What thing i need to install Webmatrix on offline system? - installation

I want to install Webmatrix in a offline system. Are their anywhere a list i can see to have for instlling them without a thing like ["you need this for this and this for this"].
means i need a list of component and stuff i need to have to install them without any kind of problem in offline system. whereever a problem may be come and because no internet i can't install a require thing if Webmatrix tell me to get them from internet.
Are their anyone can know the thing i need to have to install them in offline system.

You need following to install WebMatrix.
.Net Framework 4.0
IIS Express 7.5
WebPI 3.0
(Below given are optional)
Microsoft asp.net MVC 3 (http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3)
Microsoft asp.net Web Pages (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=300314da-dedd-4540-a236-a0de0a5a534d)


Install Joomla on Windows Server

I read many tutorials about how to install Joomla on Windows Server IIS (No WAMP, XAMPP), but i got confused. Can you please give me instructions how to do it properly, and what tools will i need?
The best way that I found to get everything installed without a lengthy tutorial is to use Microsoft's WebMatrix. It installs all of the prerequisites for you and if you need anything extra components for your projects (s) you can utilize the MS Web Platform afterwards.
Microsoft WebMatrix for Joomla
All you need is a vanilla Windows load and the installer will manage the rest.

Running ASP.NET 4.5 site on host that does not support it?

I use crystaltech for my sites. Yet they have not installed asp.net 4.5 and as far as i can tell have no plans to do so in the near future. Is it possible to run a ASP.NET 4.5 site on a host that does not yet have it installed by uploading ALL the needed DLLs? Apologies in advance if not seen as constructive and closed.
It is not possible to do this. Much of the new 4.5 functionality is provided by the .NET Framework itself, and these binaries (mscorlib.dll, System.dll, System.Web.dll, and others) need to be installed on the machine. They cannot be dropped in the bin/ folder.

How to remove web matrix dependency from web platform installer

I wonder how to remove Web Matrix dependecy from web platform installer.
For example, I saw screencast "how to install wordpress with wpi" and there everything was fine without installinb Web Matrix. This IDE sucks, I have Visual Studio installed, so don't want to install any web matrix components.
The same happens on installing blogEngine.net.
Has anybody dealed with this problem?
When you install applications from the Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer will default to including WebMatrix if you are on a client OS (like Windows XP, Vista, or 7). This is so most users will be able to do something with the application once installed - assuming they don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Now, if you happen to not need WebMatrix, you can change this behavior - you can click on the Options link from within Web Platform Installer and change "Which Web Server would you like to use?" to IIS instead of WebMatrix - this will prevent the chaining in of WebMatrix.
Hope this helps!

Is there a web server which can embeded with an ASP.NET MVC3 application

Is there a web server I can embed with an ASP.NET MVC3 application?
The goal is to setup an installer where the user does not need to setup the web application on IIS, etc. The installer will install a web server configure it to listen to some port and host the files from there.
IIS Express could be used for that purpose, they mention in the FAQ that the MSI can be redistributed:
IIS Express FAQ
You can use HttpListener, Here's an example.
As others have mentioned - use IIS Express OR what you can do is install the version of IIS that would normally be on the system. Check out using WiX for installs and items such as this:
You may be able to find someone on the WiX mailing list that has done just this already.
Note - WiX was written by some Microsoft folks and was actually going to be the installer in VS 2010 but was changed unfortunately.

Installing Team Foundation Server (Migrate from StarTeam)

We are currently using StarTeam as our source control, but I am looking into alternatives. We are licensed for Team Foundation Server so I am thinking of using that as I believe it can integrate with VB6 and VS2010 Prof? (StarTeam doesn't integrate with either - at least the version we have doesn't)
Looking briefly at the features of TFS it seems there is a lot in there. To start with I just want SourceCode control. Does anyone know of a good step by step idiot's guide to setting this up? What needs to be installed where, what needs to be backed up etc, etc?
Also do I need to install anything else on my client to get VS2010 to work with it?
I don't really care about migrating the data from StarTeam but if anyone knows how this can be done I would be interested!
For your Visual Studio clients, you'll have to install Team Explorer - there's an installer on the TFS media, or you can download it separately. Each Visual Studio has to have a matching Team Explorer version installed (so if you have VS2008, you'll have to install Team Explorer for 2008), but to access later TFS servers, you generally have to install an extra update. For VB 6 (or VS2003), you'll have to use the TFS MSSCCI provider.
As to installing the server, all I'd recommend is install it somewhere first and play around with it before you install it for production use - get some familiarity with it. The install process is relatively straightforward.
