VS2010 Intellisense behavior change (not fixed by ctrl-alt-space) - visual-studio-2010

All of a sudden I've lost automatic Intellisense in my projects. And now I'm doubting I ever had it because it's something I just took for granted.
Now, if I type in System. nothing pops up automatically until I hit ctrl-space.
I've tried the suggested "ctrl-alt-space" to toggle intellisense Completion Mode, but that only adds or removes a search box at the top of the Intellisense window, which I still have to bring up with "ctrl-space"
Am I crazy? Isn't the default mode of Intellisense to popup suggestions after you type in object. ?

It is a setting, it could be turned off if you recently played with an add-on that you subsequently uninstalled. For example. Tools + Options, Text Editor, All Languages. Ensure the "Auto list members" checkbox is ticked.

If you are using C#, go to Tools -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense. Make sure "Show completion list after a character is typed" is checked.


Recommendations overlap in Visual Studio

I do not know how, but when writing code, two panels open for suggestions and both are opened in a row. Unfortunately I couldn't find how to solve it.
These things sometimes be caused by plugins like CodeRush and Resharper that working together. I think it is necessary to use only one of these plugins. But I am not sure. The problem seems to be caused by the window being unable to be adjusted.
You can follow these steps from Visual Studio.
Window -> Close All Documents
Window -> Reset Window Layout
Exit Visual Studio to be sure, then go back in.
When the same happens to me, update:
In fact, the overlapping things are that both Resharper and IntelliSense show completion list after a character is typed. To prevent this, it is necessary to turn off either the Resharper or IntelliSense related feature. I prefered to close IntelliSense's completion list with help from this site. For this, I followed these steps:
From Visual Studio, select “Tools” > “Options“.
Select “Text Editor” in the left pane.
Select the language you are using (C#, C++, Basic, etc.).
For C# and Basic, choose “IntelliSense“. For C or C++, choose “Advanced“, then scroll to the “IntelliSense” section.
For C# and Basic, check the “Show completion list after a character is typed” to disable it. For C/C++, you will have a few options, such as “Disable Auto Updating“, “Disable Squiggles“, and “Disable #include “Auto Complete“. Set any of these to “True” to turn them off.

VS 2012 Intellisense suggests treeChild instead of true

My intellisense almost always goes for "treeChild" when I start typing tr, instead of "true". It's a really small thing, but it's kinda annoying since I will sometimes accidentally press return and it puts treeChild into my bool.
Any ideas why this is or how to get rid of it?
I never even used treeChild. Or looked at it.
In VS 2012, IntelliSense can pre-select the members that you have recently selected in the pop-up List Members box for automatic object name completion, during your current session in the IDE. You can check this: IntelliSense for Most Recently Used Members
To turn off this default behavior, go to Tools-Options-Text Editor-C#-IntelliSense and uncheck the option “Pre-select most recently used member” as below, then click ‘OK’ to save this modification.

Enabling/disabling bookmarks in Visual Studio

My bookmark window looks like this:
Yesterday though suddenly and out of nowhere there were one check box at the left of each bookmark. Until then I didn't know (or didn't care) that you can enable and disable bookmarks in Visual Studio (2012).
Today the checkboxes are gone. :-( I can still enable and disable them via the menu option Edit -> Bookmarks -> Enable Bookmark. I could assign this function to a shortcut key combo, I guess.
But how can I get the check boxes back?
Update: The same applies to VS2013.
Update: ... and to VS2015.
Update: Also to VS2017.
From my point of view this is a VS-Bug.
My CheckBoxes are also "away" or better seems to be away. When you click the position where the CheckBox actually is it still works.
Means: When I click left to the bookmark "flag" (where check box normally is) the bookmarks still can be enable/disabled.
This has been fixed in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
BTW: This is the original thread in connect.microsoft:
Bookmark Window: Checkbox for enabling/disabling bookmarks is invisible

How do I stop Visual Studio 2013 jumping out of quotes when I type a space in web editor?

When I'm typing the value of an attribute and I hit space, it automatically jumps to the next attribute. I guess this makes sense when typing an id or something but it's really annoying when typing the class attribute with multiple classes. Does anyone know a way to change this behavior?
The behavior you describe is a function of the IntelliSense "auto list members" feature. You can work around the annoyance by disabling "Auto list members" for HTML. Note: you can also do this for other languages.
To disable "auto list members" for HTML go to:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > General:
uncheck "Auto list members"
Unchecking this option will prevent the "jumping" behavior you describe but will also prevent the IntelliSense list from automatically displaying. Probably not a big deal since you can just press CTRL+J to display it when you need it.

How do I turn off intellisense for javascript?

While editing javascript content VisualStudio is starting to bug me with how it keeps inserting highlighted suggestions. For example it keeps inserting valueOf( if I type val(. This is really annoying.
I want to invoke intellisense manually just like I can with C#, is there any way of turning off the auto-complete suggestion or at least preventing it from selecting an entry for me?
In Visual Studio Tools > Options > Text Editor > JScript
In corresponding panel as Statement completion
Uncheck Autolist members & Parameter Information
I think that should do the trick
I realize resharper isn't mentioned in the question, however there is an easy solution if you're using it.
Navigate to Resharper -> Options -> Intellisense -> Completing Character. Once there, add ".val(" to the "Do not complete on" text field beside the JavaScript row.
Like so:
I tried Myra's solution but it didn't solve it completely for me due to ReSharper. Turned out it was the ReSharper intellisense that autocompleted whatever I was writing to the current/top option in the intellisense list, not the VS default intellisense.
I fixed this by turning off ReSharper's JavaScript support completely by going to ReSharper -> Options -> Products & Features -> Uncheck JavaScript and TypeScript.
This might not be a good solution if you depend on any other JavaScript- or TypeScript-related features in ReSharper but I finally got control of the intellisense. Peace, at last...
(Just to be clear, I still have the "Autolist members" and "Parameter Information" options as described in Myra's post above checked/activated, and the "Only use Tab or Enter to commit" option as described in Brett Ryan's comment above also checked/activated)
for me it was also resharper (replacing my .each with .forEach), and what I did is go to
Resharper -> Options
Environment -> IntelliSense -> Autopopup
select JavaScript tab
"After dot" -> select "Display but do not preselect" in the dropdown
