Installing Team Foundation Server (Migrate from StarTeam) - visual-studio-2010

We are currently using StarTeam as our source control, but I am looking into alternatives. We are licensed for Team Foundation Server so I am thinking of using that as I believe it can integrate with VB6 and VS2010 Prof? (StarTeam doesn't integrate with either - at least the version we have doesn't)
Looking briefly at the features of TFS it seems there is a lot in there. To start with I just want SourceCode control. Does anyone know of a good step by step idiot's guide to setting this up? What needs to be installed where, what needs to be backed up etc, etc?
Also do I need to install anything else on my client to get VS2010 to work with it?
I don't really care about migrating the data from StarTeam but if anyone knows how this can be done I would be interested!

For your Visual Studio clients, you'll have to install Team Explorer - there's an installer on the TFS media, or you can download it separately. Each Visual Studio has to have a matching Team Explorer version installed (so if you have VS2008, you'll have to install Team Explorer for 2008), but to access later TFS servers, you generally have to install an extra update. For VB 6 (or VS2003), you'll have to use the TFS MSSCCI provider.
As to installing the server, all I'd recommend is install it somewhere first and play around with it before you install it for production use - get some familiarity with it. The install process is relatively straightforward.


Issue installing Microsoft Viual Studio Community edition v2017

I've been trying to install VSCommunity Edition for the last few hours with no luck. If you check the screenshot attached. You'll see that I can change the directories for installation for the first 2 requirements, but im unable to change the directory for the 3rd option (the SDK install along with others) which just happen to be the very large percentage of files. It's wanting to install over 45gb of files on my C Drive which is just a 50gb SSD.
enter image description here
I want to switch to D, and the only thing i can see fro any of the Microsoft help docs and posts is "You can change this upon fresh installation".
Which this is. I've uninstalled anything else remotely like it just to be sure.
Do any of you have any ideas or any experience with this issue, or anything i can try? I simply don't have enough space to install on C, and because of this, i can't start learning c# which is required for work.
Thanks so much in advance guys, it's really getting me worried now.
Although I can only guess why Visual Studio is locking down the SDK path, here's a few workarounds and recommendations:
In your screenshot, the installer warns you about possible performance effects of installing Visual Studio on your D drive. I assume this is because your D drive is not an SSD. Microsoft's Visual Studio system requirements document recommends that you install to an SSD, and based on community experience, this is one recommendation you really want to stick to, otherwise IDE responsiveness may be well below your expectations, especially if you decide to install extensions in future.
Instead, you might want to reconsider the set of components that you're installing. If you're only getting started with C#, you'll probably be just fine with developing class libraries, console and web applications targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core. If this is the case, you might want to go to the Workloads tab in the installer and opt out of some of the heaviest workloads (such as Mobile development with .NET). Consider only installing .NET desktop development, ASP.NET and web development, Azure development and .NET Core cross-platform development. If you only select these, your installation is going to be much slimmer.
If minimizing Visual Studio installation as shown above isn't enough, consider an alternative way of setting up your .NET development environment. For example, you can download and install .NET Core SDK and .NET Core Runtime, and use one of the two most prominent alternative code editors: Visual Studio Code or JetBrains Rider that are both quite compact.

Run VS-project on OSX

I want to join as a team member doing web design work in an ASP.NET/C# project.
The project is setup in Windows environment using TFS for source control.
However, I work on OSX and would love to be able to work in the project without having to setup a developing environment using Parallels or so.
Visual Studio Code seemed promising and I installed a TFS plug-in, but I have no idea how to connect to the project and run it on a http://localhost.
Is there a good way to do this?
(I am more of a designer than a tech person so please bear with me and my stupid questions :))
Visual Studio Code is certainly one way to view code in C#, but you can't really run it unless you're in .NET Core. I think you may be able to debug with Mono, so that might be worth a look first to see if your application is supported through that route. I've heard that Visual Studio will be available cross-platform sometime in the future (which will be amazing), but for now, the IDE is only available for Windows.
You can try using MonoDevelop which looks like a C# IDE for Mac ( and there's also Xamarin Studio ( See this StackOverflow thread.
As for TFS, if you're using Git, you can easily connect to TFS using the server as a remote for your local repo (or clone the TFS instance onto your local machine), or you can use the command-line for Team Explorer Everywhere.

SSIS packages failing to load in VS 2008

I have a problem when trying to load an SSIS package in VS 2008. In the about it says it has "SQL Server Integration Services" installed but on loading a package I get a message that says:
Microsoft Vistual Studio is unable to load this document:
To design
Integration Services packages in Business Intelligence Development
Studio, Integration Services has to be installed by one of these
editions of SQL Server 2008: Standard, Enterprise, Developer or
Evaluation. To install Integration Services, run SQL Server Setup and
select Integration Services.
I thought maybe it was a version problem so I thought I'd look at a new Intergation Services project to play spot the difference. However when I told visual studio to create a new IS project (which was in the list quite happily) it created it and then gave me the above error message again.
To give some idea about my environment I have several version of Visual Studio (2k5, 2k8, 2k10) and several version of SQL server (2k5, 2k8) so I don't know if there is some confusion between versions...
The other thing that I am wondering is if there is a problem with what order things got installed in (ie my VS2008 wasn't installed when SSIS stuff was installed).
I am hoping there is a simple approach to this that won't mean reinstalling things. I can go to our IT to ask them to try to get it working but that would take some time. If it does come to that though I'd like to have some idea of what I should ask them to install since it does seem to be all installed currently...
So if anybody can either a) help me work out precisely what components are installed and what is missing that would be great. Bonus points for helping fix it without needing the install media...
Edit: A thought occurs to me. Coudl it be that I only have 2005 Integration Services installed? If so how can I determine that? And I still am not sure why VS is behaving as it is and letting me create a project but no SSIS in it, even if they were older versions...
Edit: Also it seems that if I load up VS 2005 I can create IS projects but of course can't load up the newer SSIS packages, I assume because they are from a newer version maybe...
Edit: Version information for SSIS in VS 2008:
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
The following line can tell you the version of the package:
<DTS:Property DTS:Name="PackageFormatVersion">3</DTS:Property>
3 is for 2008, 2 is 2005 and 6 is 2012.
By the way, how patched is your system? The 10.0.1600.22 does sound like the original installation of 2008. Try to install SP3 and the latest cumulative update - this will bring your installation to 10.00.5788 and the issue might go away.
If you previously had the components from a Express 2008 installation, and then you install an Standard, Enterprise, Developer or Evaluation, instead of actually installing a new instance/components (probably you see Integration Services grayed out) use the Upgrade option of the SQL Server 2008 setup, and then VS will load perfectly the DTSX file.

