Opening an image in TImage from a server - image

I am working on a huge project using Delphi XE5, the core of the program is to open an image using the TImage component on the application but the image is on a server that is accessed trough the internet. The image that displays depends on the criteria set trough other events or actions from the user. I already have the criteria's code etc in place, I only neet die Image display part..
What other components do I need to use other than TImage component to make this happen and how does one do this? I have been searching for answers for more than a week and couldn't find something that works.
This is also a multi platform application.

Found what I was looking for at FireMonkey iOS RAD Studio XE2 - Display Image on form loaded from URL although its a bit slow, but for now it can do the job just fine.

Well you can load a TBitmapImage or TJPEGImage from a stream and then stick it into your TImage. However, you will need to know the image type before you do this. Here is an example using TJPEGImage: JPEG data-stream to TImage


Is it possible to pause/resume a gif animation using FFImageLoading in Xamarin?

The question says it all. Upon loading a .gif using either SvgCachedImage or CachedImage it immediately starts playing. I however need to be able to start and stop it according to some logic. Unfortunately, the built in Xamarin Image whilst allowing this takes so way too long to load the 1.2mb .gif that it destroys the user experience.
I have looked through all the properties on CachedImage and SvgCachedImage and cannot find any that may relate to this feature.

Drawing an IplImage within an MFC Dialog Application

I have an MFC dialog application that I am using as the front end for some image processing with OpenCV 2.1. I would like to move away from using the cvShowImage and place my image directly on the dialog box or a suitable container. I've found examples that with a technique using an MFC SDI application with a View/Doc model, but I can't figure out how to convert that.
I'm curious if anyone has done this and/or knows where an example may live that does this?
Also, this is my first MFC application.
Thanks all.
There is a CvvImage type in highgui with a drawtoHDC(or simialr) function that will draw into a bitmap

MultiScaleImage (DeepZoom) control on Windows Phone 7 and image collections

I am developing a WP7 application that displays and arranges images using a MultiScaleImage control.
Currently, I don't think my 'output' xml/dzc is properly formated to point to all of the sub images in the right places.
How do I export my Deep Zoom Composer project as a collection of images and access single subimages in my application? (and yes, the data is online instead of local to the device)
Any and all suggestions are welcome.
This project might help you - - it includes a WP7 control

Dashcode question - OnClick image to fullscreen?

I have a web app I'm building in Dashcode, currently every thing is working as advertised. I'm using the browser template and was able to modify it a bit, got the xml working to connect images and their description. Now I want to add a simple OnClick event that sends the image to fullscreen but I can't find any documentation for that. I'm pretty sure this is easily done so I'm missing something here? Any help greatly appreciated.
Taking over the screen is a bit complicated (if your talking about a full screen experience like youtube), but full screen in the browser window is defiantly possible. The simplest method is to have the click event open a link to the image location. This would load the image in full resolution in the browser window. A more elegant approach would be to load the image url into the source of a image dashcode object. and have that objects visibility only appear overs the whole web app when the Oncick event occurs. If you are talking about a built in function in dashcode to achieve a full screen/browser image, your out of luck.

Flash image upload with mandatory crop?

Anyone know of a Flash file (image) uploader that will force a user to resize and/or crop their image BEFORE uploading it? To then upload it as well.
Basically, I don't want my server processing the image resize/crop. I want to specify a target aspect ratio and have the user resize and crop their image to make it fit.
I've seen cropping uploaders before but they all seem to be server side. I saw a Flex one but I'm not sure it's "mandatory" -- Basically if the user just uploads the image without making edits, then I'd like the Flash to scale and fit the image into set dimensions...Leaving it I guess short in one direction to not stretch.
Anything like this out there?
I have a bounty running with a very similar question, be sure to take a peek - there isn't anything there yet that does client side resizing, though.
Also, SWFUpload is said to support it in the new Beta, but the feature is very sparsely documented right now. You would probably have to work on it to get it running the way you want.
there was another one called resize before upload but the site went down. though while I'm updating this and we're on the subject -- I don't see why you'd want to use Flash these days for this task. There are plenty of JavaScript options and now we also have Google's Dart (which builds JavaScript).
