Controlling the windows 7 on screen keyboard position from code - windows

My manager thinks he's seen other people "lock" the windows on screen keyboard to the bottom of their applications, effectively docking it with their window, and wants me to reproduce this. They're using vb6 and occasionally
I've done a good amount of googling on the subject and I'm resorting to looking into the windows SDK at the minute, but if someone out there can save me a few days of pain by either confirming that it's not possible or pointing me in the right direction if it is I'd appreciate it.

I find that the keyboard locks if I open it from the taskbar icon. It will stay on the bottom of the screen then, even if I'm not on a text field.
No idea how to achieve that programmatically though


Minimize window on scroll down?

I was wondering, would it be possible to create a small piece of software that would allow the user to minimize a window by scrolling down on it? (on the top part that can be used to move it via drag and drop, obviously).
Following the same idea, it would be cool to be able to scroll up on the task bar icons to restore a minimized windows. I thought it would be cool (and since the user does not actually click but scrolls instead, it would prevent accidental nearby program openings when trying to restore a window)!
I am a total newbie when it comes to things like these. Could you please indicate me:
if Windows would let me do that (I doubt it wouldn't)?
How to code something like that (what language, and so on...)?
A way of doing this for maximizing the tabs open in the taskbar would be to create a custom taskbar identical to that of the main one. The second taskbar from Dual Monitor Taskbar works this way. There are also libraries in languages such as C++ which can detect scroll wheel movements.
Although this wasn't the most helpful answer, hopefully this could give you some ideas.
It is definitely possible. I found a software that does that 6 years ago and I have been using it ever since. It is called Preme for windows (
I have been using the software for about 6 years now and I cannot use windows without it. It also allows closing windows when clicking the mouse scroll key and maximizing a window with scroll up.
I hope this helps you. I am always wondering why Microsoft does have these options built in in the OS!!

Is there a way to hide the Windows 7 taskbar permanently?

I've used ObjectDock in the past to replace the taskbar for a number of reasons. I had to reinstall Windows and apparently now ObjectDock is no longer free. One main reason I liked ObjectDock is because it completley replaces the taskbar, hiding the taskbar completely, not just autohiding it or hiding it till moving my mouse to the bottom, but actually completely removing it.
So clearly there is some way to hide it or move it so it doesn't show up in some way, but I've yet to find anything online that shows a way within Windows 7 or a programmatic way to do so. I've got most of my programs linked to hotkeys through AutoHotkey, and since my resolution is small I'd like the extra space.
Try using either Taskbar Eliminator or The Ultimate Windows Tweaker. They should allow you to remove it, this should remove it for you.

Windows 8.1 thinks I have a touch screen

I have a problem - when accidentally launching any of native Windows apps and alt-tabbing to normal ones, then I have a hint (that occupies a fair quarter of the screen), that I can swipe between apps (screenshot is in Russian, but that's what it says).
The things is that I know for sure that my display is not a touch-screen, so how can I persuade Windows into believing that?
At the moment I have to reboot every time I got it (couldn't find any related process in the task manager to kill).
Actually a reply by #David.
You can move mouse to the upper left corner [to switch between apps], but also makes the swipe hint to hide.
Thanks, #David!

Win7 and multiple monitors: switch focus when moving mouse to different monitor?

I recently upgraded to a dual monitor setup at work, and while the extra real estate is very nice, there's one annoyance: my intuitive reaction is that there are two "active" windows now, namely the topmost window in each monitor -- and I frequently get surprised when keyboard events go to the actual active window, rather than the one I've moused over and am looking at.
There's a setting in the control panel that gives this effect (ease of access -> make the mouse easier to use -> activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse) but it also acts on windows within the same monitor, which I don't want.
I frequently use my ThinkPad's scrolling function on unfocused windows which I don't want to receive focus, which come to think of it probably adds to my confusion, since I can scroll my email in the other window but my keyboard shortcuts don't go there.
Is there any way to achieve this effect or am I just wishing?
Yeah, get a Mac :-p
In all seriousness OS X does provide this functionality. It might be worth searching for an add on that does the same sort of thing. I know of Wizmouse --
There might be more though.
AT LAST!!! Windows 10 has this support :-)
You can change the settings to use classic windows appearance etc. and try to focus on the border color of the window. The board changes on the active window.
I use two monitors and there really isn't much you can do besides change your behavior.
Select things from the taskbar, drag active windows to the same screen and always refer to inactive windows by moving them to the inactive windows monitor and remember to go back to the window you want to be active.

Features in VB6 stop working on one of my multiple monitors

I have 3 monitors with the center monitor being the primary one. When I start VB6 everything works fine on the center and right monitor, but if I maximize the window on the left monitor my scroll wheel (which uses the VB6 mouse wheel fix) and Ctrl+F for the Find window stop working and continue to not work until I drag the window so most of it is on the center monitor. I have not had any issues with any other programs. Any fix for this?
I haven't personally seen the issues you have with a specific monitor not working, but for me (and my Logitech mouse), I have tried the VB6 mouse wheel fix you mentioned and it didn't work.
Instead, I had to use Wheeler. Check out the link for the full description, but the bottom line is it's the only thing that helps me use the mousewheel in the VB6 IDE on any monitor.
