wxOGL wx.ShapeCanvas images - image

I am making a small photo editing application using wxPython ogl.ShapeCanvas. I can load images on the canvas. I just want to know how will I adjust the brightness/contrast of an image inside the canvas (using a slider).

Hope it's not to late to be of any help, but...I had to do something similar with OGL recently when I wanted to adjust the transparency on the fly. What I ended up doing was creating a class that made the adjustments and returned a wx.Bitmap, then I had a ShapeCanvas subclass use the adjusted picture, e.g.
class PicAdjuster(cls):
def adjust_pic(self, image_filename, factor_red = 1., factor_green = 1., factor_blue = 1., factor_alpha = 1.):
original_img = wx.Image(image_filename)
adjusted_img = original_img.AdjustChannels(factor_red, factor_green, factor_blue, factor_alpha)
return wx.BitmapFromImage(adjusted_img)
then for the ShapeCanvas:
class PicDisplay(ogl.ShapeCanvas):
def add_picture(self, image_filename):
new_img = ogl.BitmapShape()
add_alpha = PicAdjuster()
new_img.SetBitmap(add_alpha.adjust_pic(factor_alpha = 0.5))
Anyway, you might be able to do something similar to make your adjustments; just use your picture adjuster and call the ogl.BitmapShape's SetBitmap() method as required.


FlxSpriteGroup is not visible (haxeflixel)

I'm trying to create some sort of "item displayer" in a game to showcase items or act as an icon in the inventory (it will include informations like item tier, item name, exc).
To achieve this, i wanted to create a ItemDisplay class extending FlxSpriteGroup, and put inside it the frame, background and info for the item as Sprites, so that i would be able to work with all as if they were a single Sprite.
So i did just that, but the group isn't showing up when the ItemDisplay object is created and supposedly added to the FlxState.
After some troubleshooting, i discovered that the object exists, but isOnScreen() returns false, and i don't know why.
Here's the code i'm using to create the ItemDisplay object:
var itd:ItemDisplay = new ItemDisplay(FlxG.width / 2, FlxG.height / 2, test_sword);
...and here's the ItemDisplay class in all it's glory:
class ItemDisplay extends FlxSpriteGroup
override public function new(posX:Float, posY:Float, itemToShow:Item)
x = posX;
y = posY;
// create sprites
var bckgr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(x, y);
var itPng:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(x, y);
var itFrm:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(x, y);
// load sprites graphics (problem's not here, i checked)
bckgr.loadGraphic("assets/images/ui/item_framing/ifbg_" + itemToShow.tier + "Tier.png");
// add all sprites to group
(i'm running the code on macos, not HTML5)
If you have any idea why the ItemDisplay is not showing up, please explain it to me, as i'm not that good of a programmer, and i might have missed something.
Thank you ^-^
Nvm, as i thought, it was my stupid error: when creating the sprites in lines 10-12, i set their positions to X and Y, to make them the same as the group positions.
I just found out that the sprites consider the group's x and y as (0, 0), and start calculating their position from there.
So, by setting the sprites' x/y the same as the group's, i was essentially doubling the values, and putting the sprites outside of the screen
lmao sorry for bad english

How can i change the character image non Ruby Gosu

im building a basic game in the style of the original pokemon games using the ruby gosu library. Ive managed to figure out how to move the originally loaded sprite about but i cant figure out how to clear that sprite and draw the new sprite e.g. back view in its place.
Ive been looking throught the documentation and came across the "insert" method, although im not sure if this is what i want. Any help?
im creating the var in the initialize method then drawing it later on like so:
def initialize
#character_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/char.png", :tileable => false)
def draw
#character_image.draw(#character_location_X, #character_location_Y, 1)
You need to make a class for your character, which needs an update and draw function. In the update function, when input such as WASD is received you can switch the image of the sprite. If you don't have a sprite sheet, you'll have to load multiple images and switch between them.
Here's some ruby pseudocode to help you:
#back_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/back.png")
#front_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/front.png")
#left_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/left.png")
#right_image = Gosu::Image.new("media/images/right.png")
current_image = front_image
This goes in your update function:
if up
current_image = back_image
elsif down
current_image = front_image
elsif right
current_image = right_image
elsif left
current_image = left_image
Then in your draw function all you need to do is
def draw
#current_image.draw(#character_location_X, #character_location_Y, 1)
This is a pretty basic way, but if you use a sprite sheet, you can create your own animation class that Gosu can use that allows you to select between certain ranges of frames of your character spritesheet.

