Is this a robust solution to creating output directories in a Makefile? - makefile

I've seen a few approaches to making output directories in Make.
These include making all directories ahead of time outside of any rule, and
making an object's destination directory as part of the object's rule.
Both of these approaches involve making directories that likely already exist.
Am I missing any gotchas or drawbacks that explain why I haven't seen the below approach?
$(OBJDIR)%.o: %.c | $$(#D)/
# Compile command
# mkdir Command

make is very good at dealing with files. make is not very good at dealing with directories.
So treating directories as implementation detail internal to the target rule makes sense, because then make never has to consider the directory at all:
MKDIR_P = mkdir -p
$(objdir)%.o: %.c
#$(MKDIR_P) $(#D)
$(COMPILE.c) -o $# -c $<
Note that the processing and IO required for the mkdir -p can be neglected next to the processing and IO required for the compilation.

The problem with directories is that (contrary to any other target) you don't care for their timestamp, you only need them to exist. Many Makefiles get directories somehow wrong, and creating them over and over again is what you observe, so make will never detect "Nothing to be done for ...".
In fact, the only thing you need for correct handling of directories with GNU make is an "order only dependency", like shown in your example. The trailing slash normally isn't needed (you seem to use it in order to have a pattern rule, I'm not sure whether this works), and you don't need .PRECIOUS either. Your trick with .SECONDEXPANSION looks quite neat, I guess this will work, given the pattern rule indeed works that way (didn't try).
For an alternative, most Makefiles that handle directories correctly take a simpler approach by concatenating all needed output directories for a rule in a single variable and use this variable as a target for another rule, e.g. like in this simplified example:
OBJS:=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(addsuffix .c,$(MODULES)))
DIRS:=$(sort $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(dir $(OBJS))))
TARGET:= myprogram
all: $(TARGET)
myprogram: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o$# $^
mkdir -p $(DIRS)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c Makefile | $(DIRS)
$(CC) -c -o$# $<
rm -fr $(OBJDIR)
.PHONY: all clean


Make removes files as intermediate

When trying to organize the compilation output into a build directory, make keeps removing object files. The Makefile is:
LDFLAGS=-L$(LDIR) -Wl,-rpath=$(LDIR)
.PHONY: all
all: test-mpi
.PHONY: test-mpi
test-mpi: prepare $(BIN_DIR)/test-mpi
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
$(BIN_DIR)/%: $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
prepare: $(BUILD_DIR) $(OBJ_DIR) $(BIN_DIR)
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
The object file build/obj/test-mpi.o generated during the compilation is deleted after the executable build/bin/test-mpi is created.
I believe that make treats build/obj/test-mpi.o as an intermediate file. However, I was expecting that build/obj/test-mpi.o would not be treated as an intermediate file since it appears explicitly in the target $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c and gnu make documentation states that "ordinarily, a file cannot be intermediate if it is mentioned in the makefile as a target or prerequisite".
This behavior has been reported in a similar issue, but I believe that in both cases the files should not be treated as intermediate since they appear in a target. Am I missing something?
I believe that make treats build/obj/test-mpi.o as an intermediate file.
Yes, that looks right.
However, I was expecting that build/obj/test-mpi.o would not be treated as an intermediate file since it appears explicitly in the target $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c [...]
Given that $(OBJ_DIR) expands to build/obj, the pattern $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o matches build/obj/test-mpi.o. That's the opposite of build/obj/test-mpi.o appearing explicitly.
Even so, you have read the GNU make documentation correctly: make would not consider build/obj/test-mpi.o to be an intermediate file if it was mentioned as a target or prerequisite of some other rule. But it isn't. If make builds that file at all, it is entirely make's idea, notwithstanding the fact that you set the stage for it to come to that decision. This is exactly what it means to be an intermediate file.
Am I missing something?
Apparently you are missing what it means for a file to be "mentioned in" a makefile, as the GNU docs put it. It means that the file's name appears literally in the makefile text, after macro expansion, as a target or prerequisite of a rule. Example:
$(BIN_DIR)/test-mpi: $(OBJ_DIR)/test-mpi.o
$(OBJ_DIR)/test-mpi.o: $(SRC_DIR)/test-mpi.c
Matching a target or prerequisite pattern of an implicit ("pattern") rule does not suffice. In fact, it is exactly files that are generated as intermediates in chains of implicit rules that make aims to remove. Implicit rules defined in the makefile are not distinguished from make's built-in implicit rules in this regard.
However, although files such as the one you asked about are definitely intermediate files as GNU make defines that term, make has an additional capability here that might serve your purposes. If you want to use a pattern to specify intermediate targets that you want to preserve, then you can do so by designating the pattern as a prerequisite of the special target .PRECIOUS, like so:
Intermediate files matching such a pattern will be spared from the automatic deletion to which they otherwise they would be subject.

