Enabling/disabling bookmarks in Visual Studio - visual-studio

My bookmark window looks like this:
Yesterday though suddenly and out of nowhere there were one check box at the left of each bookmark. Until then I didn't know (or didn't care) that you can enable and disable bookmarks in Visual Studio (2012).
Today the checkboxes are gone. :-( I can still enable and disable them via the menu option Edit -> Bookmarks -> Enable Bookmark. I could assign this function to a shortcut key combo, I guess.
But how can I get the check boxes back?
Update: The same applies to VS2013.
Update: ... and to VS2015.
Update: Also to VS2017.

From my point of view this is a VS-Bug.
My CheckBoxes are also "away" or better seems to be away. When you click the position where the CheckBox actually is it still works.
Means: When I click left to the bookmark "flag" (where check box normally is) the bookmarks still can be enable/disabled.

This has been fixed in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
BTW: This is the original thread in connect.microsoft:
Bookmark Window: Checkbox for enabling/disabling bookmarks is invisible


Where is the Sync with active document button in Visual Studio?

Where is the Sync with active document button in Visual Studio?
I know that I can press Alt + Shift + L and I will get the Sync with active document.
I also know that I can enable in the Options the feature to work every time I focus on another file.
But I can not find a button in the VS interface to do that. Is it even present? I would expect such a button be somewhere in the top of the interface of the VS. Somewhere near the comment/uncomment buttons (that is just my feeling that it is there, I have no proofs or reasons to think so).
I know this might sound silly, but I spent about a day trying to figure out where the button went in the latest VS2019 (Version 16.10.2) update.
After one complete day of using the keyboard shortcut instead, I realised that the Icon has changed to a different Icon.
Note: The Track Active Item in Solution Explorer checkbox should be unchecked to see this Icon, as posted by #Sandro Stadler.
Pretty simple.
If you check this option, the document and solution explorer will be automatically synchronized and the icon will be hidden.
Deselect to show the icon in the solution manager.
In VS 2019 it is in the Solution Explorer window:

How to assign a shortcut to the mouse navigation button in Visual Studio?

I'm using VS2010, VS2012 & VS2013.
I want to assign a keyboard shortcut to the back/next navigation buttons to be set to View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward.
In the toold->options->keyboard I can't bind a command shortcut to a mouse-previous nor mouse-next button. Maybe because they are not keyboard-shortcuts...
Is there any way to assign a shortcut to those? (or to any mouse+keyboard shortcuts)
I know they are set by default to do almost the same thing but still I find the Ctrl+- and Ctrl++ (NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward respectively) to be much more predictive and so much more usefull.
I saw this post (which also writes how the mouse-previous and mouse-next button work in VS by default):
How do Visual Studio 2012's navigation buttons behave?
and also the link there on the answer is broken.
This is not possible without a VS extension, which can be found here: Link. Sometimes though, the navigation backwards does not work with the mouse, but works when pressing the button in the interface.

VS2010 Intellisense behavior change (not fixed by ctrl-alt-space)

All of a sudden I've lost automatic Intellisense in my projects. And now I'm doubting I ever had it because it's something I just took for granted.
Now, if I type in System. nothing pops up automatically until I hit ctrl-space.
I've tried the suggested "ctrl-alt-space" to toggle intellisense Completion Mode, but that only adds or removes a search box at the top of the Intellisense window, which I still have to bring up with "ctrl-space"
Am I crazy? Isn't the default mode of Intellisense to popup suggestions after you type in object. ?
It is a setting, it could be turned off if you recently played with an add-on that you subsequently uninstalled. For example. Tools + Options, Text Editor, All Languages. Ensure the "Auto list members" checkbox is ticked.
If you are using C#, go to Tools -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense. Make sure "Show completion list after a character is typed" is checked.

Accidentally Deleted 'Tools' Menu in Visual Studio

I was messing around with my toolbars and menus in Visual Studio 08. I noticed that they were behaving strangely. When I closed the "Customize" dialog, my 'Tools' and 'Help' menu were gone (perhaps more, I can't remember what else was there). I don't want to reset everything, as I have been curtailing the VS environment to my exact liking for over a year now, and I have never saved those settings. I have lots of custom commands quirk fixes all around. I don't relish starting over. I guess the lesson is that I should be saving my settings regularly.
Does anyone know how to get the menus back? I didn't even know it was possible to remove the actual menus (not toolbar items)!
You could try exporting settings from a clean install, find the section with the menus and only import those? I believe the settings file is registered to visual studio so double clicking it should start the import process.
Not to mention, this would become good practice for exporting and backing up your own settings...
Try to right click on a toolbar click on Customize. Then you can select Menu Bar and click on reset. Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try.
You can reopen the toolbar by going to "Window > Reset window layout".
I've only tested it with VS 2019.
BUT, IDK if that's what you're asking about...

Eclipse's tab double click on Visual Studio?

On Eclipse, whenever I double click a tab, it fills the workspace (by hiding all other views like project tree, console, etc).
Is there any way to do this on Visual Studio?
Note: i'm not looking for full screen, just want a way to declutter the workspace but still have access to menus.
Are you after this?
Set shortcuts for the Window.AutoHideAll function and for the Window.ResetWindowLayout function. In order for the ResetWindowLayout to work, you have to export your settings (make sure you select "All Settings") with all windows expanded and then import them again.
ResetWindowLayout will restore all windows to the way they were the last time you imported your settings.
Not with double click on tab, but you can do the same with Shift+Alt+Enter key combination.
This keyboard shorcut was changed to F11 from 1.9.1 vscode version.
All keyboard Shortcuts: https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf
I was looking for that, as well, and I now just got used to using full screen (Shift+Alt+Enter), which hides a little too much, which you seem to think, as well, but does in fact still show the menus.
Looks like drby got it on this one. Just FYI. I pinged the VS team to ask about this and here is the response:
"There is no way to reverse the command automatically. For it to work as a toggle we would need to save which toolwindows were auto hidden and which ones were not when the command was run, which we don’t do (it would cause lots of interesting persistence questions, across profiles and VS sessions)."
The idea of a "Unhide All" command is what I suggested. So if you hide all then you can unhide all as well. There might be some windows you don't want to unhide but the 1 or 2 extra windows is better than not having an unhide IMHO.
