Can I upload Xcode builds on macOS 10.12 - xcode

Will I be capable of submitting an app with Xcode 7.3.1 while on the macOS 10.12 beta? According to this post, it is possible to run Xcode 7 alongside macOS 10.12.

Yes, you can! But if you're tying to do this, you will find two problems.
no .app file provided in bundle
Build with Xcode 7.3.1 then upload using Xcode 8 [Beta]. This will allow you to upload the archive.
When trying to submit to the store you will be faced with this error message:
New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, OS X, and tvOS SDK. Don't submit apps built with beta software including beta OS X builds.
This is because your archive contain the Sierra's mark! I just solved this problem yesterday.
When you archived your app, find your archive in the Organizer, and then:
"Show in finder";
"Show package contents";
In the "xx.xcarchive" file, find the "Products"-"Applications"-""(xx is your app's name), "Show package contents" again;
Finally, you can see there has a file named"Info.plist", open it;
Edit the value with a key named "BuildMachineOSBuild", I just change it to "15F34"(it's "El Capitan 10.11.5" 's version);
After that, you can upload this archive use Xcode or Application Loader, whatever you want!

Decided to try it out myself. Both methods of exporting through Xcode and Application Launcher failed with an error stating there was no .app file provided in bundle. Best to stay away from the macOS 10.12 beta if you want to continue developing for iOS 9.


WatchKit Error with "no symbols for paired Apple watch" watchOS 3.1

im trying do develop my app on my watchos3.1 and i getting every time this error.
no symbols for paired Apple watch
Xcode doesn't download the latest symbols for my watchOS 3.1. In my folde
Library->Developer->Xcode->watchOS DeviceSupport->
i only find a file with "watch1,2 3.0"
how can i download the file with 3.1 ?
Just ran into this issue with Xcode 9 and watchOS 4. It turned out that I was not logged in anymore to my Apple ID in Xcode. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and log into your account. Then disconnect and reconnect the iPhone with the paired watch and Xcode should now be able to download the symbol files.
In my case this happened because there was a new license agreement pending in my account. After I had accepted the new agreement, Xcode was able to download necessary symbols
I had a similar problem and ended up deleting the app from my phone and watch, closing Xcode, and trying to install it again. After a few attempts this ended up working. I would also double check that you're running the latest version of XCode. Hope you get it resolved!
I managed to get my watch app working by installing the app to my phone first (without the watch component), and then installing the watchOS app directly from my phone's Watch app.
This is a bit of a work-around, but I too could not find the 3.1 file anywhere.

Update to xcode 7.3 is not working

Is someone else having problems to update xcode 7.2 to 7.3?
Firstly there is no update option in App Store. I found a link at App Store xcode 7.3, this link will open your app store on the xcode page, after I press update, a loading spinner appears but after 2 hours of waiting nothing has happened Is there another way to update xcode?
Edit: There is no option update xcode in App Store
xcode 7.3 is not supported in OS lower than 10.11, You need to upgrade your OS to OS X 10.11 or later (El Capitan) and try to upgrade the xcode to 7.3
You can download Xcode yourself from (an Apple Developer account required).
This is what you should see (I filtered the available downloads by typing "Xcode"):
I had the same problem while I was trying to update to Xcode 8.1 with Waiting.. status on AppStore under Xcode icon. What I has done to fix this is:
1) Go to
2) Press Lunch Application
And when it opens on AppStore, it will refresh the status from Waiting.. to Downloading...

tvOS Invalid Toolchain when Submitting tvOS 9.1 app

I'm trying to submit a tvOS app through iTunes Connect, and every time I try I get the following message:
Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, and tvOS 8 SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software.
I have made sure to update Xcode to it's newest App Store version, and I'm not using any beta software.
While I never ended up resolving this issue completely, I did find a workaround.
When submitting an app, iTunes Connect checks the compiled app's compatibility to the latest operating system (in this case, for tvOS 9.1 build 13U85). While compatibility is completely fine between the two, Xcode has a bug. During the archiving process, Xcode specified my archive as Build 13U78 which is inaccurate and not correct.
A workaround I found, which is quite simple, changes the archive's build from (in my case) build 13U78 to build 13U85.
First, we'll create an archive which is self explanatory.
Second (and this is essential) we need to do the following:
Open 'Show in Finder'
Next, you need to right-click your archive and choose 'Show Package Content'
Then go to Products, then Applications, then repeat the second step (right click the .app file, then choose 'Show Package Content').
Once you're there, open the Info.plist file.
You'll see some version information in it, but what we want are:
These two options should be something like:
DTPlatformBuild 13U78
DTSDKBuild 13U78
Modify 13U78 to be the most recent build of tvOS, or in my case:
DTPlatformBuild 13U85
DTSDKBuild 13U85
You're almost done! Just save the modified Info.plist file and close it out. Then Submit to App Store- you're done!
Make absolutely sure you're using the most recent build of tvOS.

Xcode submission error

I'm trying to submit a Mac OS X Application to the App Store but I'm currently stuck.
I've created and installed the 3rd Party Mac Developer Application and Installer certificate and added to Xcode the provisioning profile for Production.
When I Archive my application and, after validation, try to submit it, I can't choose the "Application" options 'cause the only option I can take is:"No Value".
I've tried to create a package (With "share" button) and test its installation process as suggest it by the Apple Documentation and the process terminate successfully.
But when I try to submit the package through the Application Loader app, I receive the error:"There is no embedded Java executable. Please reinstall Xcode Developer Tools".
The fact is that I've already reinstalled all the Xcode Developer Tools (I was using a beta version before) from the App Store.
Any ideas?
Do you use Xcode 4.2 and as a pre-release version? If so, try using Xcode 4.1.
Use "Application Loader" in Developer/Applications/Utilities. The tool that is present under xcode is full of bugs. You will need to give it the .app generated as a product by XCode. Did that help ? Annother thing you can try is to reject yourself the app into iTunes Connect, then set it again as "ready for download". It won't force you to upgrade your app version.

Can't run on device after installing iOS 4.2 and the 4.2 SDK

I installed iOS 4.2 on my 2nd-generation iPod Touch last week. I tried running my application on the device through Xcode, but it didn't work (because Xcode didn't yet support iOS 4). To solve that, I installed Xcode 3.2.5 and the iOS SDK 4.2. Now I can get the app to run in the iPhone/iPad Simulator just fine.
However, I can no longer select "Device" from the menu at the top of the screen. It's a choice, but when I try to click on it, it never actually gets a check mark.
Because of this, I can no longer run the app on my iPod. The other (related) problem is that I can't choose "Build and Archive" from the Build menu anymore because the target is not a device.
Why is this happening? Do I need to change some settings in my project, or something with my device itself?
EDIT: Upon closer investigation, it appears that I can't select anything but the iPhone Simulator 4.0. Maybe there's something wrong with the project file.
Check that the base SDK is set to Latest iOS (currently set to iOS 4.2) for your Xcode project and your target's product, then perform a rebuild and see if your iPod is recognized.
Also try visiting the Xcode Organizer and see if it's asking for anything from your iPod. Typically Xcode will want to collect some data from devices whose OS receive updates, so it can update itself and install your apps on the updated OS properly.