Makefile -- compile only modified C++ files

This is my current makefile
CFLAGS = -Iheaders/
CC = g++
PROGRAM_NAME = sportsmanager
rwildcard = $(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2))
SOURCES = $(call rwildcard,sources/,*.cpp)
OFILES = $(call rwildcard,obj-tmp/,*.o)
OBJDIR = obj-tmp/
make -s compile && make -s $(PROGRAM_NAME)
compile: $(SOURCES)
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SOURCES) && mv *.o $(OBJDIR)
Whenever I run $ make, target compile is triggered which compiles all .cpp files in directory sources/ to .o files which are then moved to obj-tmp/. Then the target $(PROGRAM_NAME) is triggered, which links all the .o files and outputs the executable file.
The problem is that all files are compiled each time I run make. What ideally should happen if I run 'make' twice in succession is that make should know that the program is up to date the second time. If I modify only one file, only that file should be compiled.
Heads up: I know that there exists similar questions regarding this, but I've yet to see a solution which works in conjunction with the above makefile.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
The whole point of make is to compile only those files which have been modified since the last build. The problem in your makefile is that your compile recipe has the $(SOURCES) variable as a dependency. As in, all the source files.
I would use vpath to organize the project folder like so:
vpath %.cpp src
vpath %.h include
This will tell make to look for c++ files in ./src and header files in ./include. Then, you can simplify your recipe for individual files like this:
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Having done this, you can now define an $(OBJECTS) variable with a wildcard that matches .o files and continue from there. As an aside, moving your object files into a separate folder is considered bad practice and I agree; it really adds nothing substantial of value but complicates recipes.
Remember that object files represent a dependency for the $(PROGRAM) recipe. So naturally, make looks for the necessary object files to see if they need to be rebuilt. If they've been moved, one of two things happens. Either make will determine that they don't exist and will rebuild all the object files again from scratch, thereby invalidating the very reason we use make in the first place, or you'll have to define a folder where the object files will live, and every time you handle wildcards, searches, etc., literally anything that has to do with the object files, you'll have to take this added complexity into account.
I agree that having a ton of object files in the project folder can be a little annoying, but it definitely beats waiting forever for the project to compile. Just remember to add *.o to your .gitignore or whatever source control platform you use and they'll be nothing more than an eyesore, while make will be that much easier to use.
To answer your question on handling subdirectories in the source folder, the answer is a little more complicated.
Rather than using the specific vpath <pattern> <folder> directive as above, you could just outright use the VPATH variable like this:
VPATH = include src src/sub
This would handle the job, but the first method is usually preferred because when using VPATH, make searches every directory every time when looking for a file, rather than being location-constrained by file extension.
It is possible to use make to conveniently manage large projects though, and it involves calling make itself recursively, writing makefiles for each module in the build process. This process is obviously much more complicated, and I would strongly recommend considering whether the project genuinely necessitates this, as any potential gains in build-process modularization may not be recuperated due to the complexity involved in implementation.
I'd like to point you to this and this, both of which are phenomenal resources on makefiles.
Change the dependency of compile to be the object files.
Add a pattern rule for the object files.
compile: $(OFILES)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: sources/%.cpp
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Ok, a lot of good input in this thread! Here's a follow up. I've now updated the script to the following:
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Iheaders/
PROGRAM_NAME = sportsmanager
OFILES = $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard sources/*.cpp))
vpath %.cpp sources
#make -s $(PROGRAM_NAME)
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Any suggestions for further improvements are very welcome!

gnu make "Removing intermediate files"

