MultiScaleImage (DeepZoom) control on Windows Phone 7 and image collections - windows-phone-7

I am developing a WP7 application that displays and arranges images using a MultiScaleImage control.
Currently, I don't think my 'output' xml/dzc is properly formated to point to all of the sub images in the right places.
How do I export my Deep Zoom Composer project as a collection of images and access single subimages in my application? (and yes, the data is online instead of local to the device)
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

This project might help you - - it includes a WP7 control


Opening an image in TImage from a server

I am working on a huge project using Delphi XE5, the core of the program is to open an image using the TImage component on the application but the image is on a server that is accessed trough the internet. The image that displays depends on the criteria set trough other events or actions from the user. I already have the criteria's code etc in place, I only neet die Image display part..
What other components do I need to use other than TImage component to make this happen and how does one do this? I have been searching for answers for more than a week and couldn't find something that works.
This is also a multi platform application.
Found what I was looking for at FireMonkey iOS RAD Studio XE2 - Display Image on form loaded from URL although its a bit slow, but for now it can do the job just fine.
Well you can load a TBitmapImage or TJPEGImage from a stream and then stick it into your TImage. However, you will need to know the image type before you do this. Here is an example using TJPEGImage: JPEG data-stream to TImage

Which control is used to hold image,text and audio files like a flow document in windows phone applications

I am developing an application similar to one-note in windows phone. I wonder what control they use for storing image,text and audio files.
I tried with RichTextBox but I found that RichTextbox is readonly for windows phone
Please suggest an approch to achieve this functionality
Thanks in advance.
For those who are not aware of One-note app in windows it holds text,images and audio
files like a Flow document.
Your best bet would be to use a <Canvas>
MSDN Canvas
It can hold any other XAML object and they can quickly and easily be positioned on the canvas in both XAML and back end code
That said, you are going to have to do some custom coding to create the UI elements dynamically.
This shouldn't be to hard.
If it were me I would create an application bar and in the sub menu I would create all of the UI elements you're allowing the person to create. When they select a UIElement it adds it to the canvas and you allow it to be draggable and editable.

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.

What's the control used in Kindle for Windows Phone 7

I was wondering what kind of control Amazon has used to display text in their application for Windows Phone 7 ? It must be some kind of custom ones because if I remember correctly there's not support for FlowDocument, Run etc in WP7.
<Run> is supported on WindowsPhone7 - e.g. - you can see Run used in lots of apps - e.g. the official Twitter app.
This question - Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7) - analyses the Kindle UI control a little bit - it leads me to think that Amazon are using a TextBlock control for the main page, and are doing some manual calculations to work out how many words are on the current page.
Kindle ebooks are primarily HTML (output of conversion from multiple formats), so it would be some kind of WebBrower control.
They haven't detailed this publicly.
I strongly suspect that they have their own controls to wrap a canvas which they dynamically populate with the text and then animate with their own manipulation code.

Premade Cocoa component for a UI control like this? (rounded rectangle showing a stack of items)

Luckily, the code that WebKit uses to make this control draws onto a canvas using basic drawing operations, so it shouldn't be too hard to convert into a Cocoa control. This is what I have so far:Development progress so far
I'll update here again once I get it finished.
Original question
I don't know what to call this sort of control, so I'll show pictures (from the iTunes dialog for a media player and the WebKit Web Inspector's Resource panel):
iTunes showing disk usage using this control
Google Chrome's use of the control to show resource download speed
I'm interested in using this sort of control in my Cocoa application. I've searched all over the Internets but haven't found much, seeing as I don't know its name - is there some sort of shared component that I can use for this?
On Safari it's implemented using javascript, see: SummaryBar.js.
That's a totally custom control, and I don't know of any open source counterpart (other than the one inside the Webkit source). Would you care to provide one? :)
