VS 2012 Intellisense suggests treeChild instead of true - visual-studio

My intellisense almost always goes for "treeChild" when I start typing tr, instead of "true". It's a really small thing, but it's kinda annoying since I will sometimes accidentally press return and it puts treeChild into my bool.
Any ideas why this is or how to get rid of it?
I never even used treeChild. Or looked at it.

In VS 2012, IntelliSense can pre-select the members that you have recently selected in the pop-up List Members box for automatic object name completion, during your current session in the IDE. You can check this: IntelliSense for Most Recently Used Members
To turn off this default behavior, go to Tools-Options-Text Editor-C#-IntelliSense and uncheck the option “Pre-select most recently used member” as below, then click ‘OK’ to save this modification.


In Visual Studio 2019, is it possible to remove entries from Intellisense?

I previously used VS2010. Everything worked fine there. I like my intellisense to automatically accept the top entry when I press space or ;. This is part of a workflow that has served me well for almost 20 years.
With VS 2019, if I type
bool myValue=true;
Since I don't by habit capitalize true, Intellisense immediately replaces my line with this:
bool myValue=truespeechwaveformat_tag;
So... I don't want to kill of Intellisense's behavior-- I just want to say "never, ever, for any reason, suggest truespeechwaveformat_tag" since I have not in my entire career ever used this structure, and will not be starting now.
Is there a way for me to delete that permanently from Intellisense's database? Or put it on ignore?
Is there a way for me to delete that permanently from Intellisense's
database? Or put it on ignore?
truespeechwaveformat_tag seems to be a struct of the file mmreg.h which is from the head file mmreg.h. In VS2019, the Intellisense is a bit different from VS2010.
You can try these:
When you type some letters of true, such as t and r, then the intellisense will lock the true entry in the Intellisense, then use Tab key rather than Space or Enter, Intellisense will choose the entry that best matches. And it works well in my side without any trouble.
In additon, if you still face this abnormal behavior, i think it could be related to VS extensions or some your extra settings.
1) reset your VS settings by Tools-->Import and Export Settings-->Reset all the settings. It will also backup your current settings at the same time and you can 9import it as you want.
2) disable any third party extensions by Extensions--> Manage Extensions-->Installed.
3) delete the .vs hidden folder under the physical path of the solution
Hope it could help you.

VS.NET 2015 Auto Complete / add brackets

Today I installed VS.NET 2015 and thought here are many good features, but I am having issues with several basic features I had in VS2013. I am not sure how I could bring them back.
A simple example, using VB.NET in VS 2015, I write
msg.ShowError "This is my error"
and when I hit enter, it auto adds brackets to it and make it look like this
msg.ShowError ("This is my error")
But now, it doesn't do that, and I have to manually add brackets.
Similarly, if I write something like
lblExported.Text = "This is
It doesn't close the quote automatically, as it was doing in VS2013 and before
lblExported.Text = "This is"
Any idea how to configure it to behave like old way?
I tried enabling
Tools->Options and from the dialog, Text Editor->All Languages->Automatic brace complete, but that didn't worked. Interesting part is that when I save and then re-open the dialog, this checkbox goes back into mixed state.
Thank you

F12 finds all references, not go to definition

Lately my F12 key does not seem to be working as expected in Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1. It should go to the definition of what is selected, but instead it's performing the find all references task - Ctrl+K, R.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can fix this? It is getting quite annoying as I routinely use this shortcut - I am working on a large solution where it sometimes locks visual studio briefly trying to find all references.
I have tried going to Tools -> Options -> Enviroment -> Keyboard -> Reset with no success.
One other thing: it only does it sometimes and I am yet to distinguish a pattern when it does and does not work as expected.
One thing I forgot to say is that when it does not work, the second time I press F12 it does take me to the definition, it's just the first press that finds all references.
You can set any keyboard shortcut to any command.
Type edit.gotodefinition to select the command and press F12 to assign the key.
like this
Maybe there is more than one definition for the class or function in your project?
I had this problem after copy/pasting a class definition. After pressing F12 on the class name, it first brought up a search result showing both files in which the class name was found. If you press F12 another time, it will jump to the first one in the search results.
Did you know that you can use Ctrl + - (Minus) to jump back? :-)
I experienced this exact misbehavior today with VC++ 2013: pressing F12 was no longer jumping to a method's definition, but was instead showing a list of references to that method.
Turns out IntelliSense is required in order for the command Edit.GoToDefinition to work, which I had disabled this morning. Setting Tools>Options>Text editor>C/C++>Advanced>IntelliSense> Disable IntelliSense back to False fixed the problem.
Delete your SUO file before opening your project in Visual Studio. Unfortunately you have to do this every time before opening your project. This will also work when Visual Studio stopped regenerating the designer files.
I had the same issue where my F12 key was not working nor were any of my other Function keys. After spending some frustrating time Googling I found that my fancy keyboard had the function key locked! So check that too before try the Tools-> Options

VS 2010 C# Express - Intellisense not showing all options

I am having a strange problem with IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010 C# Express Edition: when it pops up to show me the list of suggestions, the list is missing valid options.
For example, say I want to add a "KeyDown" event handler to a control, I start typing "someControl.K<Ctrl+Space>", but the popup doesn't list the KeyDown event; actually, it does not contain anything starting with a K (not KeyPress or KeyUp either).
This is not so bad, since simply typing "KeyDown" by hand won't kill me, but it is highly irritating, especially when I am dealing with objects whose members I am not familiar with.
After all, one of the uses of IntelliSense is giving you a quick overview of what Methods/Properties/Fields/etc. the object has to offer - but if it leaves out some of them semi-randomly, that point is rather moot.
(By semi-randomly I mean that, while there does not seem to be any discernable pattern for which members are left out, at least it is consistent in that it is apparently always the same ones that are missing.)
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this phenomenon? A corrupt IntelliSense cache? Is there a way to purge that cache and force a rebuild?
You could try to delete the .sdf and .suo files of your solution (after closing it) and then reopen it.
Also make sure that all Statement Completion options are checked and 'Hide advanced members' is unchecked (see picture).

VS2010 Intellisense behavior change (not fixed by ctrl-alt-space)

All of a sudden I've lost automatic Intellisense in my projects. And now I'm doubting I ever had it because it's something I just took for granted.
Now, if I type in System. nothing pops up automatically until I hit ctrl-space.
I've tried the suggested "ctrl-alt-space" to toggle intellisense Completion Mode, but that only adds or removes a search box at the top of the Intellisense window, which I still have to bring up with "ctrl-space"
Am I crazy? Isn't the default mode of Intellisense to popup suggestions after you type in object. ?
It is a setting, it could be turned off if you recently played with an add-on that you subsequently uninstalled. For example. Tools + Options, Text Editor, All Languages. Ensure the "Auto list members" checkbox is ticked.
If you are using C#, go to Tools -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense. Make sure "Show completion list after a character is typed" is checked.