I have the following rules
define compile_c
$(ECHO) "CC $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -MD -o $# $<
## The following fixes the dependency file.
## See for details.
## Regex adjusted from the above to play better with Windows paths, etc.
#$(CP) $(#:.o=.d) $(#:.o=.P); \
$(SED) -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^.*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
-e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(#:.o=.d) >> $(#:.o=.P); \
$(RM) -f $(#:.o=.d)
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.c $(BUILD)/%.pp
$(call compile_c)
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.pp: %.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $# $<
When the build finishes, GNU make says
Removing intermediate files... and deletes all the .pp files which I do NOT want.
Why is it doing this?
How do I stop it?
Since you're using GNU Make, you can make the following adjustment to your Makefile:
$(BUILD)/%.pp: %.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $# $<
The documentation has this to say about .PRECIOUS directives:
The targets which .PRECIOUS depends on are given the following special treatment: if make is killed or interrupted during the execution of their recipes, the target is not deleted.
Also, if the target is an intermediate file, it will not be deleted after it is no longer needed, as is normally done.
You can also list the target pattern of an implicit rule (such as ‘%.o’) as a prerequisite file of the special target .PRECIOUS to preserve intermediate files created by rules whose target patterns match that file's name.
This has the benefit of not creating an unwanted additional rule. It's also clearer what you're trying to do: keep the precious intermediate files that might be expensive to recreate.
I think the best solution is to use the .SECONDARY special target. Just add this line:
Quoting the manual:
.SECONDARY with no prerequisites causes all targets to be treated as secondary (i.e., no target is removed because it is considered intermediate).
Why is this better than making the targets prerequisites of a throw-away target? That's more clutter, and has to be done explicitly for every set of files that might be generated with pattern rules.
Why is this better than .PRECIOUS? That causes files to be retained even if their recipe fails when using .DELETE_ON_ERROR. The latter is important to avoid failing recipes leaving behind bad outputs that are then treated as current by subsequent make invocations. IMO, you always want .DELETE_ON_ERROR, but .PRECIOUS breaks it.
If you search for "gnu make intermediate files" you'll immediately find the answer as to why it's happening, in the GNU make manual section Chains of Implicit Rules.
It also tells you how to avoid it: a file cannot be intermediate if it is mentioned in the makefile as a target or prerequisite.
So, just list your .pp files as a prerequisite of some rule, somewhere. It doesn't have to be a rule that's ever invoked. You don't give enough of your makefile here for us to provide a complete answer, but it would be something like:
all_pps: $(ALL_OBJECTS:.o=.pp)
assuming you had a variable ALL_OBJECTS containing all your .o files.
Here is a detail that finally got PRECIOUS working for me. The pattern that you give to PRECIOUS has to be exactly the pattern that is being used in the rule that creates the intermediate file. I want to save all files prefixed by moc_. At first I used
.PRECIOUS: moc_%
to no avail. Then I tried
.PRECIOUS: moc_%.cpp
and this did the trick.

Automatically copying dependencies from other directories with make

I have a makefile with multiple targets that are generated by copying a file from outside the working directory.
a.tex : $(wildcard /foo/work1/a.tex)
cp -p $< $#
b.tex : $(wildcard /foo/work2/b.tex)
cp -p $< $#
I use $(wildcard) because sometimes I run Make on systems that do not have access to /foo.
What is the best way to avoid repeating the cp -p $< $# commands for every rule? Some options:
Setting up a %.tex : %.tex rule. This works, but it also applies to targets that aren't specifically indicated so I get lots of warnings like make: Circular a.tex <- a.tex dependency dropped.
Defining a sequence of commands with define. This seems pointless since the command is only one line. So instead of copying cp $< $# to every rule, I'd define a cp-dep sequence and copy cp-dep to every rule.
Defining the command as a variable so that I could do a.tex : $(wildcard /foo/work1/a.tex); $(CP-DEP)
Duplicating the target names as an additional rule. a.tex b.tex : ; cp -p $< $#. Error-prone.
Just copying and pasting. Clunky but effective and easy to understand.
I haven't tested it, but can't you just use a pattern rule without prerequisites, and specify the prerequisite for each target on a separate line?
a.tex: $(wildcard /foo/work1/a.tex)
b.tex: $(wildcard /foo/work2/b.tex)
cp -p $< $#
Btw. doesn't the wildcard function return the empty string when it doesn't find a match, so that $< is empty as well? Wouldn't that give a problem with cp?
I think your copyrule is overkill (and inflexible). If your objection to #eriktous's solution is that it will apply the rule to targets for which you haven't explicitly defined dependencies, that's easy to fix with a static pattern rule:
a.tex: $(wildcard /foo/work1/a.tex)
b.tex: $(wildcard /foo/work2/b.tex)
blue.tex: $(wildcard /some/other/path/green.tex)
TEXES = a.tex b.tex
$(TEXES): %.tex:
cp -p $< $#
(If this solves your problem you should accept eriktous's answer-- this is just a variation on it.)
I ended up doing this:
COPYFILES = /foo/work1/a.tex /foo/work2/b.tex
define copyrule
$(notdir $(1)): $$(wildcard $(1))
cp -p $$< $$#
$(foreach file,$(COPYFILES),$(eval $(call copyrule,$(file))))
The advantage of this method is that I can easily add new files with a minimum of boilerplate text and I can easily copy the rule part of this to a new Makefile. The disadvantages are that I can no longer change the destination filename, and the implementation is rather opaque for people with less makefile experience.

