Visual Studio & Windows - Stop Mouseover Fly outs for menus, sub-menus & Tool windows - visual-studio

This is really driving me crazy !!
I am sure many developers out there love this feature, when tool tabs come darting out on mouseovers, like a jack russell on a double espresso, but it drives me insane.
I am partially signted and frequently have to locate my mouse pointer by shaking the mouse to move the pointer to a particular corner or side of the screen, so having things flyout all over the place, especially when some tools have to waste more time painting themsleves, makes me wanna scream.
If anyone knows how to turn this off, I would be gratefull and it would be even better if I could disable it for all of windows.
My thinking is that, if I wanna see something I will click and when I am done with it I will click away, is that really so hard.
Many thanks in advance
So I figured out that this is a Windows-wide delay setting for mouse over, menu behaviour
specified in the registry in number of milliseconds
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\MenuShowDelay.
Mine was set to 8, and is the reason my menus were so frantic.
I changed this to the maximum allowable value of 65534 and no all my menus, submenus and tool windows only come out when I click them

So I figured out that this is a Windows-wide delay setting for mouse over, menu behaviour specified in the registry in number of milliseconds
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\MenuShowDelay.
Mine was set to 8, and is the reason my menus were so frantic.
I changed this to the maximum allowable value of 65534 and no all my menus, submenus and tool windows only come out when I click them

I typically turn those default tabbed tools off. (close the windows) But I think the option you are looking for is Tools > Options > Environment > General > "Animate Environment Tools".


Shortcut for cursor actions

I have windows 7 and here is my problem, I have an sequence of actions that I should make once every 3 minutes, it's right click on mcafee icon, and click on a parameter, that's all, I would like to create a keybord shortcut of that, I know that I didn't explain a lot, but I'm open to any questions you would have.
I assume that with "mcafee icon" you mean its tray icon.
If so, you can't do it with a single shortcut (unless that parameter you want to click on has one), but you can do it with either:
A sequence of shortcuts:
Windows key (or Ctrl+Esc)
You will now have set the focus on either the leftmost tray icon or the arrow to display the hidden tray icons (the focused item will have a rectangle around it), and you'll be able to move the focus to the other tray icons with the right or left keys. So...
Press the right or left keys until you focus the mcafee icon
Press the "menu key" or, if your keyboard doesn't have it, Shift+F10
You'll now have opened the mcafee's tray icon context menu, where if I understood you your "parameter" is. All you have left to do is to:
Select the "parameter" entry with the up or down keys
Press Return
Or you can probably do it with some kind of macro recording, UI automated testing or "gui scripting" (e.g. AutoHotKey) software . I don't know well any though so I can't advice you on that.
Beware that if you adopt the first solution the sequence of shortcuts solution will vary over time, you can't for example put it in a script and rely that it will always work, because the tray icons generally get placed in different orders and if you have the auto-hide feature enabled every now and then some get hidden.
The automated solution might be more stable instead, if the icons can be reliably identified.
I should also warn you that I wasn't able to really test the shortcuts' sequence on Windows 7 before posting, I have at my disposal at this moment just a Vista, but I'm rather confident it is valid for 7 too.

Win7 and multiple monitors: switch focus when moving mouse to different monitor?

I recently upgraded to a dual monitor setup at work, and while the extra real estate is very nice, there's one annoyance: my intuitive reaction is that there are two "active" windows now, namely the topmost window in each monitor -- and I frequently get surprised when keyboard events go to the actual active window, rather than the one I've moused over and am looking at.
There's a setting in the control panel that gives this effect (ease of access -> make the mouse easier to use -> activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse) but it also acts on windows within the same monitor, which I don't want.
I frequently use my ThinkPad's scrolling function on unfocused windows which I don't want to receive focus, which come to think of it probably adds to my confusion, since I can scroll my email in the other window but my keyboard shortcuts don't go there.
Is there any way to achieve this effect or am I just wishing?
Yeah, get a Mac :-p
In all seriousness OS X does provide this functionality. It might be worth searching for an add on that does the same sort of thing. I know of Wizmouse --
There might be more though.
AT LAST!!! Windows 10 has this support :-)
You can change the settings to use classic windows appearance etc. and try to focus on the border color of the window. The board changes on the active window.
I use two monitors and there really isn't much you can do besides change your behavior.
Select things from the taskbar, drag active windows to the same screen and always refer to inactive windows by moving them to the inactive windows monitor and remember to go back to the window you want to be active.

