$(MKDIR_P) $(#D)
$(COMPILE.c) -o $# -c $<
Note that the processing and IO required for the mkdir -p can be neglected next to the processing and IO required for the compilation.
The problem with directories is that (contrary to any other target) you don't care for their timestamp, you only need them to exist. Many Makefiles get directories somehow wrong, and creating them over and over again is what you observe, so make will never detect "Nothing to be done for ...".
In fact, the only thing you need for correct handling of directories with GNU make is an "order only dependency", like shown in your example. The trailing slash normally isn't needed (you seem to use it in order to have a pattern rule, I'm not sure whether this works), and you don't need .PRECIOUS either. Your trick with .SECONDEXPANSION looks quite neat, I guess this will work, given the pattern rule indeed works that way (didn't try).
For an alternative, most Makefiles that handle directories correctly take a simpler approach by concatenating all needed output directories for a rule in a single variable and use this variable as a target for another rule, e.g. like in this simplified example:
OBJS:=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(addsuffix .c,$(MODULES)))
DIRS:=$(sort $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(dir $(OBJS))))
TARGET:= myprogram
all: $(TARGET)
myprogram: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o$# $^
mkdir -p $(DIRS)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c Makefile | $(DIRS)
$(CC) -c -o$# $<
rm -fr $(OBJDIR)
.PHONY: all clean

getting the target name in a function in prerequisites list [makefile]

I'm trying to create a makefile where the target is used to search for dependencies in .d
Thanks to the answers here and here I have discovered that .SECONDEXPANSION: does the job. However I'm running into an issue nesting functions which is seemingly bizarre. The offending rule looks like this:
$(APPS): %: $$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$$(wildcard $$#.d/*.c)) $$(INC_OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#
instead of:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 unittest.d/unittest.o common/cards.o -o unittest
which is what I want, I get:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 unittest.d/unittest.c common/cards.o -o unittest
which for some reason doesn't have the .o substituted for the .c. So it appears I'm almost there, I just need to get the substitution working. All help appreciated and if you think this is a poor way to organize a makefile, critizism on that front welcome.
The problem is that you're trying to use % as two different wildcards at once, the static pattern stem and the patsubst wildcard. So Make makes the stem replacement and gets this:
$(patsubst unittest.c,unittest.o,$(wildcard $#.d/*.c))
and then patsubst does nothing, because it finds no "unittest.c" to replace. (Note that the "unittest.c" in "unittest.d/unittest.c" doesn't match, because without a wildcard, patsubst looks for a perfect match.)
There's no need for this to be a static pattern rule (you never use that functionality), so you can just eliminate that part and the rest should work:
$(APPS): $$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$$(wildcard $$#.d/*.c)) $$(INC_OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#

.cu file Makefile issue

I am new to linux development.
I wrote a project using MPI and cuda. When
it gets bigger and bigger, I realize that I
need a Makefile now. So I learned how to write
one. The Makefile works, but will only compile
cpp files even if I have both of the following
lines in my Makefile:
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $<
Any idea why this is happening? Thanks.
Make is all about generating missing files.
If you have TWO rules that generate the SAME file upon existence of a source then the first one in make's list that actually has a source file present will get invoked. So for instance if you have the rules:
$(CC) -o $# -c $<
$(CXX) -o $# -c $<
and you have two files, foo.c and bar.cpp then you can type:
$ make foo.o
it will use the first rule... and when you type
$ make bar.o
it will use the second rule.
Now suppose you have TWO files foo.c and foo.cpp
Here make has to make a choice as to which takes precedence. Make uses suffixes of files intimately for its build rules. What is considered a suffix is controlled by the .SUFFIXES directive.
The .SUFFIXES directive has a default built-in value that defines common suffixes such as .c .cpp .cc .o etc. in a particular order. If we want to change the order of precedence we clear that out with a blank line in Makefile i.e.:
and then follow it with our definition:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .o
if you don't blank the line out, then make just appends the listed suffixes to its current list, that way multiple makefiles can simply add new suffixes without worrying about breaking each other.
Now since the .cpp is before .c the .cpp.o rule will take precedence (in case foo.cpp and foo.c are both present)
NOTE: Yes there is a "." before the words SUFFIXES and yes it is all capital letters.
Try to play with this Makefile to see the effects:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .o
echo Compiling C
echo Compiling CPP
Make is very very powerful, and quite well documented so well worth the read. GNU make, which is probably the strongest implementation with amazing extensions has made me a lot of money in the past :-) enjoy the experience.
Your rule is wrong, you want something like this:
%.o :
$(NVCC) $(CCFLAGS) $< -o $#
That's assuming the command line you need to execute is something like
nvcc -o foo.o
Otherwise, edit to suit.