separate builds in separate directories

I'm sure this is a totally normal thing to do, but I can't figure out how to get make to do this.
I have a compiler that generates make dependencies of the usual form:
M/A.o : M/A.hs
M/B.o : M/A.o
So I write a rule to compile %.hs into %.o, add a rule to link the binary, include the dependencies file, and all is well. But I want to have several binary targets with different flags. E.g. I want build/test built with -DTESTING and build/profile built with -prof. So I need to keep the .o files in a separate tree, where they will be compiled with special flags.
The straightforward way I can think of would be to have dependencies that look something like this:
build/test/M/A.o : M/A.hs
build/test/M/B.o : build/test/M/A.o
build/profile/M/A.o : M/A.hs
... etc.
And then rules so that %.hs to build/test/%.o compiles with -DTESTING, etc. I think this would work, but it's clumsy, means preprocessing the deps file to add all that build/whatever/ prefix stuff, and would multiply its size by however many kinds of builds.
VPATH appears to be designed for this sort of thing and my idea was that I could set the VPATH and compiler flags depending on the target, and it almost works, but:
%.o: %.hs
#mkdir -p build/M
cp $< build/$#
VPATH = build
main: M/A.o M/B.o
cat $^ >$#
M/A.o : M/A.hs
M/B.o : M/B.hs
The first time the main target wants to run 'cat M/A.o M/B.o >main' which seems contrary to the gnu make documentation that says $^ should include the include the VPATH directory in which the dependency was found. Curiously, if I remove 'main' and make again, this time it uses the correct path. This is GNU make, 3.81.
What's going on here? Is there a better way to build with different flags? VPATH seems like a clumsy tool, surely there is a better way?
Make is working correctly. It tries cat M/A.o M/B.o >main the first time because it can't find the prerequisites it needs, but it knows a rule for M/A.o' andM/B.o(<em>not</em>build/M/A.o' and build/M/B.o) and expects that that is what the rule will produce. If you remove main and try again, it will find build/M/A.o' andbuild/M/B.o` via VPATH.
Let's modify this makefile in stages. First we change the VPATH so that it can find the .hs files (Make is good at using things there to build things here, not vise-versa, and that's what VPATH is good for), and change the rules slightly:
build/%.o: %.hs
cp $< $#
main: build/A.o build/B.o
cat $^ > $#
Now for the different object directories.
build/test/%.o build/project/%.o: %.hs
cp $< $#
test: build/test/A.o build/test/B.o
cat $^ > $#
project: build/project/A.o build/project/B.o
cat $^ > $#
Then we simplify those last two rules, so that it's easy to add more object files and binary targets:
test: $(addprefix build/test/,$(OBJECTS))
project: $(addprefix build/project/,$(OBJECTS))
test project:
cat $^ > $#
Now for the different compiler flags:
build/test/%.o: FLAGS += test_flags
build/project/%.o: FLAGS += proj_flags
build/test/%.o build/project/%.o: %.hs
#echo building $# from $^ using flags $(FLAGS)
cp $< $#
Finally the dependencies. This is a little tricky. Suppose you want the dependency B.o : A.hs to apply to however many object you have. This is one approach:
OBJECT_PATHS = build/test/ build/project/
# The following is from the included file generated by the compiler
$(addsuffix B.o,$(OBJECT_PATHS)) : A.hs
To generate lines like that, I'd pipe the raw lines (e.g. B.o: A.hs) through sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1:\2/', and note that if you want to put this in a makefile command, don't forget to double the $ signs to preserve them for the shell.
I know that's a lot to absorb. Take it one step at a time and let us know how it works out.
If you haven't solved your problem by now or are experiencing further problems, best give the autotools (automake and autoconf) a chance. They'll quickly build you a Makefile that supports more configurable and flexible out-of-tree builds.
