How to write different implicit rules for different file names for GNU Make - makefile

I have a directory in which I keep adding different C++ source files, and generic Makefile to compile them. This is the content of the Makefile:
.PHONY: all clean
CXXFLAGS = -pipe -Wall -Wextra -Weffc++ -pedantic -ggdb
SRCS = $(wildcard *.cxx)
OBJS = $(patsubst %.cxx,%.out,$(SRCS))
all: $(OBJS)
rm -fv $(OBJS)
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
NOTE: As is obvious from above, I am using *.out for executable file extensions (and not for object file).
Also, there are some files which are compiled together:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
To compile such files, until now I have been adding explicit rules in the Makefile:
file_main.out: file_main.cxx file.cxx
file.out: file_main.out
#echo "Skipping $#"
But now my Makefile has a lot of explicit rules, and I would like to replace them with a simpler implicit rule.
Any idea how to do it?

First, this method of compiling several source files directly into an executable is not a terribly good idea. The more common compile-then-link approach will save a lot of unnecessary compilation.
That said, the way to replace many explicit rules with a simpler rule depends on what the explicit rules have in common. You already have a pattern rule:
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
and if all you want to do is add another source file to a particular target, you don't have to do this:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
you can get the effect just by adding a prerequisite (in a line by itself):
file_main.out: file.cxx
If you have several targets with that pattern, you can use a pattern rule:
file_main.out another_main.out a_third_main.out: %_main.out : %.cxx
If you have many such targets, you can use a variable:
MAIN_THINGS = file another a_third a_fourth and_yet_another
MAIN_TARGETS = $(addsuffix _main.out, $(MAIN_THINGS))
$(MAIN_TARGETS): %_main.out : %.cxx
And you can add other patterns for other target sets, even overlapping sets. Does that cover your situation?

It seems that you are putting the source code for multiple different programs in the same folder, and this is really the source of your problems. If you separate the source code for your libraries and programs into separate folders (or, better yet, separate projects), then you can skirt this issue by depending on all source files in the given folder. When you have everything intermixed, it is necessary to be explicit.
That said, if your dependencies have consistent, predictable names, then it is possible to eliminate this redundancy by using the eval function. For example, based on the example above:
# I'm going to use standard file extensions here,
# slightly deviating from your conventions. I am also
# assuming that there is a variable named PROGNAMES,
# which gives a list of all the programs to be built.
$(1): $(1).o $(1)_main.o
$( $(1).o $(1)_main.o -o $(1)
$(foreach progname,$(PROGNAMES),$(eval $(call ADD_EXECUTABLE,$(progname))))
Also, just a few suggestions... you should append to CXXFLAGS rather than overwrite it and you would be better off using standard file extensions (".cpp" for C++ source files, ".o" for object files, no extension for executables). See my Makefile tutorial for tips on making things easier with Make (no pun intended).


Fortran: makefile with already compiled modules

I have a project structure like this
--Program 1
--Program 2
Where, Common is folder that contains some modules that are shared across all programs. How do I include this modules on my makefile?
I tried this:
FC = gfortran
FCFLAGS = -fbounds-check -O3
FCFLAGS += -I ../Common
all: program1
program1: module1.o module2.o module3.o
program1.o: module1.o module2.o module3.o
module2.o: module1.o
module3.o: module2.o module1.o
%: %.o
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $^
%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $<
rm -rf *.o *.mod
but I get an undefined reference error to the common modules variables.
I tried FCFLAGS += -I../Common types.o global.o common_routines.o
This will not work because -I is an option to the GNU Fortran preprocessor
to specify a path that the preprocessor shall search for files to be INCLUDE-ed
prior to compilation. You cannot use it to specify a path where object files (*.o)
will be searched for, after compilation, by the linker. It means nothing to
the linker and is not passed to the linker.
For simplicity let's assume that the object files you need to to link for
program1 are just program1/program1.o plus the pre-existing common/types.o,
common/global.o and common/common_routines.o
Then the following Makefile, placed in directory program1, will build it:
OBJS = program1.o ../common/types.o ../common/global.o ../common/common_routines.o
.phony: all
all: program1
program1: program1.o
$(FC) -o $# $(FCFLAGS) $(OBJS)
rm -f *.o program1
Just list all the required object files to the linker, in this case via $(OBJS)
You might wish to take the precaution of making sure that the common modules
are up to date before you build program1, and you now might think that you can do that
simply be replacing:
program1: program1.o
program1: $(OBJS)
thus prompting make to recompile any of the four object files that is out
of date with respect to the corresponding source file, as a prerequisite of
building program1
make will certainly endeavour to do that, but take care. That way, it will
recompile, say, ../common/types.o from ../common/types.f90 just by its
implicit default recipe for making an .o from an .f90, since this makefile is
not telling it to do any different. But that may not be the way in which
../common/types.f90 is meant to be compiled, if you also have is a makefile in common
that stipulates how to do it in some non-default manner.
In that case, the common object files should always be compiled as per the
makefile in common. Better leave the prerequisites of program1 alone but change the recipe to:
program1: program1.o
$(MAKE) -C ../common
$(FC) -o $# $(FCFLAGS) $(OBJS)
Now, any time program1 needs to be rebuilt, the recipe will preemptively run make in ../common
before it links the four object files. (It's a small inelegance that this $(MAKE) -C ../common
will be invoked even if there's nothing for it to do: this is avoidable by more advanced make usage).
Lastly you might also find a need (if not in this case, then in another) to distinguish
between flags passed to preprocessing and/or flags passed to compilation and/or flags passed to linkage.
Conventionally, these are assigned to distinct make variables, e.g. FPPFLAGS (preprocessor),
FCFLAGS (compiler), LDFLAGS (linker).
The GNU syntax to define additional include directory is -Idir not -I dir (extra space)
Also make sure that common modules are already compiled and include search path points to the directory where you have compiled modules, not source files:
This path is also used to search for .mod files when previously compiled modules are required by a USE statement.

