Plugin development for KDE file manager - user-interface

I want to introduce a new field when right clicking on a file in Red Hat file browser. Assuming what I have read, the default file browser is Dolphin. But I am not sure how to go about developing a plugin/hack which could do the above.
Any links on tutorials or development pages which could specifically help me getting the task done will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.

This should be what you are looking for:
generally, look on for infos around KDE development.


Mean.js, where do I start?

I have to make a web application with Meanstack for a school project. I have downloaded and installed the newest version of the Mean.js boilerplate ( and got the sample site working. But I have no idea how to continue. There are so many files in the project directory. Can somebody please tell me the files I can/need to change to start building my own app?
I'm very new to programming, so sorry if this is a stupid question. I'd really appreciate an answer.
This is what the project folder looks like.
The documentation (here) has plenty of great information about what each file does, and what you might need to research to get started. Besides that there are a lot of great tutorials out there, one I liked in particular was this youtube series.
Please note that in these examples I am using the mean stack from, not, and I am using version 0.3. If you are using a different MEAN stack, or version, I would still recommend first looking through the official documentation, and then various tutorials online.

Is there a website that provides code for the Like, Tweet, +1 and Share buttons?

I've found a Wordpress plugin which provides code for all these buttons but I want to put them on my website (which doesn't run Wordpress).
Is there somewhere which provides the code or do I have to do them all separately?
I'm trying to add them to this website: Compress My Code.
There's lots of plug-ins for that available out there if you care to search.
My personal preference is the "SexyBookmarks" which look a bit like this:
And here's how you add them.
I've found this which seems to have everything I need, thanks for the other answer too though :)

Joomla plugin manager missing options, how do I start trouble shooting this?

There are no options displayed when I'm looking at a plugin with the plugin manager. Where there should be a menu for basic and advance options is just white space. How can I start trouble shooting this problem? Other installed extensions work fine and hours of searching about plugin options make me think this is a peculiar error. This is what my menu looks like
The plugin you are using is not written for Joomla 1.6, the XML manifest needs to be updated at the very least. The plugin itself may also need to be rewritten. I would start withe the XML file first, you can find details on the changes that need to be made here -

NetBeans GUI editor skin/theme

I'm creating a Java Web Applet in NetBeans and I want my final application to have a design called "Metal". I can set it, it's OK. But when I'm editing the GUI using "NetBeans GUI editor", I must work with the typical Windows design. Is it possible to use the "Metal" skin in the editor too? Each design has different sizes of buttons, fonts etc. So I'd love to see the final layout during editing. Not only after compiling.
I know that I can right-click and select "Design preview / Metal" but I do not want this.
For ilustration I'm attaching an image:
I saw this question in a few forums, but nobody understood it well (and nobody answered), so I'm asking my own question.
Try configuring Netbeans to use the Metal look and feel by editing netbeans.conf.
netbeans_default_options="... --laf javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"
Note: After a normal Netbeans installation there's already a netbeans_default_options setting in the configuration file. Be careful not delete them unless you know what you are doing. Just append the --laf option.
1) This question was once answered at Force look and feel on NetBeans 6.5 Please take a look there also.
2) Some years ago I have written a detailed tutorial for Look and Feel changes in NetBeans. Please also have a look at
with regards
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
Thanks, it worked. But <snip> caused an error message, so I added to
"netbeans_default_options" only this:
"--laf javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"
Side effect was, that whole NetBeans now have Metal design. But I like it, so why not.

Help me with my first Mozilla Extension

I am new to Mozilla extensions and i have been trying to build the "hello world" following this tutorial but unfortunately its not showing anything on the right of my status bar when i start Firefox with my development profile. I have checked everything many times and not found any mistake in my code or file pattern. I'm doing everything they say in that tutorial. Now I'm seriously getting doubts on this tutorial is there something wrong with it ? have they missed out on anything that i should know? help me out here please
I would like to post this information about that tutorial on building firefox extensions that it has major flaws in it which result in no output of what is being said in it, i have reported it and for starters here is another very helpful link thanks to which i was able to build my extension.