How to force make to always rebuild a file

I have a version.c file in my project that contains current revision of the project and some other stuff that is passed as a definition (-D compiler option) from makefile.
I know that to force make to compile version.c always regardless of modification date I can touch version.c.
Is there a makefile only way to achieve this? If I write .PHONY : version.o the object file doesn't get build at all.
Here is my makefile:
export CC = gcc
export MODULES = $(sort \
sys \
cim \
version \
export FILES = $(sort \
main.c \
cim.c \
version.c \
OBJS = $(FILES:.c=.o)
INCLUDES = $(addprefix -I,$(MODULES))
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(OBJS) -o main.exe
rm -rf *.o *.exe
cim.o: cim.c
main.o: main.c cim.o
version.o: version.c
.PHONY: version.o
.c.o :
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<
The classic way to do it is:
version.o: .FORCE
(and you might add .PHONY: .FORCE). The file '.FORCE' is presumed not to exist, so it is always 'created', so version.o is always out of date w.r.t it, so version.o is always compiled.
I'm not sure that making version.o into a phony file is correct; it is actually a real file, not a phony one.
Not a makefile way, but easier than touch:
make -B
‘-B’ ‘--always-make’
Consider all targets out-of-date. GNU make proceeds to consider targets and their prerequisites using the normal algorithms; however,
all targets so considered are always remade regardless of the status
of their prerequisites. To avoid infinite recursion, if MAKE_RESTARTS
(see Other Special Variables) is set to a number greater than 0 this
option is disabled when considering whether to remake makefiles (see
How Makefiles Are Remade).
If you want to do this using the FORCE mechanism the correct solution looks like this:
version.o: FORCE
By explicitly declaring FORCE to be phony we make sure things will work right even if .SECONDARY: is used (.SECONDARY: will cause FORCE to be considered an intermediate file, and make doesn't rebuilt intermediate files unless they have prerequisites newer than the ultimate target, and FORCE doesn't have any prerequisites, so .PHONY: FORCE is needed).
The other solution (using $(shell touch version.c)) also has a problem: it may cause your editor to think version.c has been updated, and prompt for a reload of the file, which might end up being destructive if you've been editing the file's buffer but haven't yet saved it. If you don't mind this, it can be made even simpler by observing that the touch command is silent, so the assignment to the hack dummy variable isn't needed:
$(shell touch version.c) # This is enough, but will likely confuse your editor
The .PHONY "trick" referred to in the comments on the question generally DOES NOT work. It may look like it does because it will force a relink iff version.o already exists, but the actual object file won't get rebuilt if the .o file rule is an implicit rule (which it usually is). The problem is that make doesn't do the implicit rule search for explicitly phony targets. This make file shows the failure:
fooprog: test.o
cp $< $#
%.o: %.c
cp $< $#
.PHONY: test.o # WRONG
rm test.o fooprog
If a static pattern rule is used instead of an implicit rule the .PHONY: version.o trick will work. In general using static pattern rules instead of implicit rules cuts out most of the more confusing Make behaviors. But most make files use implicit rules.
The quick hack version when you just need it to work and you don't want to play Make games:
# Hack to get main.c rebuilt
hack := $(shell touch main.c)
Basically just make Make run touch for you.

How to write different implicit rules for different file names for GNU Make

I have a directory in which I keep adding different C++ source files, and generic Makefile to compile them. This is the content of the Makefile:
.PHONY: all clean
CXXFLAGS = -pipe -Wall -Wextra -Weffc++ -pedantic -ggdb
SRCS = $(wildcard *.cxx)
OBJS = $(patsubst %.cxx,%.out,$(SRCS))
all: $(OBJS)
rm -fv $(OBJS)
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
NOTE: As is obvious from above, I am using *.out for executable file extensions (and not for object file).
Also, there are some files which are compiled together:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
To compile such files, until now I have been adding explicit rules in the Makefile:
file_main.out: file_main.cxx file.cxx
file.out: file_main.out
#echo "Skipping $#"
But now my Makefile has a lot of explicit rules, and I would like to replace them with a simpler implicit rule.
Any idea how to do it?
First, this method of compiling several source files directly into an executable is not a terribly good idea. The more common compile-then-link approach will save a lot of unnecessary compilation.
That said, the way to replace many explicit rules with a simpler rule depends on what the explicit rules have in common. You already have a pattern rule:
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
and if all you want to do is add another source file to a particular target, you don't have to do this:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
you can get the effect just by adding a prerequisite (in a line by itself):
file_main.out: file.cxx
If you have several targets with that pattern, you can use a pattern rule:
file_main.out another_main.out a_third_main.out: %_main.out : %.cxx
If you have many such targets, you can use a variable:
MAIN_THINGS = file another a_third a_fourth and_yet_another
MAIN_TARGETS = $(addsuffix _main.out, $(MAIN_THINGS))
$(MAIN_TARGETS): %_main.out : %.cxx
And you can add other patterns for other target sets, even overlapping sets. Does that cover your situation?
It seems that you are putting the source code for multiple different programs in the same folder, and this is really the source of your problems. If you separate the source code for your libraries and programs into separate folders (or, better yet, separate projects), then you can skirt this issue by depending on all source files in the given folder. When you have everything intermixed, it is necessary to be explicit.
That said, if your dependencies have consistent, predictable names, then it is possible to eliminate this redundancy by using the eval function. For example, based on the example above:
# I'm going to use standard file extensions here,
# slightly deviating from your conventions. I am also
# assuming that there is a variable named PROGNAMES,
# which gives a list of all the programs to be built.
$(1): $(1).o $(1)_main.o
$( $(1).o $(1)_main.o -o $(1)
$(foreach progname,$(PROGNAMES),$(eval $(call ADD_EXECUTABLE,$(progname))))
Also, just a few suggestions... you should append to CXXFLAGS rather than overwrite it and you would be better off using standard file extensions (".cpp" for C++ source files, ".o" for object files, no extension for executables). See my Makefile tutorial for tips on making things easier with Make (no pun intended).