Controlling the windows 7 on screen keyboard position from code

My manager thinks he's seen other people "lock" the windows on screen keyboard to the bottom of their applications, effectively docking it with their window, and wants me to reproduce this. They're using vb6 and occasionally
I've done a good amount of googling on the subject and I'm resorting to looking into the windows SDK at the minute, but if someone out there can save me a few days of pain by either confirming that it's not possible or pointing me in the right direction if it is I'd appreciate it.
I find that the keyboard locks if I open it from the taskbar icon. It will stay on the bottom of the screen then, even if I'm not on a text field.
No idea how to achieve that programmatically though

Make Visual Studio 2010 display more lines in code editor

With a 14" LCD monitor (1366x768), my VS2010 can only display 21 lines in code editor. There are too many tool bars occupied upper and bottom part (see below screenshot). When writing codes, it's OK to use fullscreen mode. However, when reading codes, I need some of the toolbar like the bookmark bar, open file tab. Is there any suggestion to increase the viewing area?
Create a single custom toolbar with just the commands you really use in it. Remove the other toolbars. Close tool windows docked at the bottom.
There is an addon that can even remove the menu bar – you'll need to learn keyboard shortcuts (this is a good idea anyway: moving a hand to/from the mouse is much slower).
Increase secreen resolution
Use a different font such as Terminal or Consolas. I guess you must be already using Consolas, try Terminal.
Decrease the font size.
Turn monitor by 90 degree, so it is higher not wider.
Besides that - get a decent monitor. 14" is barely legal acording to some european laws for office use. Programmers tyically get a lot bigger.
Customize your toolbars and get rid of the buttons you don't use. You'll probably be able to fit everything on one row after that.
For example, I don't think I have used the toolbar buttons for cut/copy/paste, using the keyboard instead, so those were the first buttons I removed.
On the right side of each toolbar, there is a button with an arrow, click on that and you should see "customize this toolbar" in the drop-down menu.
Well, if you are having an older notebook, you might not able to change your display, increase your screen resolution or turn the monitor by 90 degrees, like the others suggested. Here are my suggestions for when this is the case:
Place your toolbars left or right instead at the top or bottom
close output window
use fullscreen mode and learn keyboard shortcuts for bookmarks and file menu functions, so you can work without the specfic toolbars
I use Full Screen mode (ALT+SHIFT+ENTER to toggle) when doing the actual editing, with only the solution explorer open on the right hand side.

Sticky mouse when dragging controls in VS2005

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I have the following behavior in Visual Studio 2005 while designing forms:
1 - Drop a control onto the form (suppose it's a Label, just for discussion)
2 - Drag that label to a specific location (aligning w/other controls, whatever)
3 - Release the mouse button
4 - The control is still stuck to the mouse!!!
To get it un-stuck from the mouse, I have to hit ESC, which restores the Label to it's original location.
This is driving me nuts. I literally have to use the arrow keys to move each control into place, pixel-by-pixel. I don't observe this behavior anywhere else in VS2005, nor do I observe it in the OS in general.
I am running on Windows XP inside a Parallels Virtual Machine, hosted on OS X. I don't think there is a driver problem though, b/c as I already said, no other apps demonstrate anything like this.
Please tell me there is some tiny checkbox buried somewhere that will turn off this behavior.
Sounds like you might have ClickLock enabled (or a similar feature). Try this:
Go to Control Panel in Windows
Open the Mouse control panel
Go to the Activities tab
Deselect ClickLock
If that doesn't work, maybe you have a similar feature in OS X?
This problem spread to other applications within my VM, so I reinstalled Parallels tools and it went away.