Why doesn't my make file leave behind object files?

I am new to make files and I put this together with a bit of trial & error. This code is used to compile my c++ program.
My main.cpp file in the same folder as the makefile. I have a lib/ folder that contains the headers main depends on.
The following makefile results in a correct and complete compilation of my code. But I was expecting that I would find *.o objects left behind. (Note that I've tried to make both with and without the "clean" rule, and I get the same results both times.)
# Makefile
CXX = g++
CCFLAGS = -O3 -I/sw/include -L/sw/lib
## /sw/include and /sw/lib contain dependencies for files in my lib/
LDFLAGS = -lpng
SOURCES = $(wildcard lib/*.cpp) main.cpp
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES: .cpp = .o)
TARGET = spirals
$(CXX) $(OPTS) $^ -o $#
.PHONY: depend
g++ -MM $(SOURCES) > depend
## generate dependencies list
include depend
.PHONY: clean
rm -f *.o lib/*.o $(TARGET)
Also, in case it matters, I'm on MacOSX and my program is designed in xcode. (I know that xcode has its own build flow, but I'm designing a command-line program for a linux system and I'd like to test compilation & linking in a bash environment instead of only going through xcode.)
Am I correct to expect makefiles to produce *.o files that stick around once the main target has been created?
If so, why doesn't my makefile do this?
If you observe what command your $(TARGET) rule causes to be run:
g++ -O3 -I/sw/include -L/sw/lib -lpng lib/bar.cpp lib/foo.cpp main.cpp -o spirals
you'll see that $(OBJECTS) in fact contains *.cpp files, and there are no *.o files sticking around because you haven't asked for any.
The problem is here:
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
In your GNU makefile as written, this substitution reference is written with excess spaces, so never matches anything and $(OBJECTS) ends up the same as $(SOURCES). Rewrite it as above and it'll do what you expect.
(Other notes: -lpng needs to go at the end of the link command to work in general, so you should introduce another make variable (traditionally called $(LDLIBS)) so as to arrange that. Especially as someone new to makefiles, you would do better to spell out your dependencies explicitly rather than playing games with $(wildcard) and a computed $(OBJECTS). -I options are needed during compilation while -L options are used during linking, so it would be good to arrange separate $(CXXFLAGS)/$(LDFLAGS) variables used in separate rules so they are only added when required.)

Working with multiple source file extensions in a makefile

I have a c++ project with various extensions for the source files (.cpp, .c, .cc) and various extensions for the header files (.hpp, .h, .hh). The source files are located in a directory called SRC, and the header files are predictably in a directory called INC.
I would like to compile the source with a rule like
vpath %.c $(SRC)
%.o: %.c
This of course works if I know the source file will be of the form %.c, but in the case of multiple possible file extensions, I would need to build a similar rule for %.cpp and as well. Of course three rules isn't a big deal to write, but it would be nice to be able to use this makefile as a drag and drop for any project, even in a different language, without having to re-write the rules.
So how can I write a rule (or some other construct that accomplishes the same goal) that works like:
SRC_EXT = cpp c cc
vpath %.$(SRC_EXT) $(SRC)
%.o: %.$(SRC_EXT)
Thanks for your help.
You can't in standard POSIX make. However since you mention vpath I'll assume you're using GNU make. If you have a sufficiently new version (3.81 or newer), you can do this easily enough with call and eval:
SRC_EXT = cpp c cc
define compile_rule
%.o : %.$1
$(foreach EXT,$(SRC_EXT),$(eval $(call compile_rule,$(EXT))))
If you don't have sufficiently new GNU make, or would prefer an alternate solution, you can do the same thing with generated makefiles.

