Add circle on Bokeh image - image

I'm working with Bokeh and I want to add a circle on a specific position on my image.
For the moment, I create my image like this :
img = image(image=[data],
x_range=[0, x_range],
y_range=[0, y_range],
resources = Resources("inline")
plot_script, plot_div = components(img, resources)
html_script = encode_utf8(plot_script)
html_div = encode_utf8(plot_div)
return html_script, html_div
and send this to my HTML page.
The problem is that the circle is not on the final display. Maybe on background ? I don't know...
I tryed add function, add_glyph function, add_layout... None of these are functionnal!
Thanks for helping guys

The above code did not work due to a bug in Bokeh. However, the bug has since been fixed, and that code and code similar to it will function as expected.


GSAP Scrolltrigger Parallax Sections

I'm kind of newbie and and I'm starting to be very fascinated by GSAP animations...
I found this with the code and everything:
My problem is that in this animation I have some random pictures, but I want to use some local images that I have instead. Any suggestion of what to change?
I'm using Vue 2 and I put already the JS in the mounted :)
Thanks in advance!
I know that I should change this part but I don't know how = `url(${i})`;
I tried to duplicate this = section.querySelector(".bg");
with: = section.querySelector(".bg"); = section.querySelector(".bg2") = section.querySelector(".bg3");
and then here : = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')";
Nothing happens...if I put the imagepath inline style on the html I lose the animation.
First, your Q not related to vue.
Next inspect your code (For errors -- your main mistake is item inside a forEach loop - the path should be related to each iteration).
One way (DRY) to change the images from random images is to get the data-attribute of each bg item inside the forEach "section" loop.
One way to solve this.
Change the path from random path: = `url(${i})`;
To specific one for each iteration:
/*#### NEW CODE ####*/
let image_path =;
// Get images path from data attribute = `url(${image_path})`;
Read more:
GSAP UtilityMethods:

Python: update plot with image with slider weight

I loaded a .nii file in my application.
def show(self):
image = SimpleITK.ReadImage(file_name)
t1 = SimpleITK.GetArrayFromImage(image)
t2 = color.rgb2gray(t1[w.get()])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
line1 = ax.imshow(t2, cmap='gray')
This function it is called when I move the slider and show me in a new figure the slice of brain.(the screenshot of application is attach here: [1]:
I need to update the same figure/plot, it is possible?
That should work, but I would not be calling ReadImage and GetArrayFromImage every time show gets called. You don't want to be re-loading and converting the image each time your widget changes. Do those thing once, when the application starts.
If you look at the SimpleITK-Notebooks that's pretty much how images are displayed in Jupyter notebooks.
The section 'Inline display with matplotlib' uses imshow to display images.

PhantomJS - Rendering fails to show all images

I have a phantomjs script that is stepping through the pages of my site.
For each page, I use page = new WebPage() and then page.close() after finishing with the page. (This is a simplified description of the process, and I'm using PhantomJS version 1.9.7.)
While on each page, I use page.renderBase64('PNG') one or more times, and add the results to an array.
When I'm all done, I build a new page and cycle through the array of images, adding each to the page using <img src="data:image/png;base64,">.
When done, I use page.render(...) to make a PDF file.
This is all working great... except that the images stop appearing in the PDF after about the 20th image - the rest just show as 4x4 pixel black dots
For troubleshooting this...
I've changed the render to output a PNG file, and have the same
problem after the 19th or 20th image.
I've outputted the raw HTML. I
can open that in Chrome, and all the images are visible.
Any ideas why the rendering would be failing?
Solved the issue. Turns out that PhantomJS was still preparing the images when the render was executed. Moving the render into the onLoadFinished handler, as illustrated below, solved the issue. Before, the page.render was being called immediately after the page.content = assignment.
For those interested in doing something similar, here's the gist of the process we are doing:
var htmlForAllPages = [];
then, as we load each page in PhantomJS:
var img = page.renderBase64('PNG');
htmlForAllPages.push('<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + img + '">');
When done, the final PDF is created... We have a template file ready, with all the required HTML and CSS etc. and simply insert our generated HTML into it:
var fs = require('fs');
var template ='DocumentationTemplate.html');
var finalHtml = template.replace('INSERTBODYHERE', htmlForAllPages.join('\n'));
var pdfPage = new WebPage();
pdfPage.onLoadFinished = function() {
pdfPage.content = finalHtml;

ActionScript 2 loadClip depth

When I use:
loader = new MovieClipLoader();
loader.loadClip("http://someimage.jpg",_root.level1.image); works and the image shows up.
But when I use:
loader = new MovieClipLoader();
...the image doesn't show up. Can anyone tell me why? How can I make this work?
the depth you are supplying is going to be '1'. is that what you are expecting?
each movie clip has it's own set of depths, so the nextHighestDepth() of the newly create 'image' mc, will be 1. it should not prevent loading the image though.
As gthmb says, you should call getNextHighestDepth() on the same MovieClip as you do the createEmptyMovieClip() on. So your code example should be more like:
loader = new MovieClipLoader();
Also, I would recommend storing references to the created MovieClips, so you won't have to use the full path in each occurrence in the code, something in the lines of this:
loader = new MovieClipLoader();
var level1:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("level1",_root.getNextHighestDepth());
var level2:MovieClip = level1.createEmptyMovieClip("level2",level1.getNextHighestDepth());
var image:MovieClip = level2.createEmptyMovieClip("image",level2.getNextHighestDepth());

wxOGL wx.ShapeCanvas images

I am making a small photo editing application using wxPython ogl.ShapeCanvas. I can load images on the canvas. I just want to know how will I adjust the brightness/contrast of an image inside the canvas (using a slider).
Hope it's not to late to be of any help, but...I had to do something similar with OGL recently when I wanted to adjust the transparency on the fly. What I ended up doing was creating a class that made the adjustments and returned a wx.Bitmap, then I had a ShapeCanvas subclass use the adjusted picture, e.g.
class PicAdjuster(cls):
def adjust_pic(self, image_filename, factor_red = 1., factor_green = 1., factor_blue = 1., factor_alpha = 1.):
original_img = wx.Image(image_filename)
adjusted_img = original_img.AdjustChannels(factor_red, factor_green, factor_blue, factor_alpha)
return wx.BitmapFromImage(adjusted_img)
then for the ShapeCanvas:
class PicDisplay(ogl.ShapeCanvas):
def add_picture(self, image_filename):
new_img = ogl.BitmapShape()
add_alpha = PicAdjuster()
new_img.SetBitmap(add_alpha.adjust_pic(factor_alpha = 0.5))
Anyway, you might be able to do something similar to make your adjustments; just use your picture adjuster and call the ogl.BitmapShape's SetBitmap() method as required.