Add circle on Bokeh image

I'm working with Bokeh and I want to add a circle on a specific position on my image.
For the moment, I create my image like this :
img = image(image=[data],
x_range=[0, x_range],
y_range=[0, y_range],
resources = Resources("inline")
plot_script, plot_div = components(img, resources)
html_script = encode_utf8(plot_script)
html_div = encode_utf8(plot_div)
return html_script, html_div
and send this to my HTML page.
The problem is that the circle is not on the final display. Maybe on background ? I don't know...
I tryed add function, add_glyph function, add_layout... None of these are functionnal!
Thanks for helping guys
The above code did not work due to a bug in Bokeh. However, the bug has since been fixed, and that code and code similar to it will function as expected.

How to handle sprite animation in Kivy

I am coding a game using Kivy. I have a Screen class where I put my animation code. It's not a usual game, it's more like several screens, each with its own animation, with button commands for going back and forth to different screens.
It works ok, but when I make more classes like this and put it all in a ScreenManager, the animation is disrupted with random white screens.
class Pas(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Pas, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1 / 60.0)
self.ani_speed_init = 15
self.ani_speed = self.ani_speed_init
self.ani = glob.glob("img/pas_ani*.png")
self.ani_pos = 0
self.ani_max = len(self.ani)-1
self.img = self.ani[0]
back = Button(
pos=(380, 420))
def callback(instance):
sm.current = 'game'
def update(self, dt):
self.ani_speed -= 1
if self.ani_speed == 0:
self.img = self.ani[self.ani_pos]
self.ani_speed = self.ani_speed_init
if self.ani_pos == self.ani_max:
self.ani_pos = 0
self.ani_pos += 1
with self.canvas:
image = Image(source=self.img, pos=(0, 0), size=(320, 480))
What am I doing wrong? I am also accepting ideas for a different way of doing this.
If you want to use Screen and ScreenManager for your screens, it would be better to use the transition system they define and use, so, to define your own Transitions, and apply them. If you want more control, i would advise getting ride of Screen and ScreenManager, and just using Widgets, to control the whole drawing/positioning process.
Also, Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0) is equivalent to the call you are making, the animation will be called each frame, and you can use dt to manage the animation progress.
Also, kivy can manage gifs, as well as zip archives of images to directly do animations (useful to have animated pngs), you can let kivy manage the whole animation process this way.

how to do automatic image resizing in Python3 with PyGI?

Although I have found partial and indirect answers to this question (see, e.g., this link), I am posting this here because putting together the bits and pieces of the puzzle took me a bit of time, and I thought someone else might find my efforts of use.
So, how to achieve a seamless resizing of images on buttons in GTK+ when the parent window is resized?
The solution offered for PyGTK in the link posted in the question does not work in Python-GI with GTK3, although the trick of using a ScrolledWindow in place of the usual Box was very useful.
Here is my minimal working solution to getting an image on a button to resize with the container.
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
class ButtonWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Button Demo")
self.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
self.connect("check_resize", self.on_check_resize)
self.box = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
self.click = Gtk.Button()
self.pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf().new_from_file('gtk-logo-rgb.jpg')
self.image = Gtk.Image().new_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf)
def resizeImage(self, x, y):
print('Resizing Image to ('+str(x)+','+str(y)+')....')
pixbuf = self.pixbuf.scale_simple(x, y,
def on_check_resize(self, window):
print("Checking resize....")
boxAllocation = self.box.get_allocation()
win = ButtonWindow()
(The -10 on the width and height are to accommodate the inner borders and padding in the button. I tried fiddling with this to get a bigger image on the button, but the result did not look so nice.)
The jpeg file used in this example can be downloaded from here.
I welcome further suggestions on how to do this.
self.image = Gtk.Image().new_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf)
Should probably be:
self.image = Gtk.Image().set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf)
You're creating a new image twice.