.cu file Makefile issue

I am new to linux development.
I wrote a project using MPI and cuda. When
it gets bigger and bigger, I realize that I
need a Makefile now. So I learned how to write
one. The Makefile works, but will only compile
cpp files even if I have both of the following
lines in my Makefile:
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $<
Any idea why this is happening? Thanks.
Make is all about generating missing files.
If you have TWO rules that generate the SAME file upon existence of a source then the first one in make's list that actually has a source file present will get invoked. So for instance if you have the rules:
$(CC) -o $# -c $<
$(CXX) -o $# -c $<
and you have two files, foo.c and bar.cpp then you can type:
$ make foo.o
it will use the first rule... and when you type
$ make bar.o
it will use the second rule.
Now suppose you have TWO files foo.c and foo.cpp
Here make has to make a choice as to which takes precedence. Make uses suffixes of files intimately for its build rules. What is considered a suffix is controlled by the .SUFFIXES directive.
The .SUFFIXES directive has a default built-in value that defines common suffixes such as .c .cpp .cc .o etc. in a particular order. If we want to change the order of precedence we clear that out with a blank line in Makefile i.e.:
and then follow it with our definition:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .o
if you don't blank the line out, then make just appends the listed suffixes to its current list, that way multiple makefiles can simply add new suffixes without worrying about breaking each other.
Now since the .cpp is before .c the .cpp.o rule will take precedence (in case foo.cpp and foo.c are both present)
NOTE: Yes there is a "." before the words SUFFIXES and yes it is all capital letters.
Try to play with this Makefile to see the effects:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .o
echo Compiling C
echo Compiling CPP
Make is very very powerful, and quite well documented so well worth the read. GNU make, which is probably the strongest implementation with amazing extensions has made me a lot of money in the past :-) enjoy the experience.
Your rule is wrong, you want something like this:
%.o :
$(NVCC) $(CCFLAGS) $< -o $#
That's assuming the command line you need to execute is something like
nvcc -o foo.o
Otherwise, edit to suit.

separate builds in separate directories

I'm sure this is a totally normal thing to do, but I can't figure out how to get make to do this.
I have a compiler that generates make dependencies of the usual form:
M/A.o : M/A.hs
M/B.o : M/A.o
So I write a rule to compile %.hs into %.o, add a rule to link the binary, include the dependencies file, and all is well. But I want to have several binary targets with different flags. E.g. I want build/test built with -DTESTING and build/profile built with -prof. So I need to keep the .o files in a separate tree, where they will be compiled with special flags.
The straightforward way I can think of would be to have dependencies that look something like this:
build/test/M/A.o : M/A.hs
build/test/M/B.o : build/test/M/A.o
build/profile/M/A.o : M/A.hs
... etc.
And then rules so that %.hs to build/test/%.o compiles with -DTESTING, etc. I think this would work, but it's clumsy, means preprocessing the deps file to add all that build/whatever/ prefix stuff, and would multiply its size by however many kinds of builds.
VPATH appears to be designed for this sort of thing and my idea was that I could set the VPATH and compiler flags depending on the target, and it almost works, but:
%.o: %.hs
#mkdir -p build/M
cp $< build/$#
VPATH = build
main: M/A.o M/B.o
cat $^ >$#
M/A.o : M/A.hs
M/B.o : M/B.hs
The first time the main target wants to run 'cat M/A.o M/B.o >main' which seems contrary to the gnu make documentation that says $^ should include the include the VPATH directory in which the dependency was found. Curiously, if I remove 'main' and make again, this time it uses the correct path. This is GNU make, 3.81.
What's going on here? Is there a better way to build with different flags? VPATH seems like a clumsy tool, surely there is a better way?
Make is working correctly. It tries cat M/A.o M/B.o >main the first time because it can't find the prerequisites it needs, but it knows a rule for M/A.o' andM/B.o(<em>not</em>build/M/A.o' and build/M/B.o) and expects that that is what the rule will produce. If you remove main and try again, it will find build/M/A.o' andbuild/M/B.o` via VPATH.
Let's modify this makefile in stages. First we change the VPATH so that it can find the .hs files (Make is good at using things there to build things here, not vise-versa, and that's what VPATH is good for), and change the rules slightly:
build/%.o: %.hs
cp $< $#
main: build/A.o build/B.o
cat $^ > $#
Now for the different object directories.
build/test/%.o build/project/%.o: %.hs
cp $< $#
test: build/test/A.o build/test/B.o
cat $^ > $#
project: build/project/A.o build/project/B.o
cat $^ > $#
Then we simplify those last two rules, so that it's easy to add more object files and binary targets:
test: $(addprefix build/test/,$(OBJECTS))
project: $(addprefix build/project/,$(OBJECTS))
test project:
cat $^ > $#
Now for the different compiler flags:
build/test/%.o: FLAGS += test_flags
build/project/%.o: FLAGS += proj_flags
build/test/%.o build/project/%.o: %.hs
#echo building $# from $^ using flags $(FLAGS)
cp $< $#
Finally the dependencies. This is a little tricky. Suppose you want the dependency B.o : A.hs to apply to however many object you have. This is one approach:
OBJECT_PATHS = build/test/ build/project/
# The following is from the included file generated by the compiler
$(addsuffix B.o,$(OBJECT_PATHS)) : A.hs
To generate lines like that, I'd pipe the raw lines (e.g. B.o: A.hs) through sed 's/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1:\2/', and note that if you want to put this in a makefile command, don't forget to double the $ signs to preserve them for the shell.
I know that's a lot to absorb. Take it one step at a time and let us know how it works out.
If you haven't solved your problem by now or are experiencing further problems, best give the autotools (automake and autoconf) a chance. They'll quickly build you a Makefile that supports more configurable and flexible out-of-tree builds.
