What's the control used in Kindle for Windows Phone 7 - windows

I was wondering what kind of control Amazon has used to display text in their application for Windows Phone 7 ? It must be some kind of custom ones because if I remember correctly there's not support for FlowDocument, Run etc in WP7.

<Run> is supported on WindowsPhone7 - e.g. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-SG/wpf/thread/ca27556a-a33b-4d4e-82b4-a0ed8596d6a1 - you can see Run used in lots of apps - e.g. the official Twitter app.
This question - Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7) - analyses the Kindle UI control a little bit - it leads me to think that Amazon are using a TextBlock control for the main page, and are doing some manual calculations to work out how many words are on the current page.

Kindle ebooks are primarily HTML (output of conversion from multiple formats), so it would be some kind of WebBrower control.

They haven't detailed this publicly.
I strongly suspect that they have their own controls to wrap a canvas which they dynamically populate with the text and then animate with their own manipulation code.


Is there a name for the Windows 9x/2k style of software UI design? As in, the grey-tone, grey square button, partitioned with black pinstripes?

Image of example software here
Is there a particular name by which this style is known in UI design circles?
Your screenshot looks more like XP/Vista.
I don't know if it had a specific name at the time, it was just how most 32-bit applications looked. All common controls and common dialogs had this look and any custom controls using GetSysColor would mimic it.
Going even further back, in 16-bit Windows version 1 and 2 were flat and in version 3 this "3D" look started to take over. The dialog box API for example gained the DS_3DLOOK flag. See this blog post for more.
These days the Windows 95 look without Visual Styles is often called "Windows Classic"/"Classic Theme".

Adding custom Button to AppBarButton in Windows Phone 8.1

Just getting into Windows Phone 8.1 development.
I quite like it but I am struggling getting accurate development info.
I am working with the Page.BottomAppBar.
I want to use an png image I have created as one of the buttons.
Does this image I created have to be:
A certain size
A certain format
A certain choice of colors i.e. i can use multiple colors and not just black and white
I am looking to create a 'Login' button you see.
Please, check the official Microsoft guidelines for app bars for Windows store and guidelines for windows phone. Guidelines cover icons, sizes and formats. It's better to follow them in designing visual style of your app.

Evernote and Producteev GUI Toolkit

I was looking at Evernote and Producteev for Windows and noticed they used similar GUI toolkits. What tookit(s) are they using? Here's some links., Producteev. (Check the Windows Screenshots) and Evernote.
I am the programmer for the Windows desktop application for Producteev. We didn't use any toolkits for the GUI. All of the UI code was written from scratch based on designs from our in-house artist. We drew a little bit of influence from Evernote (particularly in the toolbar area) to give a familiar look to the application, so that's why there's some similarities.
The application itself is written in C#, and I use GDI+ to make all the drawing calls. There are about a dozen custom-written controls, including buttons (some of which bring down menus), glowing text boxes, list boxes (for tasks). There's also another collection of them to replace for all of the default Windows controls in order to force anti-aliased text rasterizing.

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.

Silverlight - Taking a "screenshot" from within silverlight itself?

This is kind of vague as the control has not been designed yet and I thought I would ask before going with it.
I will have a control that shows an object within Silverlight.
The user can rotate the object etc.
Now, the user needs to be able to copy what they see to an image. Is this possible somehow, or do I have to render it somewhere else?
So it's not a screenshot per se, but a printable image of a specific control / area of the screen.
In Silverlight 3 there is way to write XAML to WriteableBitmap. Technique is shown in above blog.