Building webparts with Visual Studio 2010 Express

I'm trying to get started with building my own webparts, planning to follow this MSDN article.
I've downloaded Visual C# 2010 Express - I'm not quite at the point where I feel comfortable dropping 1000 big ones yet, and I installed Visual Web Developer 2010 Express via the WPInstaller.
Following through the tutorial, aside from the fact that I don't get the option to create a "Web Control Library", a gap I filled with this article, I can't seem to find the sn.exe tool (or the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt"!).
I know it's not quite a direct programming related question, but I can't even get the thing going yet!
Any help is appreciated.
I think I may be jumping the gun quite considerably, I wrote a simple hello world example and tried to build it but it doesn't have any references to the Microsoft.SharePoint packages and they don't appear in my lists.
Am I understanding some more research I've done (namely this) correctly, in that I have to actually have a full installation of actual SharePoint on the machine I'm developing on?
sn.exe is part of the .Net Framework SDK tools - not actually part of Visual Studio.
If you've got the SDK installed (which I think you must have if you're using VS) then it will be in a directory such as (depending on which version of .NET SDK you've got installed)
c:\program files\\SDK\v2.0\Bin
You can develop SharePoint web parts with VS express but you won't be able to use extensions like VSeWSS which can make your life a little easier.
You don't have develop on a machine with SharePoint installed upon - you can just copy the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly from a machine with it installed on and reference it in your project.
There are pros and cons to developing on a SharePoint machine.
Its easier to get started -
especially debugging locally rather
than remote debugging.
Harder to be
sure that you're code will work a
'real server' - are you sure you
don't have any dependencies that may
not be installed.
Harder to work with
multiple versions of SharePoint (2007
WSS and MOSS and 2010 foundation,
server etc).
If you do want to work with a locally installed SharePoint then
You can install windows server OS with SharePoint and Visual Studio.
there is a hack for installing SharePoint 2007 on vista (referenced in the SO article you link to)
you can install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows 7 (but I am not sure what the licensing restrictions are - is this maybe something thats given through MSDN?)
If you decide to go with the remote server installation then save yourself some grief and use virtualization such as VMWare Server, Virtual PC or Hyper-V.
If you are doing SharePoint development trying to reference the Microsoft.SharePoint namespaces you need to have SharePoint installed on the machine if you want to do things like debugging, etc. For SP 2010 you CAN install SharePoint on a Win 7 machine. For previous versions of SharePoint, you will need to setup a Server that is Server 2003 or Server 2008 (you can't install SP 2007 and earlier on client machines). Generally this is a Virtual Machine for developers.
Having said all of that, there are relatively few reasons you need SharePoint to develop a WebPart. The vast majority of the WebPart functionality is part of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts namespace. Even if I am accessing SharePoint data, I generally use the ASP.NET web part.
If you are trying to use the new SharePoint VS 2010 functionality to create Visual Web Parts, etc, then you will need to install SP 2010, since that functionality is not supported in earlier version of SharePoint.

Bug Tracking for Windows and SVN

I'm working as part of a volunatry team creating an open source product with a permissive license. We are currently using Visual SVN Server/TortoiseSVN for source control and TeamCity for our continuous integration builds.
I would like to add a bug tracking component into the mix that will integrate into SVN. Ideally, I'd like to use FogBugz but we have no budget. So, I need an alternative. The requirements are:
Must be free or have a free version supporting at least 20 developers (we're volunteers!)
Must integrate with VisualSVN Server
Must run on Windows
I prefer Microsoft technology (ASP.Net over PHP; SQL Server over MySQL, etc) because we are a Microsoft shop, we have experience with those tools and already have them installed.
Must be able to work with a geographically distributed team
Must work with Express editions of Visual Studio (the developers don't all have the Pro version so we can't rely on Visual Studio add-ins).
I'd like The Community's recommendations, please, for products that meet all of the above requirements.
[Clarification: our license is very close (though not word-for-word) to the MIT license.]
Trac: It is not a Microsoft technology but will integrate well into SVN. There are not many free bug tracking software's that are free on Microsoft technology.
JIRA is free for open source projects and will run on Windows. Subversion integration is available and provided through a plugin.
Try Bugzilla.
Is free
I do not know if integrates with SVN... but I suppose the answer is YES.
Runs on Windows - you must set up few
components, but it actually runs
prety well on IIS, however
installation is a bit tricky.
Bugzilla is Perl and MySQL. However,
as I said I had installed succesfully
Bugzilla on Windows 2003.
Installation of MySql and Perl does
not take a lot of server resources -
we had those two on our ASP.NET +
MSSQL test server, and no performacne
drop had been observed.
Works with distributed team.
Try InDefero, you can even get the hosted way for free if your project is not that big in size.
